CLICK Blue Beetle, Vol. 5: Boundaries by Matthew Sturges (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

CLICK Blue Beetle, Vol. 5: Boundaries by Matthew Sturges (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

CLICK Blue Beetle, Vol. 5: Boundaries by Matthew Sturges (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

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Book description
Growing up a teenager in the west Texas heat can be tough, especially for Jaime Reyes--the stellar, armor-wielding superhero known as Blue Beetle! As if balancing homework with having a power-granting, extraterrestrial scarab welded to his spine werent enough, now Jaime faces the arrival of a mysterious group of men sporting super-abilities as they try illegally crossing the Mexican border. And as the protector of both El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, that means double trouble for the teen hero!
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