CLICK 911 by Scarlet Blackwell free kindle download amazon tom

CLICK 911 by Scarlet Blackwell free kindle download amazon tom

CLICK 911 by Scarlet Blackwell free kindle download amazon tom

> READ BOOK > 911



Book description

Book description
Ten years after the horror of 9/11 and the loss of his firefighter partner Justin, former NYPD cop Damon Summerfield is back in New York for Christmas with his family. Still deep in mourning with no end in sight, he visits Justins favourite bar near Ground Zero and there meets Simon, a member of the FDNY and fellow survivor of 9/11. Damon cant bear to give their attraction a chance, not when he thinks Simons job will tear them apart someday... Can Simon help Damon with his grief and can they build a future together? CONTENT ADVISORY: This title contains a HFN ending.
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