


Туризм в Бухаресте: благодаря отзывам туристов путешественники могут почерпнуть всю необходимую информацию о Бухаресте на Tripadvisor.

Все сектора имеют свое управление, называемое примэрией. Основан: год Площадь: км 2 Население: 2 чел. Все таможенные правила лучше уточнять перед поездкой. Происхождение названия города имеет несколько версий. Уже тогда здесь появились первые поселения людей. После даков здесь стали жить славяне. После войны провозглашена Народная Республика Румыния. Для сентября характерна мягкая теплая погода. Это благодатное время для посещения Бухареста. Для жителей России непривычным станет довольно скромное оформление подземных станций. Прочитать карту-схему метро достаточно просто. Все фотографии. Любители активного отдыха предпочитают другую зеленую территорию Бухареста. Казино Palace предлагает рулетку, игровые автоматы, традиционные настольные игры. Выступает здесь известный духовой оркестр Fanfare Ciocarlia. Такое разнообразие объединяет поклонников всех музыкальных жанров. Судят конкурс самые знаменитые джазмены мира. Здесь имеется аквапарк Divertiland , занимающий огромную площадь. Выделены специально оборудованные безопасные площадки для малышей. Здесь переплетено все: богатое насыщенное прошлое, яркое настоящее, множество архитектурных стилей, интересная традиционная культура, пышная природа. Несколько зданий были построены при помощи советских войск, например, так называемый Дом Искры. Купить билет на экскурсию по достопримечательностям Бухареста Купить на. Все достопримечательности Бухареста. Более детально с Бухарестом вам помогут ознакомиться русские частные гиды. На проекте Эксперты. Ру зарегистрировано 4 русских гидов в Бухаресте. Румыния славится своими народными промыслами, местными деликатесами, разнообразной сувенирной продукцией. Банкоматов здесь имеется достаточно много. Сувениры продаются повсеместно. Большим спросом пользуются творения румынских ремесленников. Особенно популярна сливовая цуйка. Причем чем больше денег, тем интереснее бонусы. Рынок услуг провайдеров стабильный. В Бухаресте большое количество гостиниц разного уровня, и разместиться здесь на отдых или по работе будет не так сложно. При более экономном подходе к проживанию можно выбрать хостел или апартаменты. Возможна и аренда целых квартир или частных домов. Выбор гостиниц в городе велик: от современных отелей европейского уровня до скромных мини-гостиниц семейного типа беззвездной категории. Цена номера будет зависеть от расположения отеля, его популярности и времени проживания. Но стоит помнить, что движение в центре Бухареста довольно оживленное, да и сами туристы в разгар сезона любят гулять по ночам, поэтому для спокойного сна лучше предпочесть гостиницу в более тихом районе города. Для проживания в номере пятизвездочного отеля придется выкладывать не менее евро в сутки, в стоимость входят лишь завтраки. Койко-место в хостеле будет стоить 12—15 евро. А если добавить сюда питание в недорогих кафе и перемещение общественным транспортом, то вполне можно уложиться в суточные 30 евро на человека. Гостиница в более престижном районе и обеды в хороших ресторанах потребуют не менее евро с одного туриста. Если предстоит путешествовать самостоятельно, то жилье бронируется заранее. Существует множество сайтов, которые помогают зарезервировать нужное место проживания. Но опытные туристы советуют обращаться напрямую в выбранную гостиницу или на ее сайт. Это дает гарантию, что номер будут забронирован, да и обойдется дешевле, ведь посредники за свою работу берут некий процент. В Бухаресте есть гостиницы и с русскоговорящим персоналом. В Бухаресте нет гостиниц с системой all inclusive, но вот завтраки по системе шведский стол обычно включают в стоимость проживания. В номерах традиционно имеется кабельное телевидение, кондиционер, холодильник. Ванные комнаты чаще оборудованы душевыми кабинками. При гостиницах есть охраняемые парковки. Среди самых знаменитых отелей Бухареста — Grand Hotel Continental , находящийся рядом с Национальным художественным музеем. Под стать старинному зданию - и внутренняя изысканная обстановка с антикварной мебелью и дорогими произведениями искусства. Два ресторана и кафе TeKaffe позволят насладиться как национальной румынской, так и европейской кухней. Еще одна роскошная гостиница — Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest — имеет дизайнерское оформление номеров и собственное казино, самое большое в Румынии. В отеле расположены и элитные бутики, СПА-салон и хорошие рестораны. Известна в городе гостиница Hanul lui Manuс, где в году состоялось подписание мирного договора между Россией и Османской империей. Можно поселиться в гостиницах, которые расположены в старинных зданиях, тщательно отремонтированных и оборудованных по последней гостиничной моде. Небольшой отель Rembrandt Hotel имеет всего 16 номеров, но винтажная мебель и строгий интерьер начала XX века придают этому месту неповторимое очарование. А гостиница Villa Romana предлагает всего 5 номеров, каждый из которых обладает неповторимым оформлением. Ванны с высокими ножками на старинный манер установлены прямо в комнатах. Дополняют интерьер различные антикварные вещицы и украшения. Среди самых оригинальных гостиниц Бухареста выделяется отель Marshal Garden Hotel , выкрашенный во все цвета радуги. Номера выполнены ослепительно белым, контраст которому составляют яркие аксессуары. Z Executive Boutique Hotel имеет оформление, сочетающее аристократическую роскошь и современную дизайнерскую мебель оригинальных форм из пластика. Черно-белый дизайн номеров в Hotel Central подчеркивается своеобразной подсветкой, что создает уютную и романтичную обстановку. Ближе к окраинам столицы можно снять недорогой номер в мини-гостинице или пансионате. Бытовые условия здесь самые простые. На въезде в Бухарест расположены мотели, где на ночь можно арендовать комнату за небольшие деньги. Самое дешевое жилье предлагают городские хостелы, которые можно найти как на окраинных Бухареста, так и в центре. Он оформлен в фольклорном румынском стиле и имеет небольшой дворик для отдыха. Pura Vida Sky Hostel также находится в шаговой доступности от многих интересных мест Бухареста. Владельцы предлагают веселые вечеринки и чудесный вид из окон. Симпатичное заведение L ittle Bucharest Old Town Hostel имеет бесплатный Wi-Fi, а также гарантирует проведение различных мероприятий в самом хостеле, от вечеров румынской кухни до сальса-вечеринок. Сегодня можно снять и отдельное жилье. Например, HOMEproject — симпатичный дом, расположенный в историческом центре города. Буквально по соседству от него находятся Ботанический сад, Дворец Президента и множество старинных особняков. Дом имеет три комнаты, которые можно снять и полностью, если едет большая компания. При полном или частичном использовании материалов сайта прямая индексируемая гиперссылка на www. Я здесь был. Все туристы Так же на нашем сайте зарегистрировано 6 человек , проживающих в Бухаресте. Румыния Бухарест Bucharest. Отзывы туристов. Видео Бухареста. Wizz Air откроет рейсы в Петербург из четырёх зарубежных городов. В Бухаресте увеличат туристический налог. Бухарест признан городом с самым высоким потенциалом для развития туризма в Европе. Определены самые дешевые европейские города для поездок на выходные. Самолёт WizzAir сел в Бухаресте из-за звонка о бомбе от обиженной на зятя тёщи. Все новости. Рассказы и отзывы о Бухаресте. Румыния, если хочешь — не бойся! Новогодний трип Знакомьтесь, Бухарест! На задворках Европы окончание. На задворках Европы. Все рассказы. Время перелета: из Москвы — от 3 часов 10 мин. Текущее время в Бухаресте: Валюта Румынский лей. Самолетом Аэропорт Анри Коанды. Поиск авиабилетов в Бухарест. Поиск попутчиков на BlaBlaCar. Поиск автомобиля в прокат. Мы сравниваем все доступные варианты перелётов по вашему запросу, а потом направляем вас для покупки на официальные сайты авиакомпаний и агентств. Стоимость авиабилета, которую вы видите на Aviasales — финальная. Мы убрали все скрытые услуги и галочки. Мы знаем, где купить авиабилеты дешево. Билеты на самолет в стран мира. Поиск и сравнение цен на авиабилеты среди агентств и авиакомпаний. Куда вы хотите поехать? Пара кликов — и можно отправляться в путь прямо с порога. Среди миллионов попутчиков вы легко найдете тех, кто рядом и кому с вами по пути. Добирайтесь до места назначения без пересадок. В поездках с попутчиками не надо беспокоиться об очередях и часах, проведенных в ожидании на станции. Мы сотрудничаем с Blablacar и не берем никаких комиссий — стоимость поездки абсолютно такая же как и на сайте. Rent a car. Поиск по прокатной компании по всему миру 40 пунктов выдачи Простая отмена или изменение вашего бронирования. Отзывы по месяцам Январь 2. Фотографии Бухареста. Крепость Куртя-Веке. Дворец Парламента. Церковь Домна Бэлаша. Дворец Экономики и Потребления. Куда сходить в Бухаресте Зоопарк Бухареста. Дети обожают фотографироваться Резиденция Чаушеску в Бухаресте. Дворец Крецулеску. Дворец Крецулеску удивляет своими каменными кружевами. Архитектором этого невероятно красивого здания был Петр Антонеску Дворец Кантакузино. Дворец Могошоая. При своей жизни Интересные места в Бухаресте Достопримечательности. Достопримечательности 12 Храмы, соборы, мечети 1 Замки, дворцы 4. Музеи 3. Парки развлечений 4 Клубы, концертные площадки 1 Фестивали, праздники, шоу 4. Зоопарки 1 Парки 3. ЖД вокзалы 1 Аэропорты 2. Частные гиды в Бухаресте Более детально с Бухарестом вам помогут ознакомиться русские частные гиды. Олег Можевин 27 экскурсий. Константин Пелин. Светлана Скорик 3 экскурсии. Стэлла Бобеш 10 экскурсий. Блошиный рынок. Нашли неточность? Сообщите нам. О проекте Что такое Туристер. Январь 2 Февраль Март 4. Апрель 2 Май 2 Июнь 7. Июль 12 Август 10 Сентябрь 4. Октябрь 2 Ноябрь 4 Декабрь 1.

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Бухарест — столица Румынии, государства, расположенного в юго-восточной Европе. Город находится в середине Нижнедунайской низменности. Через Бухарест протекает несудоходная река Дымбовица, закованная в гранитную набережную. В северной части столицы находится несколько озер, самое крупное из которых носит название Флоряска. В Бухаресте имеется и искусственный водоем Чишмиджиу, расположенный в одноименном парке.

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Bucharest (Romanian: Bucureşti) is Romania's capital and largest city, as well as the most important industrial and commercial center of the country. With 2 million inhabitants in the city proper and more than million in the urban area, Bucharest is one of the largest cities in Southeastern Europe, the largest city between Berlin and Istanbul. Bucharest is the 5th largest city in the European Union by population within city limits, after Berlin, Madrid, Rome, and Paris.

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Bucharest was first mentioned in documents in It became the capital of Romania in and is the centre of Romanian media, culture, and art. Its architecture is a mix of historical neo-classical and Art Nouveau , interbellum Bauhaus , and art deco , communist era and modern. In recent years, the city has been experiencing an economic and cultural boom. According to the census , 1,, inhabitants live within the city limits, \\\[6\\\] a decrease from the census. Economically, Bucharest is the most prosperous city in Romania. Tradition connects the founding of Bucharest with the name of Bucur , who was a prince, an outlaw, a fisherman, a shepherd or a hunter, according to different legends. The Ottomans appointed Greek administrators Phanariotes to run the town from the 18th century. A short-lived revolt initiated by Tudor Vladimirescu in led to the end of the rule of Constantinople Greeks in Bucharest. Under subsequent rulers, Bucharest was established as the summer residence of the royal court. It was placed under Russian administration between and the Crimean War , with an interlude during the Bucharest-centred Wallachian revolution. Later, an Austrian garrison took possession after the Russian departure remaining in the city until March On 23 March , a fire consumed about 2, buildings, destroying a third of the city. In , it became the political centre of the newly proclaimed Kingdom of Romania under King Carol I. During this period, gas lighting , horse-drawn trams , and limited electrification were introduced. On 23 August , Bucharest was the site of the royal coup which brought Romania into the Allied camp. The city suffered a short period of Nazi Luftwaffe bombings, as well as a failed attempt by German troops to regain the city. After the establishment of communism in Romania , the city continued growing. New districts were constructed, most of them dominated by tower blocks. Dissatisfied with the postrevolutionary leadership of the National Salvation Front , some student leagues and opposition groups organised anti-Communist rallies in early , which caused the political change. Since , the city has been continuously modernised. In , Bucharest experienced drama, 64 people were killed in the Colectiv nightclub fire. Later the Romanian capital saw the — Romanian protests against the judicial reforms. These gardens have a rich history, having been frequented by poets and writers. Opened in and based on the plans of German architect Carl F. Meyer, the gardens are the main recreational facility in the city centre. Grigore Antipa Museum is also near in the Victoriei Square. Tineretului Park was created in and designed as the main recreational space for southern Bucharest. It contains a Mini Town which is a play area for kids. The Botanical Garden, located in the Cotroceni neighbourhood a bit west of the city centre, is the largest of its kind in Romania and contains over 10, species of plants many of them exotic ; it originated as the pleasure park of the royal family. Over hectares, including 90 hectares of water, host 97 species of birds, half of them protected by law, and at least seven species of mammals. After demolishing the houses and building the concrete basin, the plan was abandoned following the revolution. The redevelopment deal failed, \\\[39\\\] and over the following years, the green space grew into a unique habitat. As with many cities, Bucharest is traditionally considered to be built upon seven hills, similar to the seven hills of Rome. The altitude varies from Until recently, the regions surrounding Bucharest were largely rural, but after , suburbs started to be built around Bucharest, in the surrounding Ilfov County. Although average precipitation and humidity during summer are low, occasional heavy storms occur. Bucharest has a unique status in Romanian administration, since it is the only municipal area that is not part of a county. The Bucharest-Ilfov development region is not, however, an administrative entity yet. The city government is headed by a general mayor Primar General. Furthermore, the city is divided into six administrative sectors sectoare , each of which has its own seat sectoral council, town hall, and mayor. The powers of the local government over a certain area are, therefore, shared both by the Bucharest municipality and the local sectoral councils with little or no overlapping of authority. The general rule is that the main capital municipality is responsible for citywide utilities such as the water and sewage system, the overall transport system, and the main boulevards, while sectoral town halls manage the contact between individuals and the local government, secondary streets and parks maintenance, schools administration, and cleaning services. The six sectors are numbered from one to six and are disposed radially so that each one has under its administration a certain area of the city centre. They are numbered clockwise and are further divided into sectoral quarters cartiere which are not part of the official administrative division:. The prefect is not allowed to be a member of a political party and his role is to represent the national government at the municipal level. The prefect is acting as a liaison official facilitating the implementation of national development plans and governing programs at local level. The prefect of Bucharest as of \\\[update\\\] is Paul Nicolae Petrovan. Bucharest also houses the general inspectorates of the Gendarmerie and the national police. Confidence tricks were common in the s, especially in regards to tourists, but the frequency of these incidents has since declined. However, in general, theft was reduced by Although the presence of street children was a problem in Bucharest in the s, their numbers have declined in recent years, now lying at or below the average of major European capital cities. As stated by the Mercer international surveys for quality of life in cities around the world, Bucharest occupied the 94th place in \\\[55\\\] and slipped lower, to the th place in and the th place in Compared to it, Vienna occupied number one worldwide in and Among them: political stability, currency-exchange regulations, political and media censorship, school quality, housing, the environment, and public safety. Mercer collects data worldwide, in cities. The difficult situation of the quality of life in Bucharest is confirmed also by a vast urbanism study, done by the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism. Although many neighbourhoods, particularly in the southern part of the city, lack sufficient green space, being formed of cramped high density block of flats, Bucharest also has many parks. As per the census , 1,, inhabitants lived within the city limits, a decrease from the figure recorded at the census. In a study published by the United Nations, Bucharest placed 19th in among 28 cities that recorded sharp declines in population from to the mids. In particular, the population fell by 3. A significant number of people commute to the city every day, mostly from the surrounding Ilfov County, but official statistics regarding their numbers do not exist. However, this also depends on the part of the city: the southern boroughs have a higher density than the northern ones. Of the European Union country capital-cities, only Paris and Athens have a higher population density see List of European Union cities proper by population density. About In terms of religious affiliation, In January , Bucharest had an unemployment rate of 2. The headquarters of , firms, including nearly all large Romanian companies, are located in Bucharest. The city is undergoing a retail boom. Bucharest has over 20 malls as of Business skyscrapers in Pipera , including Nusco Tower Oracle headquarters. Amazon currently operates office space in the Globalworth Tower. In addition, a private minibus system operates there. As of \\\[update\\\] , a limit of 10, taxicab licences was imposed. These are in the process of being integrated into a commuter railway serving Bucharest and the surrounding Ilfov County. Seven main lines radiate out of Bucharest. The oldest station in Bucharest is Filaret. It was inaugurated in , and in , the communist government turned it in a bus terminal. Bucharest has two international airports :. A series of high-capacity boulevards, which generally radiate out from the city centre to the outskirts, provides a framework for the municipal road system. The main axes, which run north-south, east-west and northwest-southeast, as well as one internal and one external ring road, support the bulk of the traffic. In , the number of cars registered in Bucharest amounted to 1,, A comprehensive effort on behalf of the City Hall to boost road infrastructure was made, and according to the general development plan, 2, roads have been repaired by On 17 June , the Basarab Overpass was inaugurated and opened to traffic, thus completing the inner city traffic ring. The overpass took five years to build and is the longest cable-stayed bridge in Romania and the widest such bridge in Europe; \\\[88\\\] upon completion, traffic on the Grant Bridge and in the Gara de Nord area became noticeably more fluid. Victoriei Avenue , a major avenue in central Bucharest. Magheru Boulevard is one of the most expensive shopping streets of Europe \\\[90\\\]. Works on the canal were suspended in , but proposals have been made to resume construction as part of the European Strategy for the Danube Region. Bucharest has a growing cultural scene, in fields including the visual arts, performing arts, and nightlife. Bucharest has landmark buildings and monuments. The building boasts one of the largest convention centres in the world. A newer landmark of the city is the Memorial of Rebirth , a stylised marble pillar unveiled in to commemorate the victims of the Romanian Revolution of , which overthrew Communism. The Romanian Athenaeum building is considered to be a symbol of Romanian culture and since is on the list of the Label of European Heritage sites. InterContinental Bucharest is a high-rise five-star hotel situated near University Square and is also a landmark of the city. The building is designed so that each room has a unique panorama of the city. This edifice built in the characteristic style of the large-scale Soviet projects, was intended to be representative to the new political regime and to assert the superiority of the Communist doctrine. The Floreasca SkyTower is still the tallest building in Romania. Downtown Bucharest fountains in the Unirii Square. New National Library of Romania. In terms of visual arts , the city has museums featuring both classical and contemporary Romanian art, as well as selected international works. Other, smaller, museums contain specialised collections. The Zambaccian Museum , which is situated in the former home of art collector Krikor H. Another impressive art collection gathering important Romanian painters, can be found at the Ligia and Pompiliu Macovei residence, which is open to visitors as it is now part of the Bucharest Museum patrimony. The Theodor Pallady Museum is situated in one of the oldest surviving merchant houses in Bucharest and includes works by Romanian painter Theodor Pallady , as well as European and oriental furniture pieces. Despite the classical art galleries and museums in the city, a contemporary arts scene also exists. Private art galleries are scattered throughout the city centre. The palace of the National Bank of Romania houses the national numismatic collection. Exhibits include banknotes, coins, documents, photographs, maps, silver and gold bullion bars, bullion coins, and dies and moulds. The building was constructed between and The thesaurus room contains notable marble decorations. Performing arts are some of the strongest cultural elements of Bucharest. The most famous symphony orchestra is National Radio Orchestra of Romania. One of the most prominent buildings is the neoclassical Romanian Athenaeum , which was founded in , and hosts classical music concerts, the George Enescu Festival , and is home to the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra. Bucharest is home to the Romanian National Opera and the I. Caragiale National Theatre. Another well-known theatre in Bucharest is the State Jewish Theatre , which features plays starring world-renowned Romanian-Jewish actress Maia Morgenstern. Hip-hop bands and artists from Bucharest such as B. With no central nightlife strip, entertainment venues are dispersed throughout the city, with clusters in Lipscani and Regie. A number of cultural festivals are held in Bucharest throughout the year, but most festivals take place in June, July, and August. The National Opera organises the International Opera Festival every year in May and June, which includes ensembles and orchestras from all over the world. The Romanian Athaeneum Society hosts the George Enescu Festival at locations throughout the city in September every two years odd years. The Museum of the Romanian Peasant and the Village Museum organise events throughout the year, showcasing Romanian folk arts and crafts. In the s, due to the growing prominence of the Chinese community in Bucharest, Chinese cultural events took place. In , Bucharest was the first city in Southeastern Europe to host the international CowParade , which resulted in dozens of decorated cow sculptures being placed across the city. Since , Bucharest has its own contemporary art biennale , the Bucharest Biennale. George Enescu statue in front of the Romanian National Opera. Traditional Romanian culture continues to have a major influence in arts such as theatre, film, and music. It contains authentic buildings and peasant farms from all over Romania. Patronised by the Ministry of Culture, the museum preserves and exhibits numerous collections of objects and monuments of material and spiritual culture. The Museum of the Romanian Peasant holds one of the richest collections of peasant objects in Romania, its heritage being nearly 90, pieces, those being divided into several collections: ceramics, costumes, textiles, wooden objects, religious objects, customs, etc. The Museum of Romanian History is another important museum in Bucharest, containing a collection of artefacts detailing Romanian history and culture from the prehistoric times, Dacian era, medieval times, and the modern era. Bucharest is the seat of the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church , one of the Eastern Orthodox churches in communion with the Patriarch of Constantinople , and also of its subdivisions, the Metropolis of Muntenia and Dobrudja and the Archbishopric of Bucharest. Orthodox believers consider Demetrius Basarabov to be the patron saint of the city. The latter was converted into the Museum of the History of the Romanian Jewish Community, while the Great Synagogue and the Choral Temple are both active and hold regular services. Later the project was abandoned. Palace of the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate. Russian Orthodox Church. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bucharest. Italian Roman Catholic Church. Anglican Church of the Resurrection. Recently built contemporary structures such as skyscrapers and office buildings complete the landscape. Some medieval and renaissance edifices remain, the most notable are in the Lipscani area. From the s onwards, the area went through urban decline, and many historical buildings fell into disrepair. In , the Lipscani area was restored. To execute a massive redevelopment project during the rule of Nicolae Ceausescu, the government conducted extensive demolition of churches and many other historic structures in Romania. During this time, the city grew in size and wealth, therefore seeking to emulate other large European capitals such as Paris. In Romania, the tendencies of innovation in the architectural language met the need of valorisation and affirmation of the national cultural identity. In the s, historic buildings in the city centre underwent restoration. In some residential areas of the city, particularly in high-income central and northern districts, turn-of-theth-century villas were mostly restored beginning in the late s. French Baroque style — Cantacuzino Palace. Neoclassical style — National Museum of Romanian History. Eclectic style — CEC Palace. The mass demolitions that occurred in the s, under which an overall area of eight square kilometres of the historic centre of Bucharest were levelled, including monasteries, churches, synagogues, a hospital, and a noted Art Deco sports stadium, changed drastically the appearance of the city. Initially, these apartment blocks started to be constructed in the s, on relatively empty areas and fields good examples include Pajura, Drumul Taberei, Berceni and Titan , however with the s, they mostly targeted peripheral neighbourhoods such as Colentina, Pantelimon, Militari and Rahova. There is also communist architecture that was built in the early years of the system, in the late s and s. Palace of the Parliament , the largest assembly structure in the world. Apartment blocks on Unirii Boulevard , built in the s. Since the fall of Communism in , several Communist-era buildings have been refurbished, modernised, and used for other purposes. Another example is the conversion of a large utilitarian construction in Centrul Civic into a Marriott Hotel. This process was accelerated after , when the city underwent a property boom, and many Communist-era buildings in the city centre became prime real estate due to their location. Many Communist-era apartment blocks have also been refurbished to improve urban appearance. Buildings from this time are mostly made of glass and steel, and often have more than 10 storeys. Examples include shopping malls particularly the Bucharest Mall, a conversion and extension of an abandoned building , office buildings, bank headquarters, etc. During the last ten years, several high rise office buildings were built, particularly in the northern and eastern parts of the city. In , the Bucharest skyline enriched with a m-high office building SkyTower of Floreasca City Centre , currently the tallest building in Romania. Despite this development on vertical, Romanian architects avoid designing very tall buildings due to vulnerability to earthquakes. Aside from buildings used for business and institutions, residential developments have also been built, many of which consist of high-rise office buildings and suburban residential communities. An example of a new high rise residential complex is Asmita Gardens. These developments are increasingly prominent in northern Bucharest, which is less densely populated and is home to middle- and upper-class Bucharesters due to the process of gentrification. Bucharest Financial Plaza. Overall, faculties are in 34 universities. These are supplemented by nineteen private universities, such as the Romanian-American University. The Politehnica University disappeared from the ranking. The first modern educational institution was the Princely Academy from Bucharest , founded in and divided in to form the present-day University of Bucharest and the Saint Sava National College , both of which are among the most prestigious of their kind in Romania. Over public primary and secondary schools are in the city, all of which are administered by the Bucharest Municipal Schooling Inspectorate. Each sector also has its own Schooling Inspectorate, subordinated to the municipal one. University of Bucharest UB. Central University Library. The city is well-served by a modern landline and mobile network. Public telephones are located in many places and are operated by Telekom Romania , a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom and successor of the former monopoly Romtelecom. Bucharest is headquarters of most of the national television networks and national newspapers, radio stations and online news websites. During the rush hours, tabloid newspapers Click! Casa Presei Libere is not the only Bucharest landmark that grew out of the media and communications industry. English-language newspapers first became available in the early s and reappeared in the s. It specialises in oncological and cardiac disorders. The hospital had in its inventory a house for infectious diseases and a house for persons with disabilities. Sport clubs have formed for handball , water polo , volleyball , rugby union , basketball and ice hockey. The majority of Romanian track and field athletes and most gymnasts are affiliated with clubs in Bucharest. The largest indoor arena in Bucharest is the Romexpo Dome with a seating capacity of 40, It can be used for boxing, kickboxing, handball and tennis. Starting in , Bucharest has hosted annual races along a temporary urban track surrounding the Palace of the Parliament, called Bucharest Ring. The and edition have not been held in Bucharest due to a lawsuit. Bucharest GP won the lawsuit that it initiated and will host city races around the Parliament starting with the Auto GP. The outdoor tournament is hosted by the tennis complex BNR Arenas. Ice hockey games are held at the Mihai Flamaropol Arena , which holds 8, spectators. Rugby games are held in different locations, but the most modern stadium is Arcul de Triumf Stadium , which is also home to the Romanian national rugby team. The twin towns and sister cities of Bucharest are:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Capital of Romania. Capital city in None, Romania. Coat of arms. Main articles: History of Bucharest and Timeline of Bucharest. See also: Bucharest metropolitan area. Main article: Crime in Bucharest. Main article: Economy of Bucharest. Unirea Shopping Center. AFI Cotroceni. Main article: Transport in Bucharest. Basarab Overpass. Main article: Culture of Romania. Arcul de Triumf. Romanian Athenaeum. Mihail Jora Concert Studio. Romanian Academy headquarters. Romanian Academy library. Curtea Veche church. Choral Synagogue. Centrul Civic , panoramic view. City Gate Towers office buildings. Asmita Gardens residential complex. Main article: List of people from Bucharest. See also: List of twin towns and sister cities in Romania. Romania portal European Union portal. The Irish Times. Archived from the original on 4 June Retrieved 14 April Realitatea TV. Archived from the original on 24 June Retrieved 23 June Archived from the original PDF on 23 June Retrieved 12 February Archived PDF from the original on 3 May Retrieved 26 February Archived PDF from the original on 31 October Retrieved 4 July Archived from the original on 23 September Retrieved 1 November Archived from the original on 20 May Retrieved 22 November Financial Times. Archived from the original on 27 September Romania Journal. Archived from the original on 13 November Archived from the original on 13 April Archived from the original on 12 May Antena 3 in Romanian. Archived from the original on 20 June Archived from the original on 2 October Retrieved 1 October Archived from the original on 26 July Archived from the original on 13 September Retrieved 29 September New York, NY. Archived from the original on 25 October Archived from the original on 16 August Retrieved 15 August Archived from the original on 12 August Retrieved 13 October Retrieved 20 May Archived from the original on 1 May Archived from the original on 8 May Archived from the original on 10 June Retrieved 19 March Archived from the original on 17 May Nicolae Sfetcu. Retrieved 24 March Weather and Climate Погода и климат. Archived from the original on 13 October Retrieved 23 November National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Retrieved 21 March Archived from the original on 1 April Retrieved 14 February Weather Atlas. Archived from the original on 3 July Retrieved 3 July Archived from the original on 17 June Retrieved 17 June Digi24 in Romanian. Archived PDF from the original on 2 October Archived from the original PDF on 8 December Archived from the original on 15 April Archived from the original on 6 October Archived from the original PDF on 28 January Archived from the original PDF on 25 November Retrieved 19 December Archived from the original on 25 December Retrieved 25 December Archived from the original on 29 June Archived from the original PDF on 20 December Retrieved 26 October Archived from the original on 8 December Retrieved 7 December Dar cine sunt ei? Archived from the original PDF on 19 July Retrieved 17 February Archived from the original on 23 June Archived from the original on 8 September Retrieved 19 January Archived from the original on 1 November Archived from the original on 3 March Retrieved 6 March Retrieved 1 June Profit TV. Archived from the original on 25 August Retrieved 25 August Archived from the original on 16 February Retrieved 7 July Archived from the original on 14 February Retrieved 11 February Archived from the original on 11 January Retrieved 11 January Retrieved 15 September July Archived from the original on 2 September Archived from the original on 9 March Retrieved 9 January Archived from the original on 11 September Retrieved 5 September Archived from the original on 31 July Retrieved 24 August Archived from the original on 24 August Archived from the original on 21 May Archived PDF from the original on 16 August Retrieved 27 June Daily Sabah. Retrieved 30 May Proiectul a fost abandonat din motive financiare'. Archived from the original on 4 October Retrieved 3 October Archived PDF from the original on 31 August Obituaries: Eugeniu Iordachescu, Romanian engineer who saved condemned churches under communist rule, dies at Unknown Bucharest. Archived from the original on 4 September Archived from the original on 27 October Archived from the original on 3 September Archived from the original on 24 September Retrieved 31 January Archived from the original on 19 January Archived from the original on 3 May Archived from the original on 20 September Archived from the original on 18 May Archived from the original on 26 August Archived from the original on 18 November Retrieved 1 May Archived from the original on 11 May Beijing Municipal Government. Archived from the original on 17 January Archived from the original on 18 October Retrieved 23 August Archived from the original on 28 October City of Manila. Archived from the original on 11 June Retrieved 24 November Retrieved 21 July Yerevan Municipal Government. Archived from the original on 5 November Retrieved 18 April Links to related articles. Transport in Bucharest. List of bus routes in Bucharest Night Buses. List of tram routes in Bucharest Bucharest Light rail. List of trolleybus routes in Bucharest. A0 under construction A1 A2 A3. DX2 planned. E60 E70 E81 E Cycling in Bucharest. Geography of Bucharest , Romania. Cotroceni Dealul Mitropoliei Dealul Spirii. Bucharest metropolitan area Kilometre Zero. Cities in Romania by population. County seats of Romania alphabetical order by county. Capital cities of the member states of the European Union. Capitals of European states and territories. Capitals of dependent territories and states whose sovereignty is disputed shown in italics. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Capital city. Gabriela Firea Social Democratic Party \\\[2\\\]. Source 1: Pogoda. Motorways A0 under construction A1 A2 A3. Netherlands : Amsterdam. Greece : Athens. Germany : Berlin. Slovakia : Bratislava. Belgium : Brussels. Romania : Bucharest. Hungary : Budapest. Denmark : Copenhagen. Ireland : Dublin. Finland : Helsinki. Portugal : Lisbon. Slovenia : Ljubljana. Luxembourg : Luxembourg. Spain : Madrid. Cyprus : Nicosia. France : Paris. Czech Republic : Prague. Latvia : Riga. Italy : Rome. Bulgaria : Sofia. Sweden : Stockholm. Estonia : Tallinn. Malta : Valletta. Austria : Vienna. Lithuania : Vilnius. Poland : Warsaw. Croatia : Zagreb.

Бухарест, столица и крупнейший город Румынии, еще совсем недавно находился вдали от туристических маршрутов, пролегающих через Восточную Европу. Однако сегодня все больше путешественников открывают для себя этот красивый и самобытный город, столетиями являвшийся центром древней Валахии.  Бухарест, столица и крупнейший город Румынии, еще совсем недавно находился вдали от туристических маршрутов, пролегающих через Восточную Европу.

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Я прожил в Бухаресте около недели, и за эти дни обошел с фотоаппаратом практически весь центр города, а также побывал на окраинах города в цыганских кварталах. Если говорить об общих впечатлениях о городе то Бухарест мне совершенно не понравился, он очень контратстирует с остальной.

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Бухарест. Из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии. Город.  Бухарест расположен на юго-востоке Румынии в центральной части Нижнедунайской низменности, на несудоходной реке Дымбовице (рум. Dâmboviţa), в 45 км от Дуная. Кроме небольшого притока Дымбовицы, реки Колентине, на северной окраине города расположена цепочка озёр. Самые большие из них — озеро Флоряска, Тей, Херэстрэу. В центре города сооружено искусственное озеро Чишмиджиу, окружённое садами и парками.

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