CARBONEUM: Social Democratic Trading Platform

CARBONEUM: Social Democratic Trading Platform


A new era has come Technologies are changing the world. What previously seemed to be impossible, today is already the reality. 

Let us understand what project Carboneum is all about

Carboneum is an openly distributed protocol owned by every single user. Where traditional social trading platform helps solve complexity problem, it still lacks transparency and remains vulnerable to single point of failure risk. The platform will be completely immune to such problems. It is built to sustain and scale with a sound revenue model where perfect alignment of interests is structured.

Carboneum is creating a decentralized social trading platform, named CoinRadars.


On CoinRadars, Ethereum is implemented primarily on the fundamental point of relationship in social trading mechanism, helping the system to identify and obligate one user to another, or in specific, a follower to a leader, via smart contracts. It also gives permission for the platform to standardize rules, penalty and settlement practice through such on-chain technology.

We aim to create a trading and investment platform for digital assets and cryptocurrencies which authorizes the greatest degree of knowledge sharing, promotes the purest form of transparency whereby all trading activities and actions are recorded and become totally traceable, verifiable and auditable via utilization of blockchain technology. And most importantly, we are extremely determined to build a tool that helps simplify the trading decision for newcomers, who by and large are not as technologically and technically educated, compared to those industry veterans, by implementing the concepts of social trading/copy trading.

A blockchain is a digital ledger that keeps track of information about a transaction associating multiple parties. The ledger is decentralized and immutable. No one member can see all the information in the chain, nor they can change or delete data in the ledger. Blockchains setup a permanent and secure audit trail of all events, making it safer for participants to use the internet to conduct business.


Reason 1

CoinRadars- the decentralized social trading platform will not only help borderless digital assets trading more reachable, but originates investments in digital assets and cryptocurrencies to be more simple, attainable and practicable for traders/ dealers and even all and sundry also

Reason 2

Straightforwardness/ Ingenuousness

Carboneum has been constituting the CoinRadars, which is fully decentralized and comprehensively self-governing of all exchanges. As far as I concern, CoinRadars is, to some extents, a world-class social trading platform for digital assets. Its core value is contained in 4 pillars: Pellucidity/ transparency; Ingenuousness; Knowledge sharing; Motivated business model

Reason 3

Token Repurchasing Plan

Carboneum shall gradually buy tokens back to curtail the floating volume of C8. The team aims to buy back a half and burn, equal to 100 million of issuing tokens from 2020 to 2022. If it happens, the long-term token holders shall get benefit from and therefore, support rocketing market price

Reason 4

The ICO of C8 is driven by smart contracts. These are applications that define the rules and terms of an agreement or transaction, as well as automatically enforce those rules. The smart contract provides a transaction which occurs exactly as agreed without any middleman needed.

One of the smart contracts involved in the C8’s ICO is the ERC20 token, or the token contract. This controls the token itself, including managing transfers and other functions, based on globally agreed Ethereum-powered (ERC20) standards.

Reason 5

Good and experienced team and advisors

The Carboneum team and advisors, especially Mr Max Kortrakul (CEO), Mr Masashi Yonezawa, Mr Korn Chatikavanij and Mr Sakolkorn Sakavee have deep knowledge of cryptocurrency technology and Asia markets. The leading team will actively manage the CoinRadars platform to compatible to securities, digital assets for investment into blockchain protocols as well as deploy their proprietary active trading strategies. Moreover, their advisors shall act as a resource for the Carboneum principals to engage in involved discussion and advice regarding their investment strategies, criteria and sourcing.


The Key value propositions of CoinRadars are

Transparency, Simplicity, Knowledge Sharing, and Incentivized Business Model. These values makes CoinRadars unique among other synonymous platform.


C8 token is ERC20 smart contract which allows follower to pay their leader and be used in other activities on CoinRadars platform.

Token Name: C8

Token for Sale: 120,000,000

Tokens Hard Cap: USD 12,000,000

Tokens Soft Cap: USD 1,200,000

Token Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 8,000 C8

Distribution of Tokens

60% Pre-Sale & ICO

20% Company

12% Team & Partner

5% Advisor

3% Rewarding Token (user acquisition)

Allocation of Funds

50% Platform and Protocol Development

25% Marketing and Business Development

10% Operating Expenses

10% Research & Consultancy Fee

5% Legal & Compliance Fee

Carboneum Token’ (C8), will be used primarily on, but not exclusively to, social trading features for digital assets. C8 certainly offers other utilities for premium services in the future, such as substantial discount on every type of fee.

For ICO, a fixed amount of 200 million C8 shall be issued and shall never be reproduced in any forms. Out of that amount, 120 million C8 tokens will be offered publicly at a fixed price of 0.1 USD per unit.

The pre-sale period starts on 8 March 2018, followed by the public sale on 11 June 2018.


StockRadars champions crowdsourcing and knowledge sharing to the greatest magnitude and firmly believe the uprising importance of blockchain technology would only further signify a change of investment landscape and provide limitless opportunities in borderless market of digital assets and cryptocurrencies.

StockRadars also managed to achieve 25 percent market penetration based on the number of monthly active internet traders; in every four people who trade stocks online, one of them actively uses StockRadars.

Above all, StockRadars is the only exclusive partnership of LINE Thailand, the provider of a market-leading chat application, in developing a service called LINE FINANCE and together they have accumulated a large and still-growing user base of 4.8 million people.

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Author: funkyies


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