Bounty Campaign Signal

Bounty Campaign Signal

[BOUNTY] Бесплатная раздача токенов

Greetings from the Signal Team to the Bitcointalk Community! Today we are proud to introduce the announcement of our altcoin, Signal. Signal Tokens ('SGNL') are ERC20 tokens issued on the decentralized Ethereum blockchain that are exchanged for premium services offered on the Signal Application or website. Unlike other applications which may simply alert users of unusual volume changes in the market, the premium alerts traders will receive are based on tried and tested algorithms which utilize extensive and constant data analysis and factor in each user's unique investor profile.

Users with SGNL Tokens will be able to use them on the application in two ways; pay-per-alert or a subscription package. Users who create an account will be able to deposit Signal Tokens directly from their wallet to the application. Upon creation of an account, users will fill out an investor profile, which will help Signal to determine which altcoins and information that user wants to see. Examples of questions on the investor profile include, but are not limited to: "What is your investment horizon?", "Are you comfortable investing in altcoins with a market capitalization under $1,000,000"; and "Which statement best describes your willingness to tolerate decreases in the value of your portfolio?" This investor profile will aid Signal's algorithms to filter out the information and alerts that are of little use to that user.

Signal is a mobile and web application designed to aid every digital currency trader, from new traders needing an introduction to the cryptocurrency world to the most savvy and well-informed investors. Signal’s objective is to provide users a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing traders to accomplish all their goals as they relate to digital currency trading. From receiving personalized alerts based on their investor profile, to tracking the top coins, to speculating on altcoins with small market capitalizations and keeping up to date with all the latest cryptocurrency news, users can rest assured that Signal will always provide real time advanced analytics and information.

Pre-Sale ICO: September 28th, 2017 - October 12th, 2017. SGNL are on sale for $0.25 USD (equivalent in BTC/Ethereum) starting September 28th, and $0.40 USD starting October 6th until the end of the Pre-Sale. Bounty rewards will be distributed when the ICO ends.

Initial Coin Offering: November 1st, 2017 - November 15th, 2017. SGNL are on sale for $0.50 USD (equivalent in BTC/Ethereum) starting September 28th, and $0.75 USD starting October 6th until the end of the Pre-Sale.


[ WebsiteWhitepaper | Facebook | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram]


Bounty Campaign Signal

Bounty Campaign Components:

1. Translation Campaign

2. Twitter Campaign

3. Facebook Campaign

4. Articles/Blog Posts Campaign

5. Telegram Group Campaign


Translation Campaign

-Whitepaper Translation: 115 SGNL

-Signal Announcement Thread Translation: 65 SGNL


Members may only submit translations in one language, but one member may reserve the translations for the whitepaper and the announcement thread. Please do not submit a request to translate unless you are fluent in the translated language and relatively fluent in English. No software translations. If you are accepted as an announcement thread translator, you must complete the translated announcement within 72 hours of acceptance to qualify for Bounty Rewards.

For Announcement Thread Translations, please follow the following guidelines:

-Translate all the text on the images of the announcement thread including the Core Values, Roadmap and What Is Signal?

-Translate all the text written in the announcement thread

-Translate the ICO Details and the Description of Features

-Post the ANN Thread to your respective language's forum

In order to submit a request to translate, please provide the following information in a reply to this thread

-Your Language:

-Bitcointalk profile url: 

-Reference to previous works:

-Translating Whitepaper, ANN thread or both:

You will be contacted through Personal Message if you are selected for the bounty campaign, and will receive bounty rewards once your work is fully audited and the initial coin offering ends!


Twitter Campaign

Official Signal Twitter:

-2 SGNL / 1 Tweet about Signal

-1 SGNL / 1 Retweet of Signal official account tweet


You must first follow @SGNLTrading. Only one twitter account per bitcoin talk member is allowed. Your twitter account must have at least 400 authentic followers. You must retweet at least 3 tweets from @SGNLTrading and can publish up to 10 tweets (1 per day maximum) with the hashtags #ICO #SGNL. All tweets will be reviewed by bounty campaign managers. In order to receive a Twitter bounty reward, you must have earned at least 15 SGNL Tokens in this component of the campaign (ex: 7 individual tweets about Signal + 1 Retweet of an @SGNLTrading account tweet).

In order to earn bounty rewards, you must make a post on this thread with the following information:

Bitcointalk profile url:

Twitter Username:


(Link to Tweet 1 About Signal)

(Link to Tweet 2 About Signal)

(Link to Tweet 3 About Signal)

(Link to Tweet 4 About Signal)

(Link to Tweet 5 About Signal)

(Link to Retweet 1 About Signal)

(Link to Retweet 2 About Signal)

(Link to Retweet 2 About Signal)

Bounty rewards for the Twitter Campaign will be distributed once the ICO ends.


Facebook Campaign

-2 SGNL Tokens / 1 FB Post About Signal

-1 SGNL Tokens / 1 FB Like+Share About Signal


Follow and like the official Signal Facebook page ( Only one facebook account per bitcoin talk member is allowed. Your facebook account must have at least 500 friends. You must like/share at least 3 posts from @SGNLTrading and can publish up to 10 posts (1 per day maximum) with the hashtags #ICO #SGNL #SignalTrading. All posts will be reviewed by bounty campaign managers. In order to receive a Facebook bounty reward, you must have earned at least 10 SGNL Tokens in this component of the campaign (ex: 4 individual posts about Signal + 2 Likes & Shares of an official Signal Facebook post.

In order to earn bounty rewards, you must make a post on this thread with the following information:

Bitcointalk profile url:

Facebook url:


(Link to FB Post 1 About Signal)

(Link to FB Post 2 About Signal)

(Link to FB Post 3 About Signal)

(Link to FB Post 4 About Signal)

(Link to FB Post 5 About Signal)

(Link to FB Share 1 About Signal)

(Link to FB Share 2 About Signal)

(Link to FB Share 2 About Signal)

Bounty rewards for the Facebook Campaign will be distributed once the ICO ends.


Articles/Blog Posts Campaign

Articles/blog posts will earn 50, 75, or 100 SGNL depending on the effort level and quality of the post, at the discretion of the Signal team. If a piece is written in a foreign language, coins will be earned based on feedback of post (likes, shares, comments).


All articles or blog posts must be publicly accessible. The platform through which you publish must be relevant and an audience is necessary. Pieces should be at least 500 words and include the links to our website ( and announcement thread ( Please review our whitepaper and website before publishing a post and should you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact us. Signal reserves the right to withhold coins as they relate to articles/blog posts if Signal feels the post is inaccurate or misleading, or if the post does not have an audience whatsoever. Articles or posts made on dedicated crypto press platforms will earn minimum 50 SGNL if there is enough of an audience. The same articles may be posted on multiple platforms and will earn tokens for each platform!

In order to earn bounty rewards, you must make a post on this thread with the following information:

Bitcointalk profile url:

Website you will post content on:

Language of post:


Telegram Group Campaign

The easiest bounty to qualify for! All you need to do is join our Telegram group: and remain in the group until the pre-sale ends on October 12th, 2017 and you will be entitled to receive 10 SGNL Tokens!

Members of the Official Signal Bounty Campaign will be contacted through personal message from the SGNLTrading btctalk account if their post on this thread is sufficient to earn them rewards (for FB, Twitter and Articles). For translations, members will be contacted once a reservation is made on this thread and the member's reference work has been audited.


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Bitcoin: 1H2VDhsguksgnDgyoReYWsMF5A4FdZeS3q

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