CLICK Bottom of the River by Samantha Kate (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

CLICK Bottom of the River by Samantha Kate (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

CLICK Bottom of the River by Samantha Kate (Goodreads Author) eReader online read pocket price

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Book description
Anja Bauer is the daughter of rich but cruel parents. Despite her revulsion toward men, they intend to marry her off as quickly as possible. But these plans are interrupted when Anja discovers a contract they signed, selling her soul to a river demon in exchange for lifelong wealth. When Anja confronts her parents about this, she learns the true extent of their wickedness. Alone and distraught, she decides she’d rather die than spend another second in their control. She flees to the riverbank, but as she gives herself up, she learns that the “demon” is very different from the stories her parents told…
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