CLICK Environmental Ethics: An Introduction to Environmental Philosophy by Joseph R. DesJardins iphone kindle cheap free shop

CLICK Environmental Ethics: An Introduction to Environmental Philosophy by Joseph R. DesJardins iphone kindle cheap free shop

CLICK Environmental Ethics: An Introduction to Environmental Philosophy by Joseph R. DesJardins iphone kindle cheap free shop

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Book description
It starts out as a review of philosophy of natural sciences and economics. I found the discussion on the existence of objectivity espescially illuminating. DesJardins moves on to discuss how different views of ethics influence conceptions of environment. After the introductory chapters the book describes biocentrism, ecocentrism and its variations including animal-rights philosophies, deep-ecology, ecofeminism and social ecology. He provides good examples of how conflicting views of ethics translates to disputes in environmental management.The books relatively easy language and the reviews of (even well-known) thinkers made it accessible for a novice like myself. However, it was still not an easy read. The short 20-ish page chapters still took me quite some time to read, digest, and summarise. Highly recommended!
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