CLICK Becoming Your Spouses Better Half: Why Differences Make a Marriage Great by Rick Johnson (Goodreads Author) original free offline view ios

CLICK Becoming Your Spouses Better Half: Why Differences Make a Marriage Great by Rick Johnson (Goodreads Author) original free offline view ios

CLICK Becoming Your Spouses Better Half: Why Differences Make a Marriage Great by Rick Johnson (Goodreads Author) original free

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Book description
Its no secret that men and women are different. And its no secret that they dont always get along because of these differences, even when they love each other. But having a successful marriage is not about finding the perfect person to marry. Its about loving someone in an unselfish, Christlike manner. Whatever we want out of marriage--unconditional love, forgiveness, passion--that is what we have to give to our spouse. Rick Johnson shows couples how to go beyond merely tolerating each others differences to using those God-given differences to add spice and passion to their relationship.
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