CLICK Dracula: A BabyLit® Counting Primer by Jennifer Adams iBooks look doc online ebay

CLICK Dracula: A BabyLit® Counting Primer by Jennifer Adams iBooks look doc online ebay

CLICK Dracula: A BabyLit® Counting Primer by Jennifer Adams iBooks look doc online ebay

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Book description
What can I say about a book like this? First of all it is an interesting concept to make baby books based upon well-known literature but unless you are an adult and one who has read the actual story it is going to go over the heads of most little ones while the concept of the story. And even if they arent it will be a long time before they are ready to pick up one of the Classics, maybe longer to just be able to finish reading it. Otherwise the writing and illustrations are really simplistic in their presentation. In the end they basically take apart the book of Dracula and give it as a clean summary form for children and/or adults who are looking over the book while offering them a chance to go over the numbers while also at the same time not ending the book. The actual illustrations probably end up saving this particular book since even though they continue in their dark mode they are cutely made so much that the ominous side is taken away. Instead you have wolves that look like they are trying to grow sparse beards, people a few inches above stick form, rats in their city-wear and no sight of Drac although he is around there somewhere. So if you like the original book and may want to try a hand on teaching little minds then you can definitely enjoy this book. Or if you need a reminder of the book yourself then this may be the way to go without having to consult Cliffnotes.
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