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Book description
A story about Bafana, a college kid from Soweto, who fails out of the University of Cape Towns law school, and is forced to move back with his uncle in Chi, Soweto. Embarrassed and ashamed of his failure, Bafana doesnt tell his family and his friends the truth, but tells them UCT is withholding his school records until he can pay a fictitious debt of over 20 000 Rand. This lie sets off humorous events where Bafana has to continue to lie to the people around him to protect himself. The story culminates with all the lies coming back to haunt him in the end.Although their is some humorous moments, the story is rather scattered, with the author spending time discussing certain topics and incidents for a few pages, only for them to never come back into the discussion. For example, there is a portion of the book where one of Bafanas uncles best friend is arrested for a bar fight. Bafana has to defend him in court. He quickly gets the man out of jail on bail. Celebrations ensue in the Chi, because of the victory... What victory? His is only out on jail on bail. Their was another court date set. One could assume the issue wasnt resolved, yet in the story, it is never discussed again.Further, As I read this story, I felt that the book didnt really have a fully developed plot. Yes, Bafana is kicked out of school; yes he has to move in with his Uncle. Yes, his mother is trying to sell the Uncles house so they can make money to pay his non-existent school fees., and eventually, about half way through the book, the house is sold. Bafana takes the money and opens his own law office with a fake degree certificate he purchased from a Nigerian. Soon, he becomes a popular, though not-affluent, lawyer in the township. Hes happy; His mom is happy; everyone seems to be happy. Problem solved with about 80 pages left. A bunch of different problems pop up in the last 80 pages (he sleeps with an in-law, nearly has a fraudulent marriage with a Zim, his uncle dies, he gets beat up for his wallet and clothes, etc), but non really connect to the next. Finally, the book abruptly ends, with him getting busted for all his errors with a couple pages left. His mom and the sister in law he is sleeping with storm into the court room where he is attempting to marry the Zim, and tells him she knows all about the lies. He then moves to Durban, and doesnt speak to them again. This all happens in the last two pages!! Overall, not a great effort.
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