CLICK Bad Medicine by Suzanne Proulx (Goodreads Author) read purchase how read cheap eng

CLICK Bad Medicine by Suzanne Proulx (Goodreads Author) read purchase how read cheap eng

CLICK Bad Medicine by Suzanne Proulx (Goodreads Author) read purchase how read cheap eng

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Book description
LIFE SUPPORTEarlier in the evening, Victoria Lucci (pronounced lucky) had champagne and a wedding on her mind. When she returns to work in her friends stretch limousine, stark reality sets in. An armed man is loose in the Denver hospital where Vicky is the risk manager. Now dozens of lives are in danger. Vicky finds the crazed gunman herself--he has taken a group hostage in the maternity ward, including a young woman who is about to deliver a baby. While many of the patients flee, Vicky cannot abandon the terrified mother and father. And for Vicky Lucci, the risks are all too clear: what she says and how she behaves in the next six hours will make all the difference between who will live and who will die before the dawn. . . .
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