CLICK Confessions of a Fitness Model: The Ugly Truth about the New Standard for Beauty by Madelyn Moon epub ibooks iphone

CLICK Confessions of a Fitness Model: The Ugly Truth about the New Standard for Beauty by Madelyn Moon epub ibooks iphone

CLICK Confessions of a Fitness Model: The Ugly Truth about the New Standard for Beauty by Madelyn Moon epub ibooks iphone

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Book description
What if you could have six-pack abs? What if you could have perfect, tight glutes? What if you could have a body everyone envied? What if it was going to make you miserable to get there? We live in a society that values looks above all else. We idolize those who are willing to work hard and sacrifice to have the bodies we all wish we could have. And we assume that we’d be happy if we could just control our eating, lose the weight, and get fit. But the truth is much darker than you’d expect. Oftentimes, the search for control leads to obsession. And the quest for health takes a turn down the path to dysfunction and illness. Those who are the leanest and fittest—fitness models and competitors—would seem to be guaranteed health and happiness, according to our warped value system. But behind the spray tans, the tiny bikinis, and the rock-hard bodies lies an uncomfortable truth—the superfit are often miserable and unwell. In Confessions of a Fitness Model, Madelyn Moon takes us inside the world of fitness competition and modelling and reveals the often damaging and compulsive behavior that is required to reach the ranks of the superfit. She shares her story—her mistakes and her anguish—and shows us how she broke free of damaging thoughts about her body. Madelyn left behind the tyranny of calorie counting and body comparison and found new joy in body acceptance and a love of food. Confessions of a Fitness Model provides a roadmap so you can follow her down the path to true health and happiness, no matter what the scale says.
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