Bosnia Herzegovina

Bosnia Herzegovina

Bosnia Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina, abbreviated BiH or B&H, sometimes called Bosnia–Herzegovina and often known informally as Bosnia, is a country of South and Southeast Europe, located within the Balkans. Sarajevo is the capital and largest city. Bosnia and Herzegovina is almost a landlocked country – to the south it has a narrow coast on the Adriatic Sea, about 20 kilometres (12 miles) long and surrounding the town of Neum. It is bordered by Serbia to the east, Montenegro to the southeast, and Croatia.

Following the instructions and instructions of the competent authorities and institutions regarding the spread of the corona virus, the FF BH takes all the necessary protection and prevention measures that fall within the competence of the Federation. Football Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina sends sincere gratitude to all the fans who were our twelfth player on the match against Northern Ireland last night, those who brought their fair and above all sports support to our side. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cadets completed their preparations in Zenica 11 March FF BH monitors developments and instructions regarding the corona virus 11 March Three goals is an incentive to work 11 March These players are promising big results 10 March Invitations sent to the players for the ma Slaven Musa: Players are delighted with th Press conference 23 January We must mobilize all the forces at our dis Kick-offs of the play-off matches 22 November My dream came true 19 November Victory for the end of the qualifications 18 November BH national team defeated by Italy 15 November Dragons ready for Italy 14 November The head coach and the captain expect a qu FF BH fan shop opened 14 November Motive will not fail 11 November Press conference 29 October Premier League BiH. Seminars for referees and referee observers Monday, 17 February Seminar for security commissioners and fan liaison officers Thursday, 13 February Seminar on administrative, legal, sporting and infrastructure criteria in the licensing process Tuesday, 11 February Club licensing seminar Tuesday, 04 February Seminar on ways of construction and football pitches maintenance methods Tuesday, 17 December Cup quarterfinals draw Wednesday, 12 February BH Cup quarterfinals draw Monday, 03 February We won important points 05 March Victory of female seniors 05 March Female seniors are preparing for Israel, tomorrow a press conference 03 March Samira Hurem selected players for matches with Israel and Malta 25 February Female seniors successful in Podgorica 22 January Victory of BH female seniors in Israel 12 November Female seniors ready for a match with Israel 11 November The female seniors expect points in a challenging match 07 November Premier League BiH - Women. Monday, 06 May Champions with a convincing victory ended the season Saturday, 19 May Young National Teams. UEFA postpones Elite qualifying round fo Cadets completed their preparations in Z Pioneers defeated by Russia 10 March Cadet national team gathered 10 March Female juniors are visiting Serbia 06 March Friendly matches of the U teams of BH The BH U national team played tie in Tie result with Serbia 26 February Female juniors successful against Croati U national team defeated in Podgorica 25 February Defeat of the junior team in the second Victory of the junior team in Skopje 18 February BH cadets again unsuccessful against Nor Female juniors are visiting Croatia 13 February Cadets defeated by Northern Macedonia 12 February Matches of the U national team on the The juniors are visiting Skopje 07 February Friendly matches of the cadet teams of B The female cadets gathered 02 February Winter camp for female cadets 28 January Female pioneers at winter camp in Zenica 21 January Gathering of pioneers 10 January Winter camp for U national team playe Testing of players 08 January Gathering of players born in 06 January Zenica winter camp for U players star Centar and Salines finalists of BH Futsa Centar against Seljak, Mostar SG welcome First place for Lokomotiva in the tourna Krezo thanked the audience 01 February Another win for first place in the group 01 February A futsal tournament for PWL clubs has st It is an honour to be in the technical s Convincing victories as a result of a se We play at a high level 31 January Tournament for girls under 15 09 January Seminar for female coaches completed 13 December Regional tournaments for girls under 13 06 November Useful lectures at a seminar for female Seminar for female football coaches 17 June Futsal Tournament - Be my friend 29 May Young female players of Radnik winners o Tournament for U female players 16 May Host Score Guest Socializing with journalists. List of the players for Austria and Spain on 2nd November. FF BH monitors developments and instructions regar Gratitude to the fans 16 October BiH-Italija 15 November BiH-Finska 12 October Italija - BiH 11 June Finska - BiH 08 June Latest Tweets.

Трип-репорты Кокаина Витебск

Босния и Герцеговина – небольшое государство в юго-восточной части Европы, в котором проживает 3,8 млн человек. Его жители говорят на боснийском, хорватском и сербском языках. Территория Боснии и Герцеговины размером в 51, тыс. кв. км лежит на западе Балканского полуострова и окружена Хорватией, Сербией и Черногорией.  Флаг Боснии и Герцеговины. Герб Боснии и Герцеговины. Гимн Боснии и Герцеговины. Дата Независимости. 5 апреля года (от Югославии).

Hydra Гашиш Забже

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Northern Ireland. Stadium: Bilino polje, Zenica. June   Football Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina sends sincere gratitude to all the fans who were our twelfth player on the match against Northern Ireland last night, those who brought their fair and above all sports support to our side. MEDIA RELEASE. 03 September

Трип-репорты Гидропоники Бишкек

Sarajevo is the capital and largest city. Bosnia and Herzegovina is almost a landlocked country — to the south it has a narrow coast on the Adriatic Sea , about 20 kilometres 12 miles long and surrounding the town of Neum. It is bordered by Serbia to the east, Montenegro to the southeast, and Croatia surrounding north and southwest. In the central and eastern interior of the country the geography is mountainous, in the northwest moderately hilly, and the northeast predominantly flatland. The inland, Bosnia , is a geographically larger region and has a moderate continental climate , with hot summers and cold and snowy winters. The southern tip, Herzegovina , has a Mediterranean climate and mostly mountainous topography. Bosnia and Herzegovina traces permanent human settlement back to the Neolithic age, during and after which it was populated by several Illyrian and Celtic civilizations. Culturally, politically, and socially, the country has a rich history, having been first settled by the Slavic peoples that populate the area today from the 6th through to the 9th centuries. In the 12th century the Banate of Bosnia was established, which evolved into the Kingdom of Bosnia in the 14th century, after which it was annexed into the Ottoman Empire , under whose rule it remained from the midth to the late 19th centuries. The Ottomans brought Islam to the region, and altered much of the cultural and social outlook of the country. Following the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the republic proclaimed independence in , which was followed by the Bosnian War , lasting until late Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina has grown at double digit rates in recent years. Bosnia and Herzegovina is regionally and internationally renowned for its natural environment and cultural heritage inherited from six historical civilizations, its cuisine , winter sports , its eclectic and unique music , architecture , and its festivals , some of which are the largest and most prominent of their kind in Southeastern Europe. Bosniaks are the largest group of the three, with Serbs second, and Croats third. A native of Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of ethnicity, is usually identified in English as a Bosnian. Minorities, defined under the constitutional nomenclature 'Others' , include Jews , Roma , Poles, Ukrainians, and Turks. Bosnia and Herzegovina has a bicameral legislature and a three-member Presidency composed of a member of each major ethnic group. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of 10 cantons. Bosnia and Herzegovina ranks highly in terms of human development , and has an economy dominated by the industry and agriculture sectors, followed by the tourism and service sectors. The name is believed to have derived from the hydronym of the river Bosna coursing through the Bosnian heartland. The region was administered by the Ottomans as the Sanjak of Herzegovina Hersek within the Eyalet of Bosnia up until the formation of the short-lived Herzegovina Eyalet in the s, which remerged in the s, after which the entity became commonly known as Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia has been inhabited by humans since at least the Paleolithic , as one of the oldest paint caving was found in Badanj cave. Major Neolithic cultures such as the Butmir and Kakanj were present along the river Bosna dated from c. From 8th century BC, Illyrian tribes evolved into kingdoms. The earliest recorded kingdom in Illyria a region in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula inhabited by the Illyrians, as recorded in classical antiquity was the Enchele in the 8th century BC. The era in which we observe other Illyrian kingdoms begins approximately at BC and ends at BC. The Autariatae under Pleurias BC were considered to have been a kingdom. The most notable Illyrian kingdoms and dynasties were those of Bardyllis of the Dardani and of Agron of the Ardiaei who created the last and best-known Illyrian kingdom. Agron ruled over the Ardiaei and had extended his rule to other tribes as well. From the 7th century BC, bronze was replaced by iron, after which only jewelry and art objects were still made out of bronze. Illyrian tribes, under the influence of Hallstatt cultures to the north, formed regional centers that were slightly different. Parts of Central Bosnia were inhabited by Daesitiates tribe most commonly associated with Central Bosnian cultural group. Iron Age Glasinac culture is associated with Autariatae tribe. A very important role in their life was the cult of the dead, which is seen in their careful burials and burial ceremonies, as well as the richness of their burial sites. In northern parts, there was a long tradition of cremation and burial in shallow graves, while in the south the dead were buried in large stone or earth tumuli natively called gromile that in Herzegovina were reaching monumental sizes, more than 50 m wide and 5 m high. Japodian tribes had an affinity to decoration heavy, oversized necklaces out of yellow, blue or white glass paste, and large bronze fibulas, as well as spiral bracelets, diadems and helmets out of bronze foil. In the 4th century BC, the first invasion of Celts is recorded. They brought the technique of the pottery wheel , new types of fibulas and different bronze and iron belts. They only passed on their way to Greece , so their influence in Bosnia and Herzegovina is negligible. Celtic migrations displaced many Illyrian tribes from their former lands, but some Celtic and Illyrian tribes mixed. Concrete historical evidence for this period is scarce, but overall it appears the region was populated by a number of different peoples speaking distinct languages. In the Neretva Delta in the south, there were important Hellenistic influence of the Illyrian Daors tribe. Daorson in the 4th century BC was surrounded by megalithic , 5 m high stonewalls as large as those of Mycenae in Greece , composed of large trapezoid stone blocks. Daors made unique bronze coins and sculptures. It was precisely in modern-day Bosnia and Herzegovina that Rome fought one of the most difficult battles in its history since the Punic Wars , as described by the Roman historian Suetonius. The region was conquered by the Ostrogoths in AD. It subsequently changed hands between the Alans and the Huns. By the 6th century, Emperor Justinian had reconquered the area for the Byzantine Empire. Slavs overwhelmed the Balkans in the 6th and 7th centuries. Illyrian cultural traits were adopted by the South Slavs, as evidenced in certain customs and traditions, placenames, etc. Gregory, Timothy E. A History of Byzantium 2 ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. The Early Slavs raided the Western Balkans, including Bosnia, in the 6th and early 7th century amid the Migration Period , and were composed of small tribal units drawn from a single Slavic confederation known to the Byzantines as the Sclaveni whilst the related Antes , roughly speaking, colonized the eastern portions of the Balkans. The bulk of Bosnia proper, however, appears to have been a territory between Serb and Croat rule and is not enumerated as one of the regions settled by those tribes. In time, Bosnia formed a unit under its own ruler, who called himself Bosnian. In the High Middle Ages political circumstance led to the area being contested between the Kingdom of Hungary and the Byzantine Empire. Following another shift of power between the two in the early 12th century, Bosnia found itself outside the control of both and emerged as the Banate of Bosnia under the rule of local bans. In response to Hungarian attempts to use church politics regarding the issue as a way to reclaim sovereignty over Bosnia, Kulin held a council of local church leaders to renounce the heresy and embraced Catholicism in By the time of his death in , he was successful in annexing territories to the north and west, as well as Zahumlje and parts of Dalmatia. He was succeeded by his ambitious nephew Tvrtko who, following a prolonged struggle with nobility and inter-family strife, gained full control of the country in By the year , Bosnia was elevated into a kingdom with the coronation of Tvrtko as the first Bosnian King in Mile near Visoko in the Bosnian heartland. Following his death in however, Bosnia fell into a long period of decline. The Ottoman Empire had started its conquest of Europe and posed a major threat to the Balkans throughout the first half of the 15th century. Finally, after decades of political and social instability, the Kingdom of Bosnia ceased to exist in after its conquest by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans incorporating Bosnia as an integral province of the Ottoman Empire with its historical name and territorial integrity. A native Slavic-speaking Muslim community emerged and eventually became the largest of the ethno-religious groups due to lack of strong Christian church organizations and continuous rivalry between the Orthodox and Catholic churches, while the indigenous Bosnian Church disappeared altogether ostensibly by conversion of its members to Islam. The Ottomans referred to them as kristianlar while the Orthodox and Catholics were called gebir or kafir , meaning 'unbeliever'. As the Ottoman Empire continued their rule in the Balkans Rumelia , Bosnia was somewhat relieved of the pressures of being a frontier province, and experienced a period of general welfare. The 18th century was marked by further military failures, numerous revolts within Bosnia, and several outbursts of plague. New nationalist movements appeared in Bosnia by the middle of the 19th century. In the neighboring Habsburg Empire across the Ottoman border, Croatian nationalists made similar claims about Bosnia as a Croatian province. The rise of these competing movements marked the beginning of nationalist politics in Bosnia, which continued to grow in the rest of the 19th and 20th centuries. Agrarian unrest eventually sparked the Herzegovinian rebellion , a widespread peasant uprising, in The conflict rapidly spread and came to involve several Balkan states and Great Powers, a situation that led to the Congress of Berlin and the Treaty of Berlin in Although Austro-Hungarian officials quickly came to an agreement with Bosnians, tensions remained and a mass emigration of Bosnians occurred. Habsburg rule had several key concerns in Bosnia. It tried to dissipate the South Slav nationalism by disputing the earlier Serb and Croat claims to Bosnia and encouraging identification of Bosnian or Bosniak identity. Austria—Hungary began to plan annexation of Bosnia, but due to international disputes the issue was not resolved until the annexation crisis of A bloody coup occurred in Serbia in , which brought a radical anti-Austrian government into power in Belgrade. These factors caused the Austro-Hungarian government to seek a permanent resolution of the Bosnian question sooner, rather than later. Taking advantage of turmoil in the Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian diplomacy tried to obtain provisional Russian approval for changes over the status of Bosnia Herzegovina and published the annexation proclamation on 6 October In , Habsburg Emperor Franz Joseph proclaimed the first constitution in Bosnia, which led to relaxation of earlier laws, elections and formation of the Bosnian parliament, and growth of new political life. At the end of the war, the Bosniaks had lost more men per capita than any other ethnic group in the Habsburg Empire whilst serving in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Infantry known as Bosniaken of the Austro-Hungarian Army. Political life in Bosnia at this time was marked by two major trends: social and economic unrest over property redistribution , and formation of several political parties that frequently changed coalitions and alliances with parties in other Yugoslav regions. Following the reforms Bosnian Muslims were dispossessed of a total of 1,, hectares of agricultural and forest land. The establishment of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in , however, brought the redrawing of administrative regions into banates or banovinas that purposely avoided all historical and ethnic lines, removing any trace of a Bosnian entity. An estimated , Serbs and Montenegrins were killed on the territory of Bosnia—Herzegovina during the war. Starting in , Yugoslav communists under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito organized their own multi-ethnic resistance group, the partisans , who fought against both Axis and Chetnik forces. On 29 November the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia with Tito at its helm held a founding conference in Jajce where Bosnia and Herzegovina was reestablished as a republic within the Yugoslavian federation in its Habsburg borders. Military success eventually prompted the Allies to support the Partisans, resulting in the successful Maclean Mission , but Tito declined their offer to help and relied on his own forces instead. All the major military offensives by the antifascist movement of Yugoslavia against Nazis and their local supporters were conducted in Bosnia—Herzegovina and its peoples bore the brunt of fighting. Due to its central geographic position within the Yugoslavian federation, post-war Bosnia was selected as a base for the development of the military defense industry. This contributed to a large concentration of arms and military personnel in Bosnia; a significant factor in the war that followed the break-up of Yugoslavia in the s. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo was the site of the Winter Olympics. During the s and s Bosnia was a political backwater of the Republic of Yugoslavia. However, the republic did not escape the increasingly nationalistic climate of the time. With the fall of communism and the start of the break-up of Yugoslavia, doctrine of tolerance began to lose its potency, creating an opportunity for nationalist elements in the society to spread their influence. On 18 November , multi-party parliamentary elections were held throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. A second round followed on 25 November, resulting in a national assembly where communist power was replaced by a coalition of three ethnically-based parties. The Serb members of parliament, consisting mainly of the Serb Democratic Party members, abandoned the central parliament in Sarajevo, and formed the Assembly of the Serb People of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 24 October , which marked the end of the tri-ethnic coalition that governed after the elections in It was renamed Republika Srpska in August The turnout in the independence referendum was Government forces were poorly equipped and unprepared for the war. Dozens of concentration camps were established in which inmates were subjected to violence and abuse, including rape. It brought an end to active combat and roughly established the basic political structure of the present-day state. A NATO-led peacekeeping force was immediately dispatched to the country to enforce the agreement. An estimated , people were killed in the war, about two-thirds of whom were Bosniak. Several high-ranking Croat and Bosniak officials have also been convicted. In , the ICJ exonerated Serbia of direct responsibility for the genocide committed by Bosnian Serb forces in Srebrenica, but concluded the country had not done enough to prevent the massacre. Workers from several factories that had been privatised and had gone bankrupt united to demand action over jobs, and unpaid salaries and pensions. The same level of unrest or activism did not occur in the Republika Srpska , but hundreds of people also gathered in support of protests in the town of Banja Luka against its separate government. The protests marked the largest outbreak of public anger over high unemployment and two decades of political inertia in the country since the end of the Bosnian War in It has a coastline about 20 kilometres 12 miles long surrounding the city of Neum. The country is mostly mountainous, encompassing the central Dinaric Alps. The northeastern parts reach into the Pannonian Plain , while in the south it borders the Adriatic. The Dinaric Alps generally run in a southeast—northwest direction, and get higher towards the south. The geological composition of the Dinaric chain of mountains in Bosnia consists primarily of limestone including Mesozoic limestone , with deposits of iron , coal , zinc , manganese , bauxite , lead , and salt present in some areas, especially in central and northern Bosnia. Most forest areas are in the centre, east and west parts of Bosnia. Herzegovina has drier Mediterranean climate, with dominant karst topography. Northern Bosnia Posavina contains very fertile agricultural land along the River Sava and the corresponding area is heavily farmed. This farmland is a part of the Pannonian Plain stretching into neighboring Croatia and Serbia. The country has only 20 kilometres 12 miles of coastline, \\\[98\\\] \\\[\\\] around the town of Neum in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. Although the city is surrounded by Croatian peninsulas, by international law, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a right of passage to the outer sea. Sarajevo is the capital \\\[1\\\] and largest city. There are seven major rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina: \\\[\\\]. Phytogeographically , Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to the Boreal Kingdom and is shared between the Illyrian province of the Circumboreal Region and Adriatic province of the Mediterranean Region. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature , the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina can be subdivided into three ecoregions : the Pannonian mixed forests , Dinaric Mountains mixed forests and Illyrian deciduous forests. The Politics of Bosnia and Herzegovina takes place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democracy , whereby executive power is exercised by the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Legislative power is vested in both the Council of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Members of the Parliamentary Assembly are chosen according to a proportional representation system. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a liberal democracy. It has several levels of political structuring, according to the Dayton Accords. The most important of these levels is the division of the country into two entities: Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since , the power of the entities relative to the State government has decreased significantly. Nonetheless, entities still have numerous powers to themselves. It officially belongs to both, but is governed by neither, and functions under a decentralized system of local government. They are unique to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity, which consists of ten of them. Each has a cantonal government, which is under the law of the Federation as a whole. Some cantons are ethnically mixed and have special laws to ensure the equality of all constituent people. The fourth level of political division in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the municipality. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is divided into 74 municipalities, and Republika Srpska into Municipalities also have their own local government, and are typically based on the most significant city or place in their territory. As such, many municipalities have a long tradition and history with their present boundaries. Some others, however, were only created following the recent war after traditional municipalities were split by the Inter-Entity Boundary Line. Each canton in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of several municipalities, which are divided into local communities. Besides entities, cantons, and municipalities, Bosnia and Herzegovina also has four 'official' cities. The territory and government of the cities of Banja Luka and Mostar corresponds to the municipalities of the same name, while the cities of Sarajevo and East Sarajevo officially consist of several municipalities. Cities have their own city government whose power is in between that of the municipalities and cantons or the entity, in the case of Republika Srpska. As a result of the Dayton Accords , the civilian peace implementation is supervised by the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina selected by the Peace Implementation Council. The High Representative has many governmental and legislative powers, including the dismissal of elected and non-elected officials. More recently, several central institutions have been established such as defense ministry , security ministry, state court, indirect taxation service and so on in the process of transferring part of the jurisdiction from the entities to the state. The Chair of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina rotates among three members Bosniak , Serb , Croat , each elected as the Chair for an eight-month term within their four-year term as a member. The three members of the Presidency are elected directly by the people with Federation voters voting for the Bosniak and the Croat, and the Republika Srpska voters for the Serb. He or she is then responsible for appointing a Foreign Minister, Minister of Foreign Trade, and others as appropriate. The Parliamentary Assembly is the lawmaking body in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It consists of two houses: the House of Peoples and the House of Representatives. The House of Peoples has 15 delegates chosen by parliaments of the entities, two-thirds of which come from the Federation 5 Croat and 5 Bosniaks and one-third from the Republika Srpska 5 Serbs. The House of Representatives is composed of 42 Members elected by the people under a form of proportional representation PR , two-thirds elected from the Federation and one-third elected from the Republika Srpska. The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the supreme, final arbiter of legal matters. It is composed of nine members: four members are selected by the House of Representatives of the Federation, two by the Assembly of the Republika Srpska, and three by the President of the European Court of Human Rights after consultation with the Presidency, but cannot be Bosnian citizens. However, the highest political authority in the country is the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the chief executive officer for the international civilian presence in the country and is selected by the European Union. Since , the High Representative has been able to bypass the elected parliamentary assembly, and since has been able to remove elected officials. The methods selected by the High Representative have been criticized as undemocratic. The Ministry of Defense was founded in The Ground Forces number 14, active and 7, reserve personnel. They are armed with a mix of American, Yugoslavian, Soviet, and European-made weaponry, vehicles, and military equipment. A domestic production program is now underway to ensure that army units are equipped with the correct ammunition. All three deployed groups have been commended by their respective international forces as well as the Ministry of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The international assistance operations are still ongoing. The Air Force has seen improvements in the last few years with added funds for aircraft repairs and improved cooperation with the Ground Forces as well as to the citizens of the country. The Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina is pursuing the acquisition of new aircraft including helicopters and perhaps even fighter jets. EU integration is one of the main political objectives of Bosnia and Herzegovina; it initiated the Stabilisation and Association Process in Countries participating in the SAP have been offered the possibility to become, once they fulfill the necessary conditions, Member States of the EU. Bosnia and Herzegovina is therefore a potential candidate country for EU accession. The implementation of the Dayton Accords of has focused the efforts of policymakers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the international community, on regional stabilization in the countries-successors of the former Yugoslavia. Within Bosnia and Herzegovina, relations with its neighbors of Croatia , Serbia and Montenegro have been fairly stable since the signing of the Dayton Agreement in Full membership was expected in or , depending on the progress of reforms. According to the census , Bosnia and Herzegovina had a population of 4,,, while the World Bank Group census showed a decrease to 3,, Between and , political disagreements made it impossible to organize a census. A census had been planned for , \\\[\\\] and then for , \\\[\\\] but was delayed until October The census found a total population of 3,, people in 1. Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to three ethnic ' constituent peoples ', namely Bosniaks , Serbs , and Croats , plus a number of smaller groups including Jews and Roma. As a result, the wording of the entity constitutions was changed and all three languages were made official in both entities. Use of one of the three languages has become a marker of ethnic identity. Due to expulsions and forced assimilation after the two World Wars , the number of ethnic Germans in Bosnia and Herzegovina was drastically diminished. In a census, The smallest groups are Agnosticism 0. The war in the s, caused a dramatic change in the Bosnian economy. Annual inflation is the lowest relative to other countries in the region at 1. Bosnia and Herzegovina has displayed positive progress in the previous years, which decisively moved its place from the lowest income equality rank of income equality rankings fourteen out of nations. This was scheduled to be approved in September By some estimates, grey economy is In , Bosnia and Herzegovina mostly exported car seats , electricity , processed wood , aluminum and furniture. In the same year, it mostly imported crude oil , automobiles , motor oil , coal and briquettes. The unemployment rate in was In , the unemployment should be In , the unemployment rate should go down to In , Bosnia and Herzegovina ranked 3rd in the world in terms of the number of new jobs created by foreign investment, relative to the number of inhabitants. In , Bosnia and Herzegovina exported goods worth This represents a jump of 3. The share of public debt in gross domestic product is In the first 7 months of , , tourists visited the country, a In the first 11 months of , 1,, tourists visited Bosnia-Herzegovina, an increase of Also, In , In , Bosnia and Herzegovina received The World Bank predicts that the economy will grow 3. Bosnia and Herzegovina was placed 83rd on the Index of Economic Freedom for The total rating for Bosnia and Herzegovina is This position represents some progress relative to the 91st place in This result is below the regional level, but still above the global average, making Bosnia and Herzegovina a 'moderately free' country. On 31 January , total deposits in Bosnian banks were KM In the first six months of , exports amounted to 5. In the first seven months of , , tourists visited the country, a In the first six months of , foreign direct investment amounted to Railway operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina are successors of the Yugoslav Railways within the country boundaries following independence from the Former Yugoslavia in The Bosnian communications market was fully liberalised in January There are three landline telephone providers, although each one predominantly serves a partile services are provided by three operators, with nationwide services. There are many national publications, only some of which include the Dnevni Avaz Daily Voice , founded in , and Jutarnje Novine Morning News in circulation in Sarajevo. Novi Plamen , a monthly magazine, is the most left-wing publication. The international news station Al Jazeera maintains a sister channel that caters to the Balkan region, Al Jazeera Balkans , broadcasting out of and based in Sarajevo. Additionally, the country is the most liberal in terms of freedom of the press in the region, ranking 43rd internationally. According to projections by the World Tourism Organization , Bosnia and Herzegovina will have the third highest tourism growth rate in the world between and In , 1. In , 1,, tourists visited Bosnia and Herzegovina, an increase of In , when ranking the best cities in the world, Lonely Planet placed Sarajevo , the national capital \\\[1\\\] and host of the Winter Olympic Games , as 43 on the list. Bosnia has also become an increasingly popular skiing and Ecotourism destination. Bosnia and Herzegovina remains one of the last undiscovered natural regions of the southern area of the Alps, with vast tracts of wild and untouched nature attracting adventurers and nature lovers. National Geographic magazine named Bosnia and Herzegovina as the best mountain biking adventure destination for Whitewater rafting is somewhat of a national pastime , with three rivers, including the deepest river canyon in Europe, the Tara River Canyon. Most recently, the Huffington Post named Bosnia and Herzegovina the '9th Greatest Adventure in the World for ', adding that the country boasts 'the cleanest water and air in Europe; the greatest untouched forests; and the most wildlife. The best way to experience is the three rivers trip, which purls through the best the Balkans have to offer. Higher education has a long and rich tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first bespoke higher-education institution was a school of Sufi philosophy established by Gazi Husrev-beg in Numerous other religious schools then followed. In , under the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a Sharia law school began a five-year program. In the s post-bachelaurate graduate degrees became available. Also, Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to several private and international higher education institutions, some of which are:. Primary schooling lasts for nine years. Secondary education is provided by general and technical secondary schools typically Gymnasiums where studies typically last for four years. All forms of secondary schooling include an element of vocational training. Pupils graduating from general secondary schools obtain the Matura and can enroll in any tertiary educational institution or academy by passing a qualification examination prescribed by the governing body or institution. Students graduating technical subjects obtain a Diploma. The architecture of Bosnia and Herzegovina is largely influenced by four major periods where political and social changes influenced the creation of distinct cultural and architectural habits of the population. Each period made its influence felt and contributed to a greater diversity of cultures and architectural language in this region. Some television, magazines, and newspapers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are state-owned, and some are for-profit corporations funded by advertising , subscription , and other sales-related revenues. The Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina guarantees freedom of speech. In the early post-war period — , media development was guided mainly by international donors and cooperation agencies, who invested to help reconstruct, diversify, democratize and professionalize media outlets. Post-war developments included the establishment of an independent Communication Regulatory Agency, the adoption of a Press Code, the establishment of the Press Council, the decriminalization of label and defamation, the introduction of a rather advanced Freedom of Access to Information Law, and the creation of a Public Service Broadcasting System from the formerly state-owned broadcaster. Yet, internationally backed positive developments have been often obstructed by domestic elites, and the professionalisation of media and journalists has proceeded only slowly. High levels of partisanship and linkages between the media and the political systems hinder the adherence to professional code of conducts. Magazines such as Novi Plamen or Sarajevske sveske are some of the more prominent publications covering cultural and literary themes. However, only with the arrival of Austro-Hungarians did the painting renaissance in Bosnia really begin to flourish. The first educated artists from European academies appeared with the beginning of the 20th century. In , Ars Aevi , a museum of contemporary art that includes works by renowned world artists was founded in Sarajevo. Typical Bosnian and Herzegovinian songs are ganga, rera , and the traditional Slavic music for the folk dances such as kolo and from Ottoman era the most popular is sevdalinka. The gusle is used mainly to recite epic poems in a usually dramatic tone. Probably the most distinctive and identifiably 'Bosnian' of music, Sevdalinka is a kind of emotional, melancholic folk song that often describes sad subjects such as love and loss, the death of a dear person or heartbreak. Sevdalinkas were traditionally performed with a saz , a Turkish string instrument, which was later replaced by the accordion. However the more modern arrangement, to the derision of some purists, is typically a vocalist accompanied by the accordion along with snare drums, upright bass, guitars, clarinets and violins. The gusle , an instrument found throughout the Balkans , is also used to accompany ancient Slavic epic poems. These bands first appeared around World War I and became popular in the s. This is the third oldest music following after the sevdalinka and ilahija. Self-taught people, mostly in two or three members of the different choices of old instruments, mostly in the violin, sacking, saz , drums, flutes zurle or wooden flute, as others have already called, the original performers of Bosnian music that can not be written notes, transmitted by ear from generation to generation, family is usually hereditary. It is thought to be brought from Persia-Kalesi tribe that settled in the area of present Sprecanski valleys and hence probably the name Kalesija. In this part of Bosnia it is the most common. Again, it became the leader of First World War onwards, as well as 60 years in the field Sprecanski doline. This kind of music was enjoyed by all three peoples in Bosnia, Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs, and it contributed a lot to reconcile people socializing, entertainment and other organizations through festivala. Songs are performed preferably in a diphthong , the first and second voice which is a special secret performance of this music and some performers sing in troglasju as they do Kalesijski triple that was recorded in , as the first written record of the tone on the album, along with Higurashi no naku. Sarajevo is internationally renowned for its eclectic and diverse selection of festivals. Bosnian cuisine uses many spices, in moderate quantities. Most dishes are light, as they are cooked in lots of water; the sauces are fully natural, consisting of little more than the natural juices of the vegetables in the dish. Typical ingredients include tomatoes, potatoes, onions, garlic , peppers , cucumbers , carrots, cabbage , mushrooms , spinach , zucchini , dried beans , fresh beans, plums , milk, paprika and cream called Pavlaka. Bosnian cuisine is balanced between Western and Eastern influences. As a result of the Ottoman administration for almost years, Bosnian food is closely related to Turkish , Greek , and other former Ottoman and Mediterranean cuisines. However, because of years of Austrian rule, there are many influences from Central Europe. Typical meat dishes include primarily beef and lamb. Herzegovinian loza similar to Italian Grappa but less sweet is very popular. In the south, distilleries used to produce vast quantities of brandy and supply all of ex-Yugoslav alcohol factories brandy is the base of most alcoholic drinks. Coffee drinking is a favorite Bosnian pastime and part of the culture. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the ninth country in the entire world by per capita coffee consumption. Bosnia and Herzegovina has produced many athletes, both as a state in Yugoslavia and independently after The most important international sporting event in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina was the 14th Winter Olympics , held in Sarajevo from 7 to 19 February Association football is the most popular sport in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It dates from , but its popularity grew significantly after World War I. Sergej Barbarez , who played for several clubs in the German Bundesliga including Borussia Dortmund , Hamburger SV and Bayer Leverkusen was joint-top scorer in the —01 Bundesliga season with 22 goals. Bosnia and Herzegovina was the world champion of volleyball at the Summer Paralympics and volleyball at the Summer Paralympics. Many among those on the team lost their legs in the Bosnian War. The Bosnian wartime militia Schutzkorps , which became known for its persecution of Serbs, was overwhelmingly Muslim. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the regions of the sovereign state, see Bosnia region and Herzegovina. For other uses, see Bosnia disambiguation. Country in the Balkans. Bosna i Hercegovina Босна и Херцеговина. Coat of arms. The High Representative is an international civilian overseer of the Dayton peace agreement with authority to dismiss elected and non-elected officials and enact legislation. Main article: Early history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is now generally agreed that the people who lived in the Balkans after the Slavic 'invasions' were probably for the most part the same as those who had lived there earlier, although the creation of new political groups and arrival of small numbers of immigrants caused people to look at themselves as distinct from their neighbours, including the Byzantines. Main article: Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Middle Ages. Main articles: Ottoman conquest of Bosnia and Ottoman Bosnia. Main article: History of Bosnia and Herzegovina — See also: Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Bosnian War. See also: Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: riots in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Topographic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The Presidency Building in central Sarajevo. This section relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources. Main article: Foreign relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbs Croats Others 2. Main article: Religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina religion percent Islam. Largest municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina census final results \\\[\\\]. Main article: Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. See also: List of companies of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Transport in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Telecommunications in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. See also: Sites of interest in Sarajevo. This article is in list format, but may read better as prose. You can help by converting this article , if appropriate. Editing help is available. May Main article: Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Architecture of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Media of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Literature of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Art of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main article: Music of Bosnia and Herzegovina. See also: List of Bosnia and Herzegovina patriotic songs. Main article: Bosnian root music. Main article: List of Bosnia-Herzegovina films. Main article: Bosnia and Herzegovina cuisine. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Bosnia and Herzegovina portal. Archived PDF from the original on 28 October Retrieved 6 March Archived PDF from the original on 14 November Retrieved 24 October The World Factbook. Archived from the original on 29 October Retrieved 29 October United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 10 December Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. June Archived PDF from the original on 30 June Retrieved 1 July Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Sarajevo Film Festival Official Website. Archived from the original on 4 November Inside Film. 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University of Wisconsin Press: 83— The Bosnian Manuscript Ingathering Project. Munich: Oldenbourg. Whose Bosnia? Nationalism and Political Imagination in the Balkans, Cornell University Press. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Multinational Federalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. London: Routledge. Die Bosniaken kommen: Elitetruppe in der k. Armee, — Leopold Stocker. Archived from the original on 4 January Retrieved 4 December Archived from the original on 5 January Archived from the original on 22 August Retrieved 14 June BBC News. Archived from the original on 9 August Retrieved 21 June Cohen Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Archived from the original on 31 March Retrieved 16 June War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, — The Chetniks. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Archived from the original on 16 April New York: Oxford University Press. Croatian Institute of History: 85— Archived from the original on 17 November Retrieved 25 October Schiffer Publishing. Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Second World War. London: Frank Cass. Yugoslavia manipulations with the number Second World War victims. Croatian Information Centre. Archived from the original on 3 March Archived from the original PDF on 1 July IT '. Archived from the original on 2 August Initial Indictment'. United Nations. Archived from the original on 28 February Retrieved 3 February Archived PDF from the original on 14 May Retrieved 1 January Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Archived from the original on 22 May Retrieved 28 December Harvard University Press. Archived from the original on 11 January Retrieved 11 October Grant, Thomas Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Indiana University Press. Historical background'. Archived from the original on 19 June Archived from the original on 19 February Cooper, p. 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Archived from the original on 26 January Retrieved 3 January Archived from the original on 28 March Retrieved 9 March Balkan Insight. Retrieved 2 August Archived from the original on 16 August Archived from the original on 29 July Retrieved 26 March Human Rights Watch. Archived from the original on 30 June The Guardian. Archived from the original on 7 July Retrieved 11 July Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Council of Europe. Archived from the original on 8 December Retrieved 25 April Archived from the original on 25 September Pew Research Center. Archived from the original PDF on 26 January Retrieved 7 April Archived from the original on 6 April Retrieved 23 September Popis BiH. Archived PDF from the original on 14 October Retrieved 19 December Retrieved 19 April Archived from the original on 22 March Retrieved 22 March Archived from the original on 5 September Archived from the original on 7 September Central Intelligence Agency. Human Development Report Archived from the original PDF on 6 December Retrieved 9 January Archived from the original on 8 January Retrieved 1 October Archived from the original on 9 May Archived from the original on 1 June Retrieved 24 May Archived from the original on 17 February Retrieved 17 February Retrieved 31 March Archived from the original on 17 March Retrieved 16 March Archived from the original on 5 May Archived from the original on 2 July Retrieved 2 July Archived from the original on 10 August Retrieved 10 August Archived from the original PDF on 10 April Retrieved 11 September Archived from the original on 11 September Archived from the original on 23 March Retrieved 23 March Archived from the original on 23 August Retrieved 22 August Archived from the original on 6 November Retrieved 6 November Archived from the original on 19 January Retrieved 18 January Archived from the original on 31 January Retrieved 31 January Archived from the original on 8 April Retrieved 9 April Archived from the original on 10 January Retrieved 10 January Archived from the original on 30 January Retrieved 30 January Archived from the original on 26 March Archived from the original on 4 May Retrieved 14 December Media Center Sarajevo. Archived from the original on 23 April Retrieved 22 April Reporters Without Borders. Archived from the original on 21 November Archived from the original on 19 April Bosnia Travel. Archived from the original on 23 February Lonely Planet. Retrieved 4 January Archived from the original on 30 March Retrieved 30 March The Huffington Post. Retrieved 11 January Archived from the original on 3 July Retrieved 3 July University of Sarajevo. Archived from the original on 4 December Archived from the original on 15 February Retrieved 18 July Retrieved 23 February Archived from the original on 3 May Retrieved 27 July Encyclopedia Britannica — via Google Books. Retrieved 9 August Archived from the original on 13 June Retrieved 13 May Nezavisne novine. Archived from the original on 1 October Allcock, John B. Fine, John Van Antwerp, Jr. University of Michigan Press. Basic, Denis University of Washington. Coupland, Nikolas The Handbook of Language and Globalization. Blackwell Publishing. Phillips, Douglas A. Bosnia and Herzegovina Philadelphia: Chelsea House, War and Revolution in Yugoslavia: — Stanford University Press. Albertini, Luigi Jochen Thies ed. The Origins of the War of Enigma Books. Malcolm, Noel Bosnia: A Short History. Pan Books. Velikonja, Mitja Dialogue Association. Bosnia and Herzegovina topics. Political divisions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska. Cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Districts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Municipalities and cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Articles related to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Balkan Peninsula countries. Serbia Greece Croatia. Romania Slovenia Turkey. Sovereign states and dependencies of Europe. States with limited recognition. Faroe Islands 1 autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark. Svalbard unincorporated area subject to the Svalbard Treaty. Countries and territories of the Mediterranean Sea. Northern Cyprus Palestine. Czechoslovakia — Saar assoc. Enlargement and partners of the European Union. Switzerland relations. Russia relations. Current membership Criteria Withdrawal. Non-Aligned Movement. NAM News Network. Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Moro National Liberation Front. Republics and autonomous provinces of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Categories : Bosnia and Herzegovina Balkan countries Bosnian-speaking countries and territories Croatian-speaking countries and territories Federal republics Member states of the Council of Europe Member states of the Union for the Mediterranean Member states of the United Nations Serbian-speaking countries and territories Southeastern European countries Southern European countries States and territories established in Countries in Europe. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read View source View history. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag Coat of arms. None \\\[1\\\]. Bosnian Serbian Croatian. Federal parliamentary constitutional republic \\\[2\\\]. Valentin Inzko a. Parliamentary Assembly. House of Peoples. House of Representatives. Convertible mark BAM. Sarajevo Banja Luka. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Republika Srpska. Tuzla Zenica. Denmark Faroe Islands 1 autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark.

Bosnia-Herzegovina is recovering from a devastating three-year war that accompanied the break-up of Yugoslavia in the early s. It is now an independent state, but remains partially under international oversight under the terms of the Dayton Peace Accords. Its three main communities are Bosniak Muslims, Croats and Serbs.

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Босния и Герцеговина слегка игнорируется на Балканах. Хотя она не предлагает солнечные морские курорты, интерес посетителей, безусловно, привлекает буквально нетронутой сельской местности, а также чрезвычайно интересная история, которая сформировала нынешний мультикультурный характер страны TRAVEL PAGE.  Пролистывая далее, вы соглашаетесь с условиями пользовательского соглашения Яндекс Дзен. Читать полный текст пользовательского соглашения.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina is a European country located on the Balkan peninsula. It was formerly part of Yugoslavia but gained independence in It borders Croatia to the north, west and southwest, Serbia to the east and Montenegro to the southeast. Mostly mountainous, it has access to a tiny portion of the Adriatic Sea coastline in the south. Until recently, the idea of a Bosnian-Herzegovinan nationality mainly applied to the nation's Muslims, also referred to as Bosniaks. Bosnia and Herzegovina's.


Босния и Герцеговина – федеративное государство, включающее Федерацию Боснии и Герцеговины и Республику Сербскую. Конституция Боснии и Герцеговины принята Форма правления – парламентская республика. Функция главы.

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