Black Heaven Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

Black Heaven Full Movie In Hindi Free Download


Black Heaven Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

Hard Rock Saves Space!! Life can crush your dreams. Oji is a middle-management drone whose only grip on sanity in the drudgery of his corporate lifestyle, are the few shreds of hope surrounding his past life as the amazing guitarist of Black Heaven, a heavy metal band that almost made it. In his bleakest moment, the magic of performing is restored to him when a beautiful mysterious woman informs him that only his special sound can save the universe from an evil alien invasion.
When I first saw this, I bashed it,cause it didn't look like any of the anime I've watched, but then again, the ones I've watched were bashed cause of their unoriginality. So I thought, hey, this is okay, it's unlike any other anime. I like the part with the FBI agents, who are a spoof of the X-Files. The rocker Oji kinda looks like the teacher from El Hazard also. And the song is okay, and is sung by John Sykes, a famous rocker, once worked with Whitesnake. And, this is what I think. I think there was a bit of tribute to Michael Schenker, cause in 1999, UFO, the band he worked with did a concert in Tokyo, Japan, that is only my guess. Cause hey, they played Into The Arena in one of the episodes right? Anyways, watch this if you have nothing else to do, and if you're sick and tired of the anime that rips off Gundam and Pokemon.
Oji Tanaka&#39;s life sucks. He hates his job, his wife has just thrown away his most prized guitar and his son is using his old records as Frisbees. It all changes when Layla steps into his life. She asks him to take her into heaven. A loaded comment when you consider her figures, but it turns out she&#39;s an alien that needs him to play music to win an intergalactic war.<br/><br/>I first saw this series on Bandai&#39;s Wanted 2000 trailers disc and was curious; due to the visuals (strange opening sequence) and the great song playing. The series itself is funny and has a lot of heart. Through everything that happens, Oji finds himself again and has a different outlook on life.


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