CLICK 101 Artists To Listen To Before You Die by Ricardo Cavolo (Illustrations) epub ibooks iphone

CLICK 101 Artists To Listen To Before You Die by Ricardo Cavolo (Illustrations) epub ibooks iphone

CLICK 101 Artists To Listen To Before You Die by Ricardo Cavolo (Illustrations) epub ibooks iphone

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Book description
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA graphic novel in the form of Ricardo Cavolo’s personal diary, which follows the story of music through 101 essential artists; from Bach to Radiohead, to Amy Winehouse, Nirvana and Daft Punk. With over one hundred uniquely colorful illustrations and handwritten text, lists, notes, and personal anecdotes this is a book to delight in.Ricardo Cavolo is fast becoming recognized as one of the most exciting illustrators to come out of Spain. He was previously art director at several advertising agencies before he realized his colorful tattooed beings and iconography should be shown to the world. His illustrations offer a wide range of narratives that invite the viewer to relate and form a notion of the subject. He has done commercial illustrations for Y&R, Leo Burnett, Urban Outfitters, Converse, and Nike. He now lives in Brighton.
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