

Cardstack is an open source framework and consensus protocol that promotes the use of blockchain and scalability for the mass market; creating a decentralized software ecosystem that will challenge the digital superpowers of this century. Cardstack is a layer of decentralized Internet experience that its creations believe to build a robust user experience across the block and the cloud to bring the decentralized protocol to the mass market.

The App Store era is turning software functionality into a standard native application, which typically does not communicate with each other and forces users to choose between several overlapping features to shape their workflow. As the software enters the cloud, users must manage multiple software subscriptions as a cloud-based service (SaaS) and choose the right plan to optimize costs across all required features. The emergence of blockchain and decentralization applications (dApps) makes the situation difficult by requiring users to acquire and manage utility chip supplies for each function that creates their software stacks.

Developers can use Cardstack Framework, a comprehensive SDK to create powerful card-based blocking applications. Build anything using modular stories and discovery containers. Easily create custom workflows using Cardstack Hub, which organizes data transfers and values ​​across multiple chain blocks and clouds. Use predefined functions such as search index, real-time notifications, uniform user permissions, flexible container distribution, and more. Everything is updated and 100% open source.

Our mission is to build an economically sustainable software ecosystem that fights back against the rampant lock in mechanisms of centralized platforms. Website:


Cardstack is building a new experience layer that helps users orchestrate their interactions across the Apps they use,ushering in the age of mass market adoption of decentralized technologies in an open ecosystem.

Cardstack Layer System


With this opportunity, We invite you to enlarge this Platform, to reach the Broader Society. We will release the Token under the name “CST Token ”, here is the data.




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