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By Daniel Bates For 19:36 BST 21 Jun 2021 , updated 13:58 BST 22 Jun 2021
Ghislaine Maxwell taught a British socialite who once dated Prince Andrew how to perform oral sex, according to a new documentary on Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madam.  
Lady Victoria Hervey, the daughter of the 6th Marquess of Bristol and the former love interest of the Duke of York, claims Maxwell had 'demonstrated certain things to her' at social gatherings in the 1990s.  
In the new three-hour film, Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell, airing on June 24 on NBC streaming service Peacock, the British aristocrat goes on to elaborate that Maxwell would 'demonstrate how to give a blowjob' and 'had a side that enjoyed telling dirty jokes.'  
The documentary is the first of a slew of films about Maxwell, 59, that are likely to be aired between now and the verdict in what is expected to be a blockbuster case.
Maxwell, who has pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking of a minor and perjury among other offenses, is due to go on trial in October at federal court in New York. 
The film features commentary from sources close to the case, including former CIA officer John Kiriakou who predicts Maxwell will end up getting a plea deal due to her and Epstein's links to 'too many important people.'  
Among the claims in the documentary is that the British socialite began to 'cultivate' a relationship with the Clintons in order to launder her reputation following Epstein's release from jail in 2009. 
In the film, Lady Victoria recalls being at a dinner with Maxwell and Bill Clinton and seeing them act 'very pally' together - while others say Maxwell had been 'in her element' with him that day. 
Victoria, who starred in the British reality TV show Love Island and once had a threesome with Spice Girl Mel B and her ex-husband, shared details of her wild years of partying in the 90s when she first met Maxwell, Epstein's one-time girlfriend. 
She describes the whole decade as 'debauchery' and that everyone she knew, including herself, had a 'wild time.'
'Ghislaine always struck me as someone full of life and was always jetting around somewhere fabulous. She always had this air of mystery,' she says in the film. 
'She never gave away too much but she gave away enough you wanted to find out more.' 
'There was a side (to Maxwell) that enjoyed telling dirty jokes and things like that. She would demonstrate certain things…I can't say it,' Victoria says before pausing with an awkward laugh. 
Collecting herself, she continues: 'She would demonstrate how to do a blowjob.' 
Journalist and author Anna Pasternak, who went to Oxford University with Maxwell, also claimed Maxwell 'came across as this raunchy extrovert and you got the feeling she would have done anything to please a man.' 
During the 90s Maxwell dated Epstein, a wealthy financier who was in the process of accruing a vast portfolio of properties and private jets. 
She also worked as Epstein's house manager and, according to her alleged victims, was responsible for booking underage girls every day to give him sexual massages.  
In 2009, when Epstein came out of prison after serving 15 months as part of a sweetheart plea deal for having sex with minors, Maxwell needed a new public image.
Epstein had already been friends with Bill Clinton and flew him on his private jet, known as the Lolita Express, on tours of Asia and Africa - one of the guests on that trip was disgraced actor Kevin Spacey.   
According to journalist Barry Levine, Maxwell 'really began focusing on cultivating the Clintons to try and forge her own path as an environmental campaigner through her Epstein-financed nonprofit, Terramar. 
Levine says: 'Ghislaine was trying to legitimize herself, she was trying to move herself away from the Jeffrey Epstein world and this (Terramar) was going to be her way out'.
It appeared to work and in 2010 Maxwell was seen attending Chelsea Clinton's wedding in Rhinebeck, upstate New York.
Lady Victoria tells the documentary: 'I was at a dinner and Bill Clinton was there. A lot of other influential names (as well).
'She (Maxwell) was very pally with Bill Clinton. Ghislaine and Bill just looked very at ease with each other'
According to the film, Maxwell and Clinton were 'in the same orbit' and she was 'in her element, this is exactly what she's used to - private jets and presidents.'
But Maxwell had her eyes elsewhere and journalist Rachel Slade describes Maxwell meeting her future husband Scott Borgerson at a conference in Iceland in 2013.
Slade says that when she first met Borgerson he 'struck me as one of those startup people, he was very eager' and was running his tech company, Cargometrics.
Journalist Nina Burleigh says: 'Borgerson was very connected to the Trump administration, he'd been in the Coast Guard and started his own global logistics company'.
Borgerson would leave his wife and marry Maxwell in 2016 and they moved in together to a $2.4million waterfront home in Massachusetts.
According to Slade, they were a good match because 'I think both of them were opportunists.'
She said: 'I can't imagine a better union, really. (They thought) they can help each other.'
Christopher Mason, a Brit who has known Maxwell for decades, says that her attraction to Epstein when they dated in the 90s was 'profound.'
He says: 'Whether it was romantic, sexual or transactional I cannot know. I never same them demonstrative physically.'
But author Jesse Kornbluth painted a different picture.
In the documentary he says: 'One person who knew them both pretty well described this as really toxic, almost middle school.
'It was an on again off again codependency, jealousy kind of thing. I didn't get this picture of a wholesome relationship for any of them'.
Mason says that, according to friends who were 'very, very close to Maxwell', she will likely claim to be a victim as part of her defense.
He says that her argument to the jury will be: 'Ghislaine had been naïve, she was in love with this guy, she had no idea how deeply depraved he was and Ghislaine was as much of a victim as these girls'.
Kiriakou, the former CIA officer, claims that Maxwell will argue she was 'under the influence of this very powerful, wealthy man.'
He believes Maxwell's lawyers will say: 'Epstein had a hold over her psychologically and he abused her as much as he abused those girls.'
The prospect of Maxwell going on trial has raised the possibility of wealthy and influential men she associated with coming up during the case.
According to Mason, if Maxwell has 'concrete proof' of Prince Andrew having sex with underage girls it could spark 'devastating litigation' for the British Royal.
Levine says: 'There's no question in my mind that powerful people such as Prince Andrew are nervous about what evidence Ghislaine Maxwell could potentially produce.
'More so than anyone else Prince Andrew is an individual that Ghislaine has his number'.
Kiriakou predicts that the case will end in a plea deal because there is so much at stake for the elites because of Epstein's long-rumored videos of his male friends having sex with minors.
2019: Victoria Hervey on 'uncomfortable' stay at Epstein apartment
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Kiriakou says: 'If it goes to trial the tapes are going to have to come out and too many important people don't want that to happen so the Justice Department will offer Ghislaine Maxwell something she can live with.
'It won't be 30 years, it will be 10 or 15 years. It won't be in a maximum security prison, she will go to a low security prison'.
Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who alleges that Maxwell also sexually assaulted her, said that Maxwell may go the same way as Epstein, who was found dead in his cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial.
Farmer said that 'either she gets away with everything or she gets killed.'
Maxwell has been in custody since her arrest last July and has been denied bail five times.
Her lawyers have complained that she has been subject to 'uniquely onerous conditions' inside the grim Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York.
They have alleged that her treatment is in breach of the 'Nelson Mandela' rules about treating prisoners with dignity, although no such thing exists.
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Ghislaine Maxwell 'taught Prince Andrew's ex Lady Victoria Hervey how to give oral sex'
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