CLICK Brothers Keepers by Donald E. Westlake online touch offline macbook author

CLICK Brothers Keepers by Donald E. Westlake online touch offline macbook author

CLICK Brothers Keepers by Donald E. Westlake online touch offline macbook author

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Book description
Another Westlake thats a pleasure to read. It is, of course, funny as all get-out and silly and light-hearted, yet fundamentally humane - there is a basic kindness in the way he frames his characters and dilemmas. His protagonist here, like the one in A Spy in The Ointment, is a nothing-much guy, seemingly ridiculous, who rises to the occasion and saves the day, out of who knows what inner resources, and then goes back to his normal silliness; I find that very appealing.Also, his reflections on Travel are not as silly as they seem, casting ones morning commute in a new light. So campers and mobile homes are agents of transience and alienation that subvert the whole concept of home life, while the noisy ethnics on the plane subvert the concept of travel by converting their plane seats into a series of front stoops, an extension of community. I am not doing it justice (and am too lazy to copy his actual passages) but the way he does it is kind of neat.The only slightly jarring note is the way the religious backdrop is hand-waived away, Christ is the Name but otherwise has no presence, contemplatives contemplate Travel but not the will of God or anything else of God. Maybe its one of those things where you have to be Catholic to understand; and speaking of which, is the Catholic church really all that ambiguous on sex between unmarried people as Brother Benedict lets on?But all in all, a great read.
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