CLICK A Night at the Asylum by Jade McCahon (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

CLICK A Night at the Asylum by Jade McCahon (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

CLICK A Night at the Asylum by Jade McCahon (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

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Book description
Sara Featherstone is a loser. At twenty she is still indentured to her parents, her best friend is a closet clairvoyant, and her long time boyfriend just dumped her and refuses to tell her why. Five years ago her world ended with her brother, Tommy, running his motorcycle into a tree, and the life she might have led had never started. Catapulted into the dark streets after a visitation from Tommy, Sara has no idea that all that wasted time is about to catch up with her. A chance encounter with a man wielding a knife sets in motion a chain of events so bizarre that Sara will soon question everything she has ever believed. From her boyfriends fidelity to her best friends innocence to what her brother knew about a missing classmate, irony is about to make Sara its bitch, and the next twelve hours might be her last.
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