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Bitcoin three

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Андрей Россия 46.146.38.* (12 августа 2018 | 23:11)

При переводе на карту возникли трудности, банк отвергал платеж. Обратился в поддержку, в течение 15 минут вопрос был решен, перевели на другую мою карту. Оперативная техподдержка, удобный сервис, спасибо за вашу работу!!!

Galina Россия 5.166.149.* (12 августа 2018 | 21:01)

Перевод был произведен супер быстро! А если добавите еще Сбербанк, чтобы комиссия поменьше, лучшего о не пожелаешь! Так держать!

Влад Россия 46.42.42.* (12 августа 2018 | 10:18)

Выводил эксмо рубли на тинькофф - процедура заняла порядка 5 минут, с 25тыс заплатил комиссию 7,5 рублей.

Результатом доволен на все 146%

Егор Нидерланды 192.42.116.* (9 августа 2018 | 18:40)

Очень быстрыы и оперативные, я сам накосячил при вводе но ребята быстро помогли 10 из 10

Андрей Россия 213.87.135.* (8 августа 2018 | 19:27)

Как всегда быстро и качественно, СПС.

Андрей Россия 176.195.75.* (8 августа 2018 | 11:21)

Обменивал с карты ВТБ на эфир, транзакацая заняла меньше минуты, оператор отвечал очень быстро, определенно годный обменник, будем пользоваться

Леха Россия 93.81.174.* (6 августа 2018 | 11:19)

Все супер как и всегда

Bitcoin is a bubble, a tulip, a magic bean factory. Sometimes it goes a step further and is called a fraud or a Ponzi scheme. Who else remembers Silk Road and Alpha Bay? What will cause the Bitcoin bubble to pop? Will it be another Mt. Will it be stricter regulations? Will it be affiliation with the dark web and markets? How about sovereign governments outlawing it as their economies are undermined? Today, we go to the dark side of the moon. This article is available in video. The video is scripted and is a concise version of the article below with many pictures of headlines from the hyperlinks in this article to give a better understanding of what is happening. If you enjoy this content, please consider subscribing. Hope you all enjoy! Most of you know about the collapse of Mt. However, starting in March , it began facing some major issues. FinCen released a statement that said bitcoin exchanges were money transmitters, therefore requiring them to register and comply with anti-money laundering AML laws. This, in part, caused the value of Bitcoin to plummet as concerns over regulations grew. Mark Karpeles, the man in charge of Mt. Gox, told everyone not to worry as they were in full compliance with AML laws. Gox registered with FinCen. In the meanwhile, Mt. Gox due to a number of account seizures by FinCen. You could no longer withdraw your US dollars, which caused the price of Bitcoin on the exchange to skyrocket. People were buying bitcoin with their USD and then withdrawing from the exchange, causing a significant decline in volume throughout the rest of Gox, Bitfinex was hacked last year in August. The hack affected random customers, many of which lost their entire account balances. These acted as debt instruments that Bitfinex claimed they owed their customers and would redeem once they could afford to. They subsequently allowed customers to trade these BFX tokens on the exchange so that customers could price them in their own accord based off the potential risk Bitfinex might never pay them back akin to junk bonds. They traded around 40—60 cents on the dollar. Tether is a cryptocurrency pegged to the US dollar at a 1: The company will redeem any Tether for US dollars and vice versa. The primary purpose of Tether is to replace fiat currencies on exchanges due to the complications related to US banking and accepting fiat. Bitfinex has a majority stake in Tether Holdings. This observer thought it was possible that perhaps as investors deposited US dollars to Tether Holdings for Tether, those US dollars, rather than being placed in reserves, were funneled through Bitfinex to pay off the BFX tokens. Tether Holdings did not release audits for its reserves until a week ago, and the furthest those audits go back is March 31st. The majority of BFX tokens were conveniently paid off right after on April 3rd. In addition, both Bitfinex and Tether began facing significant banking issues once Wells Fargo decided to suspend international wire transfers to their Taiwanese banks. Bitfinex began refusing fiat deposits and withdrawals, similar to what happened with Mt. Gox, leading to a premium for Bitcoin on the exchange over others. In response to the events, Tether Holdings released a statement where they said any international wire transfers would be rejected and returned back to the sender. In addition, they stated that until they are able to resolve their money transfer channel concerns, they did not expect the volume of outstanding Tether to increase dramatically. However, this graph illustrates the exact opposite occurred:. In their last update , Tether Holdings justifies these increases being as a result of their institutional customers. How believable is it that everyone is in a rush to deposit their fiat for Tether at a company facing banking issues, yet no one wants to redeem those tokens for US dollars? It might be a legitimate operation; no one knows. Gox, which was ruined by pure stupidity, this particular exchange would be ruined by fraud which is much more serious. Hence, the PR surrounding this event would likely be far worse than it was for Mt. The domino effect would almost certainly lead to a colossal loss in the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Therefore, it is critical to watch both Tether and Bitfinex closely. Fortunately, of all the possible catalysts to lead to a pop, this one is the least likely. As I mentioned before, all the evidence is circumstantial. However, there are quite a few coincidences that are hard to justify as happenstance. Overall, I would stay away from Bitfinex and Tether like the plague and encourage investors to keep up with these two entities in case we see another Mt. Recently we saw China impose a temporary ban on initial coin offerings ICOs. These are akin to IPOs, except there are significantly fewer steps involved to get funded. Developers can often raise substantial capital off of a strong white paper alone, without the need to illustrate proof of concept. These criminals phish investors for their funds in most situations, but have also been known to hack or take advantage of exploits as well to steal funds. This year, ICO funding outpaced early-stage VC funding which put it on the radar of not only institutional investors, but also governments around the world. Right now the regulatory picture is loose, but we are seeing more and more news that suggests that perhaps a crackdown might be in the cards soon. Below I summarize some of the key stances on ICOs globally. Several of the highest grossing ICOs have been launched in the country due to its relaxed stance on cryptocurrencies. Here, cryptocurrencies are considered assets rather than securities. Note that this is one of the most important distinctions in regulations as many more rules are imposed on securities and more protections are put in place for investors. Switzerland houses the prime hub for crypto, a small city named Zug just south of Zurich. Zug is a highly pro business location and the government seems keen to work with startups as much as possible. I would encourage everyone to read this statement as it encapsulates all of the current issues with ICOs. Although not as large a hub for cryptocurrencies as Switzerland, there have been some large ICOs based in the small, wealthy country. Cryptocurrencies are considered assets rather than securities here in most cases. As such, they are generally left unregulated. Token issuers are operating on their own interpretation of the law. According to a report by fintech research firm Autonomous NEXT, the UK offers a regulatory sandbox for companies to test out new projects. The Financial Conduct Authority FCA , which is in charge of regulations for cryptocurrencies in the UK, recently warned consumers in yet another statement that looks quite similar to the one issued by the Crypto Valley Association. As such, there is a possibility for crackdown in the future especially when you consider the language used in the statement. Recently, the SEC made some of the most important comments in history related to token issuances. The distinction of what is a security and what is not is determined by the age old Howey test. Again, the common theme here is that whether or not a token is a security is to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Up until this point, most cryptocurrencies have been treated as commodities. The US neighbor has found that the majority of token sales are securities, and hence this is a less friendly environment. However, it never was a booming place for ICOs in the first place. However, it does appear that yet again, those which exhibit properties similar to a security will be punished if they are not appropriately filed as such. There are mixed signals coming from Russia that make it an uncertain environment overall, but in general it is not considered friendly. As you all know, China recently banned ICOs. Several reports are coming out now saying that the ban will be temporary as licenses for the industry are drafted. Note that China has been in a state of constant flux with cryptocurrencies, so it would not be a huge surprise to see this be a pause rather than a permanent ban. Yet again, another statement made recently warning that most tokens are securities. As you can see, the regulatory scene around ICOs is heating up quickly. We are seeing more and more nations give their opinion on whether or not tokens should be viewed as securities or assets. Why the sudden interest? The chart below illustrates why:. ICOs of the future may require registry with the appropriate regulatory agency, a prospectus, and will likely become limited to accredited investors. Even Waves, a platform that prides itself on making the token launch process as easy as possible, recently released a blog calling for a global advisory committee that can evaluate token sales in order to help retail investors. However, Ethereum is the most important of these due to its sheer size. If we see the payment channels for ICOs dry up due to regulatory agencies deeming them as securities, it could lead to a sharp decline in Ethereum that brings the market down with it. Ironically, you can also argue that the exact opposite could happen too. Time will tell which of these two sides will win. If you want to keep up with the latest news on ICOs, check here. The final and most relevant catalyst that could lead to a drastic crash in Bitcoin is the removal of gateways between fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies. Some sources are claiming that this will extend to all Bitcoin exchanges in China. If you look at the reports by the WSJ , Bloomberg , and Caixin , they all use language that suggests all exchanges will be shut down in some capacity read update at top of this section. Therefore, the market is pricing in that all major cryptocurrency exchanges in China will be closed. The real concern is whether or not this is the first step by sovereignties to shutdown cryptocurrencies as a whole. They may not be able to shutdown the cryptocurrencies themselves, but they can slaughter any chances of mass adoption if they remove the transfer channels between fiat and crypto. Many people champion this as the greatest risk to cryptocurrencies. However, China has always been the odd one out. Is it reasonable to believe other countries will follow this extremist government? Still, since China seemed to lead the charge in the crackdown on ICOs, there is the possibility that China will also lead the charge on stricter regulations for exchanges. While China is a significant portion of the market, they are nowhere near as influential as Japan and the US are. This is important because Japan has an exceptionally friendly environment towards cryptocurrencies, being one of the first major countries to welcome them with open arms. Gemini is backed by the Winklevoss brothers who have strong relationships with regulators and continue to help develop the space by working on getting a Bitcoin ETF COIN approved. As such, I do not see the principal markets removing the gateways to cryptocurrencies from fiat. While I do expect regulations to tighten on exchanges, this is the natural evolution of cryptocurrencies and will increase their legitimacy. Do not look at China as an example of how other countries will behave. Ask yourself honestly if that has ever been a good idea. For those of you unfamiliar, this is the open-ended fund that invests in Bitcoin and each share represents 0. Because the fund can be purchased through more traditional means and can be used in an IRA, they trade at a significant premium over net asset value NAV. Okay so, the premium has decelerated quite a bit. Should you buy it now? First of all, there are way too many headline risks surrounding Bitcoin at the moment. What happens when Huobi or Okcoin announce they will be closing their doors as well? I am writing this on Thursday and the current word is that they will be meeting with regulators today Friday. You can bet Andrew Left is drinking champagne right now. Continuing the tradition from my previous article where I discussed sell conditions, here I will be offering buy conditions:. Unlike my previous article, where I provided conditions for both price directions, I do not recommend buying GBTC if Bitcoin accelerates in the next week or two. I would give it at least a week or two to shake out headline risks from China before buying if Bitcoin goes to the upside. The reward does not even come close to outweighing the risks. Did you survive until the end here? Our tour of the dark side of the moon is over and I can take you back to the bright side. Bitcoin is a strong long-term investment for anyone who understands what it offers and its perception by the greater markets currently. There are many institutional investors waiting on the sidelines for moments like this to pick it up cheaply. However, it is always crucial to be mindful of the risks associated with any investment. These three catalysts are:. The collapse of Bitfinex and Tether as a result of fraud. Capital inflows drying up for ICOs as funding channels become constricted through regulations, leading to a significant market decline led by Ethereum. Blocking of fiat gateways that enable cryptocurrency exchanges to operate, effectively cutting crypto off from the real world. However, the other two catalysts have some strong counterarguments that we briefly discussed and which I will likely go into more detail on in the future:. While China is the obvious headline here, Japan is still pro-cryptocurrency and has the highest volumes in the world. The US has added legitimacy to its exchanges through its association with the Winklevoss brothers, FDIC insurance, and sizable seed funding rounds by venture capitalists. You can go home now. If you found this analysis useful, consider following. This is my first time posting on Medium, so the support is appreciated. Also, consider subscribing to my YouTube channel where I post frequent content on investing in cryptocurrencies. This will help you stay notified when I publish new analysis and it goes a long way in helping me know you like my work. I look forward to your thoughts in the comments. Thank you for reading. Sign in Get started. Gox sized collapse, regulations on ICOs globally and the possibility of exchange shutdowns worldwide Sound interesting? Never miss a story from Crypto Investor , when you sign up for Medium. Blocked Unblock Follow Get updates.

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