CLICK Bedtime Tales of Horror: The Fairy Tale by Bradley Poage (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

CLICK Bedtime Tales of Horror: The Fairy Tale by Bradley Poage (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

CLICK Bedtime Tales of Horror: The Fairy Tale by Bradley Poage (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

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Book description
The Fairy Tale is another one of the very many short horror stories by Bradley Poage, in his Bedtime Tales of Horror series. In this episode, parents have told their children for years to stay out of the woods after dark, or the boogey-man would get them! The story worked well to make sure the kids were back home by dark.One Halloween three kids decide to prove to their classmates that the story is all made up, just to scare them into obeying their parents. They went out to find the alleged altar in the woods, make their offering of raw meat, then trap whatever comes to eat the meat... if anything DOES come to eat the meat.But this might not be the best way these kids could have spent their Halloween evening. In fact, they are very surprised by the horrible thing they discover! This 5 page tale of horror may not help you get to sleep at bedtime, but its short enough you can read it just about anywhere, anytime. If you like short horror tales, this is one you might want to read.
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