Black Women Serving Whites

Black Women Serving Whites


Fortunately for all of the more pale guys around there are a lot of reasons why black women love white men. Interracial dating is becoming increasingly popular and people of all nationalities are looking to date outside of their race. Black women are especially interested in dating outside their race. In addition, white men are the most sought after when it comes to interracial dating.
This is true for both online dating (try one of our favorite interracial dating sites here if you don’t believe us) as well as day-to-day real life dating. 
The pairing is spectacular. White men tend to be polite, financially stable, and interested in us. Black women are vivacious and unique – qualities that white men like as well. 
Some of the explanations are based on research; others are based on personal experience. All the reasons are downright true and interesting. Read on if you want to learn ten reasons why black women love white men.
The number of white men who love black women is constantly increasing. We like to be liked! When someone finds you unique and special, it makes you feel better about yourself. We love when white men are fascinated by our hair or skin complexion.
White men like that all the characteristics of black women are new to them. We like being able to show our significant other new things. Who doesn’t? We get to teach someone else about our unique selves and be appreciated for it at the same time. It is great to just be yourself and know that the person you are dating finds it all fascinating.
Our hair is a reason of its own. You have to mention hair. We appreciate anyone who likes the kinkiness of our hair. In today’s society, straight hair is seen as beautiful. So if a white man likes the curly hair of black women, that will be a good reason why black women love white men.
White men tend to like things about women that are new and unique. Our hair is definitely one of those characteristics. Who does not like to be admired for a unique trait they have? 
Not to discount the other reasons why black women love white men, but there is simply a shortage of good black men out there. Black men are increasingly coming out as gay or ending up in trouble with the law. This leads us to date outside of our race.
White men tend to have it together. Because we cannot find viable options within our own race, we look to other races of men for prospects. White men turn out to be that viable choice time and time again. They make great partners for all the reasons that are listed above and below.
We all know chivalry is not dead. They still do things like open the door for their ladies. This is not only a nice gesture, but also a way of showing respect to woman.
Any woman likes chivalry – not just black women. So when a white man shows chivalry, it makes him all the more desirable. They do things like pick up the tab on dinner dates and call you in the evening just to say ‘good night’. White men are great partners for women of all races. Black women especially love white men because of how different it is from dating men of other races.
When it comes to money, white men usually know how to manage it. This is a great trait to have in a relationship. Dating can become a very large expense if you do not watch your wallet. They know how to entertain a woman while being financially responsible. They will not splurge unnecessarily but know how to treat a woman to a nice night out.
Being financially responsible makes a man look like a great boyfriend and a potential husband. TThey demonstrate that they make excellent mates. Again, this is a trait that anyone would like. It is just another reason why black women love white men.
When wondering why black women love white men, you have to take into account physical looks. White men are just darn sexy. We especially love their different eye colors – blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes. They look so sweet and exotic. Also, we like that white men’s hair is different from ours – usually straight or with much looser curls. Do not forget the different hair colors as well – brown, blonde, red.
A great reason is their attractiveness. It is very easy for a woman to be attracted to white men. With all the different looks, you are bound to find a type that you like – whether its rocker or businessman. It is not hard to understand why when you think about the fact that white men have many different looks. We are bound to find one of those looks attractive.
One of the benefits of interracial dating in general is that you get to learn about different cultures. Part of the reason why black women love white men is because we get to learn about their culture. It is not true that white people do not have a distinct culture. White people can have all types of backgrounds – from Polish to Irish. As a black woman, it is interesting to learn about those cultures.
We get to learn about the history of different countries and the origin of different types of foods. It is also rewarding for white men to teach their black girlfriends something new. We like to learn just as much as you like to teach. Sharing cultural experiences is an excellent way to bond in an interracial relationship. All interracial relationships involve some sort of sharing of cultural experiences.
White men are more likely to want to settle down. They are not afraid to propose to woman they are in love with. White men care about getting married and eventually starting a family. This just isn’t true for most black men nowadays.
They appreciate a good family. White men are more likely to have been raised in a two-parent household. So, they are more likely to want to get married before having kids. Black women would like to get married before having kids as well.
So, dating a white man improves our chances. This is not to say that all white men want families and all black men don’t. These are just generally trends based on current society. The fact that white men tend to be more family oriented adds to the reasons.
The sayings about white privilege are true. White men still have it the easiest when it comes to getting jobs, being promoted, and generally getting ahead in life. They do not have to worry about discrimination. It makes the relationship easier by not having two people who are socially disadvantaged.
Plus, dating someone successful is a perk in itself. Who does not want to be with someone who has their ducks in order? They make it a priority to have established careers. When you are dating someone who is successful, it encourages you to be better at what you do as well.
Last but not least; they are sensitive to our feelings. Being in an interracial relationship, white men tend to be concerned about offending women of another race. This means the white men will be even more conscious of what they say and how it might come off to a black woman.
Who does not like a sensitive guy? White men in interracial relationships tend to want to be polite and courteous – never brash. This makes us feel even more respected and cared for.
Well, there you have it: ten reasons why black women love white men. Hope you enjoyed the list and learned something new about interracial relationships.
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Why Do Black Women Have to Look Like White Women to Serve Their Country?
Author of Sunne’s Gift: How Sunne Overcame Bullying to Reclaim God’s Gift
I am proud to be an American and I feel very grateful to the men and women of the U.S. military who sacrifice their physical health, mental health, lives and limbs to keep us safe. My heart goes out to the victims of the Fort Hood massacre and my prayers are with them and all military families.
Given the fact that military men and women sacrifice so much, I believe that all members of the military regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation deserve to be honored and respected. Sadly, black women of the U.S. army who choose not wear weaves or wigs and also choose not to use heat or chemical relaxers to straighten their own naturally kinky hair are being severely dishonored and disrespected by Army Regulation 670-1 which bans a number of traditional hairstyles for afro-textured hair.
The regulations reveal such a deeply entrenched European standard of beauty, grooming and acceptability that it is shocking that that any diverse focus group could have approved the regulations. The Congressional Black Caucus has issued a letter to that effect. The regulations are so burdensome for women with afro-textured hair that it is as if black service women are being told that they have to “look more like white women,” by straightening their hair, in order to be acceptable.
Most people of Sub-Saharan African descent have hair that grows up and out, not straight down. The afros that were popular during the ‘60s and ‘70s did not disappear because black people experienced a genetic mutation during the ‘80s. That is still how our hair naturally grows out of our scalps! Many African-American men have simply decided to wear their hair very short and many African-American women have opted to wear wigs and weaves and or to straighten their afros by using heat or chemical relaxers. Heat and chemical relaxers can sometimes cause hair breakage. Additionally, chemical relaxers can cause scalp burns and they have been linked to early puberty, fibroids and other reproductive disorders. That said, some African-American women choose not to straighten their hair. Those women, myself included, would not be able to achieve more than two inches of hair growth without violating the rule that states that bulk of hair may not exceed two inches from the scalp. Our hair grows up and out and so our hair is, in essence, all bulk from the scalp! For multiple reasons, it is often challenging to get such bulky hair into a bun, which is the way that many non-black female soldiers wear their hair.
Some say that the rule regarding “bulk” of hair has been promulgated to ensure that helmets fit well. If that is the concern, thankfully there are styles that reduce the bulk of afro-textured hair. These styles include cornrows, twists and dreadlocks. Such hairstyles also present another advantage; they protect afro-textured hair from over-combing.
Please note that afro-textured strands of hair resemble a spiral or helix. Using a comb on such coil-like hair multiple times a day may be problematic because each turn of the coil presents an opportunity for the hair to break off. For that reason, many African-American women choose to put their hair in protective styles which do not require combing for a week or longer. Age-old protective styling methods include twists and cornrows as well as the long-term protective style, dreadlocks. Such styles seem like a win-win because they provide protection from hair breakage and reduce bulk to facilitate various types of head equipment. Guess what other hairstyles are banned by the army? Twists, multiple cornrows that exceed a quarter-inch in diameter (who carries a ruler with them when they are doing their hair?) and dreadlocks.
What hairstyles are left? This is precisely the question that E-4 Vincinta Moody in the Army Reserves is asking herself. She loves being in the Army Reserves and believes that the program is crucial for her success in life and her ability to further her education. But, for health and aesthetic reasons she chooses not to straighten or relax her hair and she wears her hair in locks.
“Given the new guidelines, I will either have to shave off all of my hair or start wearing wigs. Why should I have to do that? Why am I different from anybody else?” asked Ms. Moody during a phone interview.
Sergeant Jasmine Jacobs started a petition to protest the regulations because she is in a similarly difficult situation. She wears her hair in two strand twists and says that it is a go-to style for black female soldiers in the field because it is easy to maintain. She may also have to cut her hair, straighten her hair or wear wigs in order to maintain her good standing in the army.
The outstanding service of black women in the military since the Civil War is well-documented. Moreover, the culture of black women in the military has become an area of study because of the exceedingly low rates of suicide among black women soldiers as compared to other demographic groups.
Clearly, black women in the army and their hair are worthy of respect — not hair-bullying. When I wrote a children’s book about self-love, love of others and hair-acceptance, Sunne’s Gift: How Sunne Overcame Bullying to Reclaim God’s Gift, I would never have thought that my own government would so desperately need the book’s message. Sunne’s Gift teaches us that we all lose when people are bullied. Let’s not weaken our armed services by alienating some of its most capable members, black women. Please sign this petition to protest the Army Regulation 670-1.
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