CLICK Data Modeling Essentials by Graeme Simsion (Goodreads Author) read apple audio direct link get

CLICK Data Modeling Essentials by Graeme Simsion (Goodreads Author) read apple audio direct link get

CLICK Data Modeling Essentials by Graeme Simsion (Goodreads Author) read apple audio direct link get

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Book description
Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition, covers the basics of data modeling while focusing on developing a facility in techniques, rather than a simple familiarization with -the rules-. In order to enable students to apply the basics of data modeling to real models, the book addresses the realities of developing systems in real-world situations by assessing the merits of a variety of possible solutions as well as using language and diagramming methods that represent industry practice.This revised edition has been given significantly expanded coverage and reorganized for greater reader comprehension even as it retains its distinctive hallmarks of readability and usefulness. Beginning with the basics, the book provides a thorough grounding in theory before guiding the reader through the various stages of applied data modeling and database design. Later chapters address advanced subjects, including business rules, data warehousing, enterprise-wide modeling and data management. It includes an entirely new section discussing the development of logical and physical modeling, along with new material describing a powerful technique for model verification. It also provides an excellent resource for additional lectures and exercises.This text is the ideal reference for data modelers, data architects, database designers, DBAs, and systems analysts, as well as undergraduate and graduate-level students looking for a real-world perspective.Thorough coverage of the fundamentals and relevant theory.Recognition and support for the creative side of the process.Expanded coverage of applied data modeling includes new chapters on logical and physical database design.New material describing a powerful technique for model verification.Unique coverage of the practical and human aspects of modeling, such as working with business specialists, managing change, and resolving conflict.
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