CLICK Balm in Gilead by Lanford Wilson free view doc german selling

CLICK Balm in Gilead by Lanford Wilson free view doc german selling

CLICK Balm in Gilead by Lanford Wilson free view doc german selling

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Book description
The setting is an all-night coffee shop on New Yorks upper Broadway, where the riff-raff, the bums, the petty thieves, the lost, the desperate of the big city come together. The movement of the kaleidoscopic in effect, a surging mosaic of overlapping and interrelating speeches and action as separate goals and characters are blended together around a common center. At the core of the play are Joe and Darlene, two young people who would seem to have the strength and the need to transcend the turmoil and ugliness of the life in which they found themselves but are, instead, crushed by it. But their loss is quickly absorbed in the maelstrom, as the others go on desperately seeking the joy and release and purpose in life which will, most certainly, continue to escape them.
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