CLICK Aint No Grave by S.A. Softley (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

CLICK Aint No Grave by S.A. Softley (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

CLICK Aint No Grave by S.A. Softley (Goodreads Author) review reading pdf read sale

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Book description
When a medical emergency causes a plane to make an emergency landing at an isolated northern Canadian airfield, a single survivor is left to piece together the events that found him unconscious and alone in the medical centre of a recently abandoned ghost town. Naked, sick and hungry, he must use his knowledge and skill to survive the sub-arctic winter and uncover the secrets of the towns final days. His revelations will lead him on a quest to seek redemption and help the scattered survivors of a terrible disaster. Aint No Grave is not your average zombie novel. Introspective and psychological, it is the story of a man coping with survival in a changed world. He will soon discover that he, too, has changed and nothing will ever be the same. Quiet, dark and emotional yet with twists, turns and tense action, Aint No Grave will thrill you and leave you waiting in anticipation for the next instalment. Inspired by apocalyptic, mythological and old western stories, The Penance of Leather Saga is a loose adaptation of the Labours of Heracles set in a modern world reeling from global disaster. Advisory: This book contains occasional violence, sexuality and language that may offend some readers. It is intended for audiences ages 16+
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