CLICK A Rosicrucian Notebook: The Secret Sciences Used Members of the Order by Willy Schrödter online doc portable kindle wiki

CLICK A Rosicrucian Notebook: The Secret Sciences Used Members of the Order by Willy Schrödter online doc portable kindle wiki

CLICK A Rosicrucian Notebook: The Secret Sciences Used Members of the Order by Willy Schrödter online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description

Book description
Willy Schrodter researched Rosicrucianism and alchemy for many decades and this book is a fun read (if you dont get hung up on all the copious footnotes) in the form of a notebook featuring the connections and insights Schrodter had while investigating various figures such as Christian Rosenkreutz, Trithemius of Sponheim, Papus, Robert Fludd, and others. The book is divided according to particular practices, devices, and instruments used by the Rosicrucians: the Life Light, Blood Telegraphy, Perpetual Lamps, Magnetic Dials, Optics, the Rotae Mundi (Wheel of Life), all of which are fascinating but elusive in terms of extant working models or detailed technical references. The veil of secrecy both invites and frustrates the serious inquirer.This volume should be of interest both to those who entertain a casual curiosity about alchemy and Rosicrucian spiritual science and those who have a more scholarly and bibliographic interest. It may inspire you to look into some of the source material such as the Fama Fraternitatis, the Confessio, the Secret Symbols, and the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. These are the fundamental texts of Rosicrucianism.
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