CLICK Ceres: Celestial Legend, Vol. 6: Shuro by Yuu Watase bookshop macbook book german without registering

CLICK Ceres: Celestial Legend, Vol. 6: Shuro by Yuu Watase bookshop macbook book german without registering

CLICK Ceres: Celestial Legend, Vol. 6: Shuro by Yuu Watase bookshop macbook book german without registering

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Book description

Book description
Yuu Watase is an amazing storyteller and draws some gorgeous artwork! She is one of my favorite manga authors and I love everything she has done. The characters in Ceres are amazing and imaginative and extremely easy to relate to. She is able to capture the character’s emotions amazingly with a realistic outlook on life. Aya’s reaction to finding out about her supernatural powers was real and her ongoing fight through all of her problems strikes the reader as something that would ring true. My favorite character was Touya, hot and mysterious with a little bit of attitude thrown in. The series has gory moments and is dark but everything about life is not always peachy as Yuu Watase truthfully is able to point out.Note: this review is about volumes 1-14 .
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