CLICK Divorced In America; Marriage In An Age Of Possibility by Joseph Epstein mobi ibooks ipad

CLICK Divorced In America; Marriage In An Age Of Possibility by Joseph Epstein mobi ibooks ipad

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Book description
The legal details are dated but the rest of the book has stood up, with at least as much wisdom as your average forty-year-old marriage. After Epstein and his wife split in the early 1970s, he took a close look at what Americans expect from marriage, and from divorce, and why. Combining research and analysis with what Ill call impersonal anecdote--rendered in a second-person voice rather than first-person--he developed an account at once specific and universal. This account is potentially useful to both the happily married and the unhappily married, as well as to the soon-to-be married and the soon-to-be unmarried.By divorcing, Epstein and his wife found a needed escape, yet his bias remains very much for the nuclear family despite its inescapable challenges and inherent flaws. In an epilogue, he comments that as more people divorce, and as traditional marriage continues to lose prestige, good marriages will depend, even more than they do now, on selflessness, character, and love. They could well become our rarest works of art. (Jeff B., Readers Services)
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