Born To Fight Full Movie Hindi Download

Born To Fight Full Movie Hindi Download


Born To Fight Full Movie Hindi Download

A group of athletes helping a poor village must stop an evil tyrant and his men from terrorizing the village.
Daew is a cop who has nailed the evil gunrunner General Yang, but his partner is killed in the case and Daew becomes depressed. However, his sister asks him to join her and some of her athlete friends to a small village to give food and toys to the villagers. What starts out as a trip to help people turns into a nightmare when Yang's men arrive at the village and take over, demanding the release of Yang or a nuclear missile will hit Bangkok. When villagers are killed left and right, Daew and the athletes must start a revolution against the tyranny before it's too late.
If you like amazing stunts and awesome fight sequences then this movie is for you. Its well done, and I am still impressed with the lengths they go to create so many dangerous stunts.<br/><br/>Its a very original action film. The story line might not be appealing to westerners but its is definitely worth watching. During the movie you will see some amazing camera work that will leave you wondering how they go about doing it. The director is very creative and you can surely sense some Ong Bak originality and style. <br/><br/>I would have liked to see a little more Thai fighting, but I am content. <br/><br/>Highly recommended!
What Born to Fight lacks in plot development, it sure makes up for with bone-crunching violence and explosive mayhem; this has got to be one of the one of the most action packed movies I have ever seen, with the entire second half consisting of wall-to-wall fights and death defying stunts (all accompanied by a pounding techno soundtrack).<br/><br/>Thats not to say that the rest of the film is dull, either. The opening sequence, which introduces the main character, Deaw (Dan Chupong), is an absolute stonker and sets the tone for the movie immediately. Deaw is a cop who, with his partner, is on the trail of an evil gunrunner, General Yang, and his gang. There is a breathtaking chase scene which sees Deaw fighting Yang&#39;s men atop a moving juggernaut. Yang is eventually arrested, but not before Deaw&#39;s partner is killed by one of the film&#39;s many explosions.<br/><br/>In order to help him get over this ordeal, Deaw&#39;s sister invites him to accompany her on a trip to a small village, where she and her athlete chums are going to hand out food and toys to the villagers. All is going well until the village is attacked by a small army and its inhabitants are held prisoner. It transpires (by an amazing coincidence) that these are Yang&#39;s men and they wish to make a deal with the government: Yang&#39;s release for the release of the villagers.<br/><br/>But when Daew discovers that they intend to kill the villagers and also plan to fire a nuclear missile at Bangkok, he rallies the prisoners and together they kick major bad-guy butt!<br/><br/>Wonderfully OTT, Born To Fight is a great film for action fans who wish to switch off the brain for a while and revel in some of the barmiest and outrageous feats of derring-do to ever be committed to celluloid. Dan Chupong (who had a small part in that other great Thai action flick, Ong Bak) is incredible and deserves to be huge, and his co-stars, some of which are actual athletes, are also impressive. Even a little girl and a one-legged man get in on the action, inflicting serious pain on the baddies.<br/><br/>By the end credits (which feature amazing behind the scenes footage), Born to Fight had me grinning from ear to ear. I highly recommend it to all action film fans and give it a whopping 9 out of 10.


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