Britannic Download Movies

Britannic Download Movies


Britannic Download Movies

A fictional account of the sinking of the H.M.H.S. Britannic off the Greek island of Kea in November 1916. This explores the theory of a German Agent sabotaging the liner, a hospital ship.
Though its infamous sister ship has received most of the attention over the last ninety-five years, the Britannic met its end in a manner eerily similar to the ship of Titanic. A true story that has remained largely untold, the Britannic was one of largest passenger liners in the world when it sunk, and the circumstances surrounding its demise are just as mysterious as those of the Titanic, as it sustained damage almost identical to that of its sister ship. Though it has never been discovered exactly what caused the Britannic to sink, the film is based on historical evidence and imagines that the liner's demise was the doing of German spies on board the boat. Along with this, the film follows some serious problems that a budding romance between a young Briton and German brings on the couple, as their countries are in the midst of fighting WWI on opposing sides. Britannic, an historical drama, provides the first look of its kind at the little known story of this ill-fated ship.
Jacqueline Bisset a once and still magnificently beautiful and talented actress is regrettably the most notorious name in the cast. It is so unfortunate that she allowed herself to become a part of its ensemble since the film has little, if any, value at all. As can be expected, the film attempted to ride on the coattails of the enormously successful, Titanic, but fell far short of its expectations. Most importantly, it is not historically correct. The same argument could be made regarding Titanic, as the characters were fictional. However, in the case of The Brittanic, not only are the characters fictious, so is the plot. In addition, the rating is decidedly incorrect, as the film is full of violence and should have received an R rating for its violence alone. I surely regret having to pan a film starring Ms. Bisset. However this film does not deserve to have been distributed and certainly not under the guise under which it was. Hopefully, having received as little publicity as it did, it will not reach a much larger audience than it has to date.
This film isn't a top movie exactly but its history is interesting. The Titanic is world famous for its destiny but her sister the Britannic who followed the same fate is almost forgotten. I think it was very interesting to learn about the Britannic and it's destiny. It's important not to forget such incident. I really recommend you to see this movie even if it isn't the best made.


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