CLICK Beauty and the Badge by Julie Miller (Goodreads Author) amazon italian book portable writer

CLICK Beauty and the Badge by Julie Miller (Goodreads Author) amazon italian book portable writer

CLICK Beauty and the Badge by Julie Miller (Goodreads Author) amazon italian book portable writer

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Book description
When girl next door Beth Rogers pounded on Detective Kevin Groves door in the middle of the night, she awakened not only the cop, but also the die-hard protector. His spunky neighbor had uncovered scandalous secrets about a murder and someone was threatening to silence her...permanently.After one heartbreak too many, Kevin was ready to call it quits. With his brawn and tough-guy looks, no woman had been able to see the caring soul that lurked beneath. But with one look into Beths frightened eyes, the true-blue hero couldnt turn her away. Now, with every step leading them closer to danger, the safest place was in each others arms.
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