C read write ini file linux

C read write ini file linux

C read write ini file linux

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C++ read write ini file linux

Did you try reading the instructions of installation and usage that come with the package? Но тут стоит ответить на ряд вопросов. While running, it prints some messages telling which features it is checking for. I should save the file inside my project folder and include in my project? What is the easiest way to do it? Be that as it may, my statement was a statement of fact, and not an endorsement. But the footprint is high and my usage is too simple. I got, as you would expect, a healthy dose of the usual anti-MS ranting, but I did eventually get a pointer to a package that someone had developed that looked quite good and useful.

Just raise this point again over where its topical If you care that much, you raise it. В случае ошибки возвращается -1. I need to save parameters values in some file using C in linux. I should save the file inside my project folder and include in my project? Be that as it may, my statement was a statement of fact, and not an endorsement.

What is the easiest way to do it? To install that application, my users need only copy it from wherever it is to wherever they want it. I disagree the first point, but agree the second. INI Parser Library: An INI file parser that can read, edit and create large INI files. Ниже представлен адаптированный прототип read. This gives faster access and easier maintenance. Для изменения текущей позиции чтения-записи используется системный вызов lseek.

C++ read write ini file linux

So now I hope my life will be easier : masheik: I tried the link you gave me and after a bit of trying I succeded running the code from this link. However while this would be vaguely topical over in comp. I must agree with both points.

Of course, Operating System stupidity is OT in news:comp. Как вы вскоре узнаете консольный ввод-вывод - это не более чем частный случай файлового ввода-вывода. It has a ownrules.

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