Boy Son Mom Incest

Boy Son Mom Incest


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A British mom had sex with a 14-year-old boy after luring him and a pal to her home after watching them play soccer, a court was told this week.
Mother of three Teah Vincent, 32, has admitted having sex with the youngster at her home in Gloucestershire — but claimed he told her he was 16, the legal age of consent in the UK, according to the Sun.
However, Gloucester Crown Court was told that the boy had told her he was just 14 and still at school soon after she invited him and a friend inside for a drink of water after watching them play soccer nearby.
She ignored it and started talking about sex and her body — a come-on which the friend’s older pal thought was “lost” on him, the report said.
When the boy agreed to go upstairs with Vincent, he expected to watch TV or play video games — but the mom stripped and initiated sex, the court was told about the October 2018 incident.
The victim described Vincent “bouncing up and down on him” for around five minutes, said.
“The boy had a strong feeling that the situation was not right,” prosecutor Christopher Smyth told the court of the boy, who has not been identified because of his age.
“He knew he was underage and that there was a big age gap between them — she was more than twice his age … In the end, he pushed her off, got dressed and fled downstairs,” Smyth said, according to the Sun.
The boy’s mother eventually confronted Vincent, asking her, “What the hell is this I hear about you having sex with a 14-year-old? That’s my son.”
The boy told the court that Vincent replied, “‘Get the f—ing police, then.”
Vincent has pleaded not guilty to having sexual intercourse with an underage boy, insisting that he had told her he was 16 at the time.
The prosecutor told the jury there was no dispute that sexual intercourse had taken place, but it was the age of the youth that was being questioned in the ongoing trial, the Sun said.
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5 Ways To Connect With Your Kids Right Now
As a mother of all boys and with a mother-in-law who raised all boys, I feel like I have been given a unique opportunity, a special perspective into my relationship with my husband, my mother-in-law, and my own kids.
They say the relationship between a mother and son is one of love and devotion unlike any other. Since I do not have any daughters, I cannot attest to the comparison. However, I do know that the love I have for my sons is a tempestuous, emotional, and ardent kind of love that takes over my whole heart. The love they give me can lift me higher than I ever thought possible and I’m reminded how easily my heart could be crushed and destroyed should anything ever happen to them. It is such a vulnerable feeling. It is like standing on the edge of the world marveling at its beauty and knowing that at any moment you could topple over.
It’s in the moments I analyze these feelings—and this vulnerability—that I most think about my mother-in-law. Did she feel this way for her boys, too? Does she still?
When I look at my boys, I feel like nobody could ever love them the way I do. I feel like nobody could ever look after them the way that I do. I struggle every day with wanting to teach them independence but also not wanting them to ever stop needing me. I struggle with wanting them to grow stronger through experiencing hardship and failures, but also wanting to protect them from ever being sad or disappointed.
I want you to know that because I have these feelings, I try to love your son—my husband—as I would like my boys’ future spouses to love them one day. When your son needs help, reassurance, or encouragement, I am there for him to give him all of my love. I share in his disappointments and in his moments of sadness.
Just as I now kiss my boys’ scraped knees, hold them at night when they’ve had nightmares, or reassure them when their hearts are broken by unkind friends, I know that you once did the same for my husband. Although the worries evolved as he grew older, I know it was the same love you gave that comforted him. You were his safe space, just as I hope to be for my own boys. This boy mom love is teaching me to love your son in a brand new way, and I want you to know that.
When I hold your son’s hand, that strong hand that is twice the size of mine, I try to remember that it was once a small, chubby hand with dimples where the knuckles would one day be. I imagine you kissing that tiny hand just as I now kiss my own baby boy’s hand. When your son smiles at me, I imagine him smiling at you with a few teeth missing excited that the tooth fairy will be visiting him again. Your son was, and is, precious to you—I know that.
And so, although I have loved him for a very long time, my love for him has never been quite like what it became once I became a boy mom, too.
I want you to know I love him and will continue to love him—for me and for you, too.
Georgina is a mom of three boys, wife to a super hot policeman, and a fan of her pit bull and bulldog. She has a corporate day job, likes to run, and finds fulfillment in writing and being involved with a non-profit she helped incorporate. You can follow Georgina on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @ginabigb
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