


БРАЗИ́ЛИЯ (Brasil), Федеративная Республика Бразилия (República Federativa do Brasil). Общие сведения. Б. – государство в Латинской Америке.  Президент Бразилии Ж. Гуларт и президент США Дж. Ф. Кеннеди во время визита Ж. Гуларта в США. 3.

It is the fifth largest country in the world, exceeded in size only by Russia , Canada , China , and the United States , though its area is greater than that of the 48 conterminous U. Brazil faces the Atlantic Ocean along 4, miles 7, km of coastline and shares more than 9, miles 15, km of inland borders with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador—specifically, Uruguay to the south; Argentina , Paraguay , and Bolivia to the southwest; Peru to the west; Colombia to the northwest; and Venezuela , Guyana , Suriname , and French Guiana to the north. Brazil stretches roughly 2, miles 4, km from north to south and from east to west to form a vast irregular triangle that encompasses a wide range of tropical and subtropical landscapes, including wetlands, savannas, plateaus, and low mountains. The country contains no desert, high-mountain, or arctic environments. Rio de Janeiro, in the eyes of many of the world, continues to be the preeminent icon of Brazil. However, Brazil struggles with extreme social inequalities, environmental degradation , intermittent financial crises, and a sometimes deadlocked political system. Brazil is unique in the Americas because, following independence from Portugal , it did not fragment into separate countries as did British and Spanish possessions in the region; rather, it retained its identity through the intervening centuries and a variety of forms of government. At the turn of the 21st century, Brazilians marked the th anniversary of Portuguese contact with a mixture of public celebration and deprecation. The Brazilian landscape is immense and complex, with interspersed rivers, wetlands, mountains, and plateaus adjoining other major features and traversing the boundaries of states and regions. Its diversified economy includes strong manufacturing , agriculture, and service sectors. The region covers roughly one-fourth of Brazil, including forested valleys, semiarid highlands, and vast wetlands. Brazil is a predominantly tropical country famous for its extensive Amazon lowlands; however, highlands cover most of the national territory. Forested mesas and mountain ranges, scenic waterfalls, and white-water rivers characterize the area. The highest point in Brazil is Neblina Peak , which reaches 9, feet 3, metres along the Venezuelan border in the Serra do Imeri. The Serra da Pacaraima, farther east, rises to 9, feet 2, metres at Mount Roraima , where the borders of Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil meet. The Amazon lowlands are widest along the eastern base of the Andes. Shallow oxbow lakes and wetlands are found throughout the region. The immense Pantanal, an extension of the Gran Chaco plain, is a region of swamps and marshes in northwestern Mato Grosso do Sul and southern Mato Grosso states and, to a lesser extent, in northern Paraguay and eastern Bolivia; it is one of the largest freshwater wetlands in the world, covering some 54, square miles , square km. The Pantanal is dissected by the effluents of the upper Paraguay River , which overflows its banks during the rainy season, inundating all but the tops of scattered levees and low hills. See also Drainage. Article Media. Info Print Print. Table Of Contents. Submit Feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Brazil Written By: Preston E. James Richard P. Bradford Burns Rollie E. Get exclusive access to content from our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Load Next Page. More About. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students.

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Бразилия – одно из самых привлекательных с точки зрения туризма государств южноамериканского континента. Роскошные пляжи с чистейшим золотым песком и прозрачной океанской водой, непроходимые дебри таинственной Амазонки, рокот водопадов, знаменитый на весь мир бразильский карнавал — таким набором чудес вряд ли может похвастаться какая-либо другая страна.

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Федеративная Республика Бразилия. República Federativa do Brasil. Флаг. Герб. Девиз: «порт. Ordem e Progresso («Порядок и прогресс»)». Гимн: «Hino Nacional Brasileiro». Дата независимости.  Бразилия была колонией Португалии с момента высадки Педру Алвареша Кабрала на берегу.

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The Brazilian population tends to concentrate along the Atlantic coastline in large urban centers. While Brazil has one of the largest populations in the world, its overall population density is low since the vast inland regions are sparsely populated. Some say that Brazil is a 'post-racist' society, composed of an agglomeration of all the races in the world, with no respect to color or number, perhaps capable of laying the basis of a new civilization. By far the most populous country in South America, Brazil overcame more than half a century of military intervention in the governance of the country when, in , the military regime peacefully ceded power to civilian leaders. Brazil continues to pursue industrial and agricultural growth and development of its interior. Highly unequal income distribution remains a pressing problem. The major theory for the source of its name states it was named after brazilwood, an abundant species in the new-found land that was valuable in Portuguese commerce. This plant has a strong red color, so 'Brazil' is derived from the Portuguese word 'brasa,' meaning 'ember. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7, kilometers. Brazil is traversed by the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn and is home to varied fauna and flora, as well as extensive natural resources. Brazilian topography is diverse, including hills, mountains, plains, highlands, scrublands, savannas, rainforests , and a long coastline. Brazil has five climatic regions: Equatorial, tropical, semiarid, highland tropical, and subtropical. Temperatures along the equator are high, but southern Brazil has subtropical temperate weather, normally experiencing frost in the winter June-August , and occasional snow in the mountainous areas, such as Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, located on the coast, have warm climates. Precipitation levels also vary widely, being higher in the humid Amazon Basin and lower in the somewhat arid landscapes of the northeast. The majority of Brazil has moderate rainfall , with most of it falling in the summer between December and April , south of the Equator. Despite high annual precipitation, the Amazon rainforest has a three-to-five month dry season. Between and , an area of the Amazon rainforest equivalent in size to the U. By , it is estimated, at least 50 percent of the species in Brazil may become extinct. It is one of the most pristine and biologically rich environments on the planet. It also provides many economic benefits, including offering a huge area for water purification and groundwater discharge and recharge, climate stabilization, water supply, flood abatement, and an extensive, transport system, among numerous other important functions. There is a general consensus that Brazil has the highest number of both terrestrial vertebrates and invertebrates of any single country in the world. Also, Brazil has the highest primate diversity, the highest number of mammals , the second highest number of amphibians and butterflies , the third highest number of birds , and fifth highest number of reptiles. There is a high number of endangered species , many of them living in threatened habitats such as the Atlantic forest. Initially Portugal had little interest in Brazil, mainly because of high profits gained elsewhere. But after , the Portuguese Crown devised the hereditary captaincies system to effectively occupy its new colony and later took direct control of the failed captaincies. The Portuguese colonists adopted an economy based on producing agricultural goods for export to Europe. Sugar was by far the most important product until the early eighteenth century. Even though Brazilian sugar was reputed to be of high quality, the industry faced a crisis during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when the Dutch and the French started producing sugar in the Antilles, located much closer to Europe, causing sugar prices to fall. During the eighteenth century, private explorers found gold and diamond deposits in the state of Minas Gerais. The predatory way in which such deposits were explored, however, burdened colonial Brazil with excessive taxes. Some of the popular movements supporting independence came about to protest the abusive taxes established by the colonial government, but they were often dismissed with violence by Portugal. Gold production declined toward the end of the eighteenth century, starting a period of relative stagnation in the Brazilian hinterland. Following a series of political incidents and disputes, Brazil achieved its independence in , and Dom Pedro became the first emperor. He returned to Portugal, leaving behind his five-year-old son Pedro II. Until Pedro II reached maturity, Brazil was governed by regents. The regency period was turbulent and marked by numerous local revolts including the Male Revolt, the largest urban slave rebellion in the Americas, which took place in Bahia in In , Pedro II was crowned emperor. His government was highlighted by a substantial rise in coffee exports and the end of the slave trade from Africa in , although slavery in Brazilian territory would only be abolished in When slavery was finally abolished, a large influx of European immigrants took place. The Republican movement slowly gained strength. In the end, the empire fell because the dominant classes no longer needed it to protect their interests. Indeed, imperial centralization ran counter to their desire for local autonomy. By , Pedro II had stepped down and the republican system had been adopted. A military junta took control in He was re-elected in and stayed in office until his suicide in The successive governments continued industrial and agriculture growth and development of the vast interior of Brazil. Just as the Brazilian regime changes of , , and unleashed competing political forces and caused divisions within the military, so too did the regime change. Tancredo Neves was elected president in an indirect election in , as Brazil returned to a civil government. Democracy was re-established in when the current Federal Constitution was enacted. Fernando Collor de Mello was the first president truly elected by popular vote after the military regime. Collor took office in March The vice president, Itamar Franco, assumed the presidency. In the elections held on October 3, , Cardoso ran for president and won, and was reelected in However, sparked by indignation and frustrations accumulated over decades from corruption, police brutality, inefficiencies of the political establishment and public service, numerous peaceful protests erupted in Brazil from the middle of first term of Dilma Rousseff, who had succeeded Lula after winning election in Rousseff was impeached by the Brazilian Congress in The Brazilian Federation is based on the indissoluble association of three autonomous political entities: the states, the municipalities and the Federal District. There is no hierarchy among the political entities. The federation is based on six fundamental principles: sovereignty, citizenship, dignity of the people, the social value of labor, freedom of enterprise, and political pluralism. The classic tripartite division of power, encompassing the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches under the checks and balances system, is formally established by the constitution. The executive and legislative branches are organized independently in all four political entities, while the judiciary is organized only in the federal and state levels. All members of the executive and legislative branches are elected by direct suffrage. Judges and other judicial authorities are appointed after passing entry exams. Voting is compulsory for those aged 18 or older. Practically all governmental and administrative functions are exercised by authorities and agencies affiliated with the executive. The form of government is republican and democratic, and the system of government is presidential. The president is head of state and head of government and elected for a four-year term, with the possibility of re-election for a second successive term. The president appoints the ministers of state, who assist in governing. Legislative houses in each political entity are the main source of laws. Brazil is a political and economic leader in Latin America. However, social and economic problems prevent it from becoming an effective global power. More recently, the country has aimed to strengthen ties with other South American countries and engage in multilateral diplomacy through the United Nations and the Organization of American States. Brazilian foreign policy has generally reflected multilateralism, peaceful dispute settlement, and nonintervention in the affairs of other countries. The Brazilian constitution also states that the country shall seek the economic, political, social, and cultural integration of the nations of Latin America. The armed forces of Brazil comprise the Brazilian army, the Brazilian navy, and the Brazilian air force. The Brazilian armed forces are the largest in Latin America. The Brazilian air force is the largest air force in Latin America, with about manned aircraft in service. The Brazilian navy is responsible for guarding Brazilian territorial waters. It is the oldest of the Brazilian armed forces and the only navy in Latin America that operates an aircraft carrier. With a strength of approximately , soldiers, the Brazilian army is responsible for land-based military operations. The national territory was divided in , into five main regions: North, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast, and South. The North covers It accommodates most of the rainforest vegetation of the world and many indigenous tribes. It is also the poorest region of Brazil and suffers from long periods of dry climate. The largest cities are Salvador, Recife, and Fortaleza. Much of the region is covered by Cerrado, the largest savanna in the world. The Central-West region contributes significantly toward agriculture. The Southeast region is the richest and most densely populated. It has more inhabitants than any other South American country and hosts one of the largest megalopolises of the world. The South is the wealthiest by GDP per capita and has the highest standard of living in the country. It is also the coldest region of Brazil, with occasional occurrences of frost and snow in some of the higher altitude areas. It has been settled by European immigrants, mainly of Italian , German , Portuguese , and Slavic ancestry, and has clearly been influenced by these cultures. The country has been expanding its presence in international financial and commodities markets and is regarded as one of the group of four emerging economies. Major export products include aircraft , coffee , automobiles , soybeans, iron ore, orange juice, steel , ethanol, textiles , footwear, corned beef, and electrical equipment. According to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank , Brazil has the ninth largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity PPP and the tenth largest at market exchange rates. It has a diversified middle-income economy with wide variations in development levels. Most large industry is agglomerated in the South and Southeast states. The Northeast, though the poorest region, has attracted new investments in infrastructure for the tourism sector and intensive agricultural schemes. Brazil had pegged its currency, the real, to the U. However, after the East Asian financial crisis of , the Russian default in , and the series of adverse financial events that followed it, the Brazilian central bank temporarily changed its monetary policy to a managed-float scheme while undergoing a currency crisis, until definitively changing the exchange regime to free-float in January Brazil has a diverse and sophisticated service industry. During the early s, the banking sector amounted to as much as 16 percent of GDP and has attracted foreign financial institutions and firms by issuing and trading Brazilian Depositary Receipts BDRs. One of the issues the Brazilian central bank was dealing with in was an excess of speculative short-term capital inflows to the country, which might explain in part the downfall of the U. Brazil is the tenth largest energy consumer in the world and the largest in Latin America. Because of its ethanol fuel production Brazil has sometimes been described as a bio-energy superpower. After the oil crisis, the Brazilian government initiated in the National Alcohol Program to replace automobile fuels derived from fossil fuels with ethanol. Brazil is the third largest hydroelectricity producer in the world, after China and Canada. Technological research in Brazil is largely carried out in public universities and research institutes. Despite governmental regulations and incentives, investment in research and development has been growing in private universities and companies as well since the s. Nonetheless, more than 73 percent of funding for basic research still comes from governmental sources. Catering to the internal market, Brazilian IT is particularly efficient in providing solutions to financial services, defense, CRM, eGovernment, and healthcare. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IBGE classifies the Brazilian population into five categories: black, white, pardo brown , yellow Asian , or indigenous, based on skin color or race. The last census revealed the following proportions: The ethnic composition of Brazilians is not uniform across the country. Because of its large influx of European immigrants in the nineteenth century, the South has a white majority, consisting of The Northeast, as a result of the large numbers of African slaves working in the sugar cane plantations, has a majority of brown and black peoples, The North, largely covered by rainforest , is Southeastern Brazil and Central-Western Brazil have a more balanced ratio among different ethnic groups. Almost all capitals are the largest city in their corresponding state. Portuguese is the only official language of Brazil. It is spoken by nearly the entire population and is virtually the only language used in schools, newspapers, radio, TV, and for all business and administrative purposes. Moreover, Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking nation in the Americas, making the language an important part of Brazilian national identity. In addition, Amerindian languages are spoken in remote areas. There are important communities of speakers of German and Italian in the South, both largely influenced by Portuguese. The federal government, states, Federal District, and municipalities each manage their respective education system. The new constitution reserves 25 percent of state and municipal taxes and 18 percent of federal taxes for education. Private school programs are available to complement the public school system. In , the literacy rate was at 88 percent of the population, and the youth literacy rate ages 15—19 was Higher education starts with undergraduate or sequential courses, which may offer different specialization choices such as academic or vocational paths. Depending on the choice, students may improve their educational background with postgraduate courses. The public health system is managed and provided by all levels of government, while private health care fulfills a complementary role. Several problems hamper the Brazilian system. In , the most notable health issues were infant mortality, child mortality, maternal mortality, mortality by non-transmissible illness, and mortality caused by external causes transportation, violence, and suicide. Brazil has been unable to reflect its recent economic achievements into social development. Poverty , urban violence, growing social security debts, inefficient public services, and the low value of the minimum wage are some of the main social issues that currently challenge the Brazilian government. In , nearly one-fifth of the populated lived below the poverty line based on labor income, though that was 33 percent reduction from the previous three years. Poverty in Brazil is most visually represented by the various favelas, slums in the metropolitan areas and remote upcountry regions that suffer from economic underdevelopment and below-par standards of living. There are also great differences in wealth and welfare between regions. While the Northeast has the worst economic indicators nationwide, many cities in the South and Southeast enjoy First World socioeconomic standards. The level of violence in some large urban centers is comparable to that of a war zone. Analysts generally suggest that social inequality is the major cause. Muggings, robberies, kidnappings , and gang violence are common in the largest cities. Police brutality and corruption are widespread. Inefficient public services, especially those related to security, education, and health, severely affect the quality of life. Minimum wages fail to fulfill their constitutional requirements regarding living standards. A wide variety of elements influenced Brazilian culture. Its major early influence derived from Portuguese culture. Among other inheritances, the Portuguese introduced the Portuguese language, the Roman-Germanic legal system, and colonial architectural styles. Other aspects of Brazilian culture are contributions of European and Asian immigrants, native South American people such as the Tupi , and African slaves. Thus, Brazil is a multicultural and multiethnic society. Italian, German, and other European immigrants came in large numbers and their influences are felt closer to the Southeast and South of Brazil. In the late s, tropicalismo was popularized by Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil. Brazilian Carnival is an annual celebration held 40 days before Easter that marks the beginning of Lent. Brazilian Carnival has distinct regional characteristics. The predominant religion in Brazil is Roman Catholicism and the country has the largest Roman Catholic population in the world. Adherents of Protestantism are rising in number. Until , the majority of Brazilian Protestants were members of traditional denominations, mostly Lutherans, Presbyterians, and Baptists. Since then, membership in Pentecostal and Neo-pentecostal churches has increased significantly. Islam was first practiced by African slaves. Today, the Muslim population in Brazil is made up mostly of Arab immigrants. A recent trend has been an increase in conversions to Islam among non-Arab citizens. The largest population of Buddhists in Latin America lives in Brazil, mostly because the country has the largest Japanese population outside Japan. The latest census cites the following figures: 74 percent of the population is Roman Catholic about million ; Some of these are Buddhists , , Jews , Muslims, or a mixture of different religions. Football soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil. It is ranked the best in the world by FIFA. Basketball , volleyball , auto racing, and martial arts also attract large audiences. Tennis, handball, swimming, and gymnastics have found a growing number of enthusiasts in recent decades. In auto racing, Brazilian drivers have won the Formula 1 world championship eight times. Some sport variations have their origins in Brazil. Beach soccer and footvolley emerged in the country as variations of soccer. Brazil also hosted the Summer Olympic Games , where the Brazil football team won the gold medal. Brazil is also trying for the fourth time to host the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3. Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. To cite this article click here for a list of acceptable citing formats. The history of earlier contributions by wikipedians is accessible to researchers here:. Note: Some restrictions may apply to use of individual images which are separately licensed. Previous Braxton Bragg. Credits New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. Categories : Geography Countries South America. Contents 1 Geography 1.

Brazil, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese: República Federativa do Brasil, listen), is the largest country in both South America and Latin America. At million square kilometers ( million square miles) and with over million people, Brazil is the world's fifth-largest country by area and the sixth most populous. Its capital is Brasília, and its most populous city is São Paulo. The federation is composed of the union of the 26 states, the Federal District, and the 5,

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Бразилия — далёкая южноамериканская страна, полная контрастов, рукотворных достопримечательностей и редкого природного разнообразия, что делает её чрезвычайно привлекательной для активного туризма. Занимая внушительную площадь в 8 км², Бразилия по праву носит звание первой по величине страны Южноамериканского континента. По сути, эта.

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Brazil Map - View map of Brazil to know about largest country in South America and 5th largest in the World both by populations and area.  Brazil Map. Explore the map of Brazil, the largest country in South America, that is ranked fifth in terms of area in the world. The country got its name from the 'brazilwood' tree that was grown along the Brazil coast. Ecuador and Chile are the only South American countries that do not share the border with Brazil as seen in the map of Brazil.

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Brazil, country of South America that occupies half the continent’s landmass. It is the fifth largest and fifth most-populous country in the world. Brazil contains most of the Amazon River basin, which has the world’s largest river system and the world’s most-extensive virgin rainforest.  The land. The Brazilian landscape is immense and complex, with interspersed rivers, wetlands, mountains, and plateaus adjoining other major features and traversing the boundaries of states and regions. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

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