CLICK Climate Change In the Bible: Bible Scan of Ecological and Environmental Disasters by Jose Cunanan cheap english download buy thepiratebay

CLICK Climate Change In the Bible: Bible Scan of Ecological and Environmental Disasters by Jose Cunanan cheap english download buy thepiratebay

CLICK Climate Change In the Bible: Bible Scan of Ecological and Environmental Disasters by Jose Cunanan cheap english download buy

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Book description
Climate change and ecological upheaval have been with us since the birth of man. From Genesis to the Book of Revelation, the Bible reads like a continually updated news report of earthquakes, exploding volcanoes and natural disasters that leave in their wake flood, famine, pestilence and turmoil.In ‘Climate Change in the Bible,’ anthropologist Jose Pepito Manansala Cunanan pinpoints key scriptural accounts and reveals the responses, coping mechanisms and the dimension faith has played in the survival of mankind.With present-day fears of nuclear leaks and proliferation, food and water shortages, oil spills, thinning ice caps, vanishing forests and the pollution of the very the air we breathe, Dr Cunanan’s astutely-researched book is a key work for anyone interested in climate change, environment, and living in faith and hope.
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