Blue Waffle Pussy Images

Blue Waffle Pussy Images


Blue Waffles Disease is a term that describes the infection and inflammation of the vagina, which results in a bluish discoloration of the area. It is a sexually transmitted disease, causing a bluish-coloration of the labia and smelly discharge from the genital organs. Blue waffle disease affects both men and women, however it is mostly seen in women.
The symptoms of this condition are similar to vaginitis, and it can also be caused by untreated vaginitis. Blue waffle disease is a severe infection, particularly the most severe form of vaginitis. The term “Blue waffle” comes from the blue color of vagina when it is affected with the disease, and waffle refers to female sex organs. Blue waffle disease became a topic of interest in 2007, but it is not a proper medical term [1,3].
Blue waffles disease can be acquired through unsafe sex and a result of various sexual transmitted diseases. Severe infection in the vagina results in the unpleasant appearance of the vulva with several additional symptoms. Also read about vesicovaginal fistula.
This condition mainly affects women who engage in dangerous sexual behavior. Risk factors for this condition are:
Persons who are immunocompromised have a greater risk of developing this condition. Vaginal area is very sensitive and has a local immune system that fights bacteria and other organisms. Exposure to sexually transmitted diseases can weaken local immune system and cause the progression of the infection. Disruption of the vaginal microflora causes accumulation of bad microorganisms, thus causing an infection.
unprotected sex is the most common reason for blue waffle disease. Having sexual intercourse with multiple partners without using protection is one of the biggest concerns. Also, use of unclean sex toys, having sex in unsanitary circumstances and other improper sex practices can lead to bruising and cuts, which allows the bacteria to infect sex organs. Lack of daily hygiene (not washing, wearing tight and unclean underwear) further increases the risk. Poor hygiene can also result in condition called Trench Foot.
Improper diet can also be a cause for changes in the vaginal immune system. The pH of vagina is normally 3.5 to 4.5. Diet can cause fluctuations in this number, causing loss of proper immune protection. Also, lack of minerals and vitamins, lack of sleep and consumption of alcohol and drugs can lead to weakening of immune system.
Mental stress is a factor that can further aggravate certain diseases by impairing immune system. Poor mental status can also play a role in making possibly dangerous decisions, like having unprotected sex with multiple partners.
Blue waffle disease usually starts out as a sexually transmitted infection. The irritation and bruising leads to the infection entering deeper tissue. Not treating the initial condition and continuing the same sexual behavior leads to acquirement of other infections, both bacterial and fungal [2].
The main symptom of Blue waffles disease is the bluish discoloration of the vagina, which gave rise to the name. The discoloration results from the constant bruising of the infected vagina by a penis or other device. The presence of discoloration signifies a severe form of vaginal infection.
Along with infection, there is also the presence of purulent vaginal secretions that constantly drain from the vagina. These secretions may be foul and contain bacteria, which may spread to sexual partners.
The presence of secretions and swelling also contributes to the presence of unpleasant odor in the vagina.
Accumulation of secretions causes the vagina to become itchy. Scratching the area further aggravates the condition.
The presence of infection stimulates the inflammatory response in the area. As a result, there is pain in the area even without contact. In addition, the nerves may also be affected, leading to a burning or tingling sensation inside the vagina.
The vaginal inflammation causes blood vessels to dilate and increase in the leak of fluid from the blood into the interstitial space, giving rise to swelling.
The Blue waffles condition may also cause intense swelling in the vulva and the pelvic area. This causes the person to feel abdominal fullness along with rectal and vaginal fullness. Some women may experience severe swelling, which makes the vagina very tense and inflamed. More severe cases also lead to tumor formations in the area and more distention.
Dryness of the skin around the vulva is also a result of lack of lubrication because of the affectation of the Bartholin’s gland on the vaginal opening.
Swelling, inflammation and lack of lubrication all contribute to pain during intercourse or clinically termed as dyspareunia.
The intense swelling and pain causes the person to limit movement in order to prevent aggravation of pain in the area.
The diagnosis of Blue Waffles disease is primarily done by physical examination and pelvic examination. The characteristic look of the vagina may ascertain the diagnosis. Other diagnostic tests include:
Pelvic examination is done by looking into other organs such as the cervix and inner vagina to look for spread of the disease. Pelvic examination assesses other affectation in the pelvic organs.
Pap smear or vaginal smears are taken to check for the specific microorganism that caused the infection. This test also allows doctors to choose the right treatment depending on the causative microorganism.
Treatment for Blue Waffles Disease includes:
Patients with bacterial infection in the reproductive tract may require antibiotics for a certain course, depending on the severity of the infection. The most common antibiotics used are doxycycline and penicillin. Patients should complete the whole course to prevent drug tolerance and aggravation of the infection.
Antifungal creams or oral preparations may also be given because of subsequent yeast infections. A sore vagina with secretions usually invites yeast to grow in the area and causes secondary fungal infections. Read about Fungal rash here.
Perineal hygiene is also important to keep the vulva clean and dry. A moist environment allows for further growth of microorganisms. Perineal care may require the use of mild cleansers or feminine wash, which contain lactic acid, to enhance the normal acidity of the vagina and prevent further infection.
Wearing undergarments that allow for air circulation prevent further irritation of the vulva. Also, choose cotton underwear to allow efficient absorption of secretions [5].
Prevention is the most effective treatment for blue waffles disease. It involves proper perineal hygiene, safe sex practices, and being monogamous. Prostitutes should also go for monthly to prevent and treat sexually transmitted diseases.
Images, Pictures n photos of blue waffles disease.
Image 1 – Infection & Inflammation (bluish discoloration)
Image 2- Blue Waffle on Face in men
Image 3 – Diagrammatic Representation of Blue Waffle over genital organs
Image 4 – Bluish coloration on female ext.genital organ i.e Vagina
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Many people search for the blue waffles pictures on the internet. Blue waffle is still a fairly new disease and many people are curious about how does it look like.
Many people have the impression that this disease only occurs in women because of the name itself. Waffle is a slang that used to describe women’s vagina, thus most people think this is a women’s disease.
In fact, blue waffles disease does not only affect women but also men.
You can know a few aspects of the disease by looking at the photos of blue waffles:
There are several causes of this sexually transmitted disease (STD). The main cause is people do not care about the hygiene in their private areas and use unsanitary objects during sexual intercourse. When the bacteria enter women’s vagina, it swells the vaginal area and turns it a shade of purple-blue. You can see it’s a severe and dangerous disease through the photos. Although this STD commonly affects men’s and women’s private areas, but it actually can affect all over the bodies such as in the mouth. The infection of blue waffles starts from the private areas and if left untreated it will spread to other parts of the body.
From the pictures, you will have a clue about the looks of the blue waffles and people who are suspecting whether they have this issue can compare the pictures with their condition. The vaginal areas such as labia and cervix are in the color of blue due to the occurrence of inflammation and the infection of bacteria. If you are not a patient and just curious about the appearance of blue waffles, be aware that these photos do not look good. They are scary and disgusting. The main purpose of sharing out the pictures of blue waffle is to help people to make a self-diagnosis so they can know whether they are suffering from the waffles disease or not. Therefore, patients can know their condition and contact their doctor as soon as possible.

You are here because you want to see the blue waffles disease pictures.
However, it’s a necessary to tell you prior that these photos do not look good. They can be said ugly, unpleasant or disgusting. If you are not a person who dares to look at horrible pictures, be prepared before you see them. In fact, there are many debates whether this disease is real or not. Some people don’t think this is a real disease and they think it is a random condition happen to women who have contracted other sexually transmitted diseases. No matter what the truth is, there are many people contract blue waffles over the world.
The blue waffles pictures show you the signs and symptoms of the disease. However, there is one aspect these pictures do not show, which is the strong odor releases by blue waffle. It’s very smelly that people who simply stand beside you can easily notice the smell. If you contract this terrible disease, you want to see your doctor immediately because the disease will never go away on its own. If you don’t give proper medication to the disease will only lead the condition becomes worse and worse. Only your doctor will know what’s your real issue and what is the best treatment you can take to cure the disease. The faster you take action, the faster you can back to live the normal life.
Once again to remind that blue waffles disease pictures are unpleasant. Not to mention that some people out there even call others don’t search the pictures of blue waffles. You must prepare yourself before seeing the photos and also make sure no children are in front of your phone or monitor. Anyway, these photos are still helpful for those people who wonder whether they are suffering from waffles disease or not.
As mentioned, blue waffles sufferers are not only the female patients, there are also male patients.
Although it’s more common to happen in the female patients, the number of male patients around the world is not ignorable. Many blue waffles photos also include male blue waffles pics. The condition of the blue waffles infection in men is similar to the infection in women. When blue waffles disease occurs in women, the disease will affect women’s vaginal area. In contrast, when the disease occurs in men, it will affect men’s genital area.
Both men and women will feel severe pain along with severe itching and burning when they contract blue waffles STD. Over time, their private areas turn a shade of purple-blue due to the inflammation and bacteria. Blue waffles infection can happen to both men and women during and after sexual intercourse. In other words, the disease can be sexually transmitted to both genders. Therefore, you should always perform safe sex so you can be free from any STD infection.
There are a few causes of blue waffles. People can contract this disease when being not clean or unsanitary during or after intercourse. The disease can also occur if people use foreign objects that are not cleaned during intercourse. The bacteria can enter the vaginal or genital area and cause the infection. Most male patients contract waffles disease due to they use sex toys and masturbation instruments excessively but do not cleaned and sterilized them in a proper way after using. Therefore, the bacteria affects their genital regions when the next time they use the toys or instruments.
This video shows you how a girl reacts when she sees blue waffles pictures:
It’s not hard to imagine from the blue waffles pictures that it’s very painful if you contract the disease. Preventing yourself from contracting the blue waffles is the best approach you want to take. Prevention is better than a cure. Having good hygienic and good sexual habits such as cleaning the private areas with an antibacterial soap can hugely decrease the chance of getting the disease.
If you want to know how horrible the blue disease is, check out the blue waffles photos. These photos can help you to diagnose your disease condition at home. If you find your condition looks similar to the pictures, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor. The earlier you treat the disease, the faster you can cure it. However, remember that blue waffle pictures are not pretty. They are not for someone who has a weak stomach. Therefore, prepare yourself before seeing the photos.
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Alex Tudor September 14, 2017 Reply
This is hoax disease and floating on internnet for years.I have checked it in many sites and confirmed.
Latosha Johnson September 29, 2017 Reply
omG it looks like my exs krista bulls puasy! she said it would clear up in the morning!!
That’s a very sad situation these people are in, I hope they recover from this horrible disease. So this is the new disease of the future. This should be brought to the public. And the health department, don’t forget the street people who sell themselves. That should be looked into ASAP. Good luck to you all who have this.
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