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I was looking for something to help me transition from weight watchers into a healthy eating plan of my own. Minna mentioned Kris Carr and sent me a link to her website, and, hooked by KCs enthusiasm and supportive tone, I downloaded the book and decided to start having juices or smoothies for breakfast. At first, I was turned off by ingredients like blue green algae but there were plenty of recipes in there that had veggies that I recognized, so I started with those. After about a week, the produce section, which had formerly been a place to go for stew/soup/salad ingredients became utterly accessible - you can juice or blend pretty much anything, which got me trying things that I hadnt before. And whats even weirder is that Im starting to crave veggies that I used to hate - like beets.Ive read through this book a few times now, and its my go-to, both in the store, when I see a veggie on the shelf and dont know what to do with it, and at home in the morning, if Im at a loss trying to figure out what I want to make.Next, I want to try her crazy sexy diet book and swap out some of my lunches for veggie meals.
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