CLICK A Cowboy for Christmas by Lacy Williams (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

CLICK A Cowboy for Christmas by Lacy Williams (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

CLICK A Cowboy for Christmas by Lacy Williams (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

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Book description
From USA Today bestselling author Lacy Williams comes a story of redemption and hope renewed.Redemption Ranch After an accident leaves her injured, Daisy Richards stays secluded at her familys Wyoming ranch to avoid the towns gawking stares. Yet handsome cowboy newcomer Ricky White insists she can do anything she dreams--ride a horse, decorate a Christmas tree...even steal a mans heart. Once a reckless cad, Ricky is to blame for what happened to Daisy. Now reformed, he wants to make amends by setting things right for his bosss beautiful daughter in time for the holidays. But Daisy doesnt know Rickys responsible for her predicament. When the truth is revealed, will he lose the greatest gift hes ever received--her trust? Wyoming Legacy: United by family, destined for love
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