CLICK A Fool Among Fools by John Terracuso read pdf on ipad

CLICK A Fool Among Fools by John Terracuso read pdf on ipad

CLICK A Fool Among Fools by John Terracuso read pdf on ipad

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Book description
Its 1986. Ronald Reagan is in the White House, Molly Ringwald is on the cover of Time and 29-year-old Michael Gregoretti is a struggling, underpaid copywriter at a big New York ad agency. Hed rather be writing plays; instead, hes writing awful commercials for a moisturizer formulated to conquer that dire, life-threatening condition: handruff.Michael reluctantly accepts an assignment on a brand-new (and very secret) product – an aerosol butter – hoping it will lead to the kind of work that will land him a better job at another agency. But theres a catch: Working on this new account will also mean working for the rigid, compulsive and quite possibly insane Gwen Hammond, who thinks that Michael, with his off-the-wall ideas and unconventional campaigns, is just too much of a rebel to work with such a conservative client.To further complicate life, Michael meets and falls for Craig Connolly, an absolute dreamboat from the South with a voice like FM radio and a face to match. Craig claims hed like to be in a relationship and Michael wants to believe it. The problem is, Craig is already married – to his job.Michael survives it all with the help of his two best friends: Irene Lucca, a witty book editor with a flair for vintage clothing and an eye for the art director Michael works with, and Anthony DeLorenzo, Michaels wise (and wisecracking) roommate and staunchest supporter.By the time A Fool Among Fools ends, Michael has battled stuffy clients and stifling supervisors, written and produced what just might be the worst commercials in the history of advertising, found and lost love, and managed to keep himself – and the reader – laughing along the way.
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