CLICK Avoiding Politics: How Americans Produce Apathy in Everyday Life by Nina Eliasoph tablet access book sale value

CLICK Avoiding Politics: How Americans Produce Apathy in Everyday Life by Nina Eliasoph tablet access book sale value

CLICK Avoiding Politics: How Americans Produce Apathy in Everyday Life by Nina Eliasoph tablet access book sale value

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Book description
Nina Eliasophs vivid portrait of American civic life reveals an intriguing culture of political avoidance. Open-ended political conversation among ordinary citizens is said to be the fount of democracy, but many Americans try hard to avoid appearing to care about politics. To discover how, where, and why Americans create this culture of avoidance, the author accompanied suburban volunteers, activists, and recreation club members for two and a half years, listening to them talk - and avoid talking - about the wider world, both within their groups and in their encounters with government, the media, and corporate authorities. This is a unique book which challenges received ideas about culture, power, and democracy, while exposing the hard work of producing apathy. Its clear exposition of the qualitative methods used also makes it exceptionally useful for students of political and cultural sociology, communications, and politics.
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