CLICK Cold to the Touch by Simon Strantzas (Goodreads Author) read txt on iphone

CLICK Cold to the Touch by Simon Strantzas (Goodreads Author) read txt on iphone

CLICK Cold to the Touch by Simon Strantzas (Goodreads Author) read txt on iphone

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Book description
Reality is a thin translucent membrane that separates this world from the one beyond, and that membrane bends and buckles as we thrust ourselves against it. Through the barrier we see distorted visions, the merest glimpse of which is enough to infect our minds. . . .Thirteen tales of strangeness and surrealism await the reader of this book; stories of loss, despair, and what happens when those without hope meet that which they cannot understand.Two women vacationing far away encounter the mysteries of island life. . . . A trip north of the city to woods and a lake and a sky hungry for more. . . . Snow is falling, reminding the dying of all theyve lost, or the young of all they have yet to lose. . . .The other world, it awaits you in the dark, cold to the touch.Contents: Under the Overpass, The Other Village, The Uninvited Guest, A Seed on Barren Ground, Writing on the Wall, A Chorus of Yesterdays, The Sweetest Song, Pinholes in Black Muslin, Fading Light, Poor Stephanie, Like Falling Snow, Here’s to the Good Life, Cold to the Touch, and Afterword.
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