CLICK Babettes Feast & Other Anecdotes of Destiny by Isak Dinesen full version kickass itunes read eng

CLICK Babettes Feast & Other Anecdotes of Destiny by Isak Dinesen full version kickass itunes read eng

CLICK Babettes Feast & Other Anecdotes of Destiny by Isak Dinesen full version kickass itunes read eng

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Book description
In the classic Babettes Feast, a mysterious Frenchwoman prepares a sumptuous feast for a gathering of religious ascetics and, in doing so, introduces them to the true essence of grace. In The Immortal Story, a miserly old tea-trader living in Canton wishes for power and finds redemption as he turns an oft-told sailors tale into reality for a young man and woman. And in the magnificent novella Ehrengard, Dinesen tells of the powerful yet restrained rapport between a noble Wagnerian beauty and a rakish artist. Hauntingly evoked and sensuously realized, the five stories read and novella collected here have the hold of fairy stories read in childhood . . . of dreams . . . and of our life as dreams (The New York Times).
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