CLICK Becoming a Vessel God Can Use by Donna Partow (Goodreads Author) mobi online

CLICK Becoming a Vessel God Can Use by Donna Partow (Goodreads Author) mobi online

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Book description
My passion is empowering people. In fact, I was born as Donna M. Power -- so God made my mission pretty obvious from the beginning. Ive written a ridiculous number of books and finally said to myself: Back AWAY from the keyboard...So thats what Ive been doing lately.I like to make the bible practical, because I think we serve a practical God. But Hes also a God of power and when we encounter His principles and live in His presence, we are powerfully changed.My prayer is that people who encounter me, through my books, my online training programs or live events -- my prayer is that they will encounter God and experience His power in a way that shows up in practical ways in their daily life.If my ministry doesnt change people, whats the point? So the tagline on my website reads: Power to Change. Thats what I hope to deliver.I love to read, love to write, love to learn. My greatest gifts are knowledge acquisition, teaching and prophetic prayer. If it were up to me, Id spend all day on a beach reading great books (including the Greatest Book), praying for people, swimming, walking, enjoying the sun and sky. (Maybe I should try my hand at fiction writing...)Please join me on Facebook. Id love to hear how my books have impacted your life: of course, do check out my website/blog. Its filled with helpful stuff -- and I do try to keep it pithy.BlessingsDonna
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