Birds Of Prey Full Movie Hd 1080p

Birds Of Prey Full Movie Hd 1080p


Birds Of Prey Full Movie Hd 1080p

In the future, long after the Batman has driven himself into exile, his legacy lives on in the form of the Birds of Prey--Black Canary, Oracle, and the Huntress.
Now Gotham's Undercover Superhero Batman has disappeared leaving behind a daughter from his long-time love Catwoman. Her name is Helena the mysterious superhero known as "The Huntress". She has teamed up with the paralyzed hero "Batgirl" together they meet up with their next teammate Dinah Lance. Dinah is a telepath and psychic who had terrifying dreams about Batgirl's brutal accident. They must learn how to work together and become not only a team of superheroes but also a family.
I just heard that this lackluster show was finally cancelled. It started off to pretty High Ratings as many people (myself included)thought it looked interesting. Obviously, there is a place for female driven action shows. The problem is this one had No substance whatsoever. The One-note acting, the boring and repetitive story lines, etc. It&#39;s a shame because I personally LOVE Action and Sci-fi.<br/><br/>Remember Xena? Fun show. There were also several &quot;Chameleon&quot; movies on UPN that had promise. Both of these starred BELIEVABLE actresses-(Xena)Lucy Lawless and (Chameleon)Bobbie Phillips who made all the difference.<br/><br/>Dark Angel started off strong and quickly dropped as well. My Opinion, Someone PLEASE create a female driven Action show-Cast it with Strong actors that are also believable fighters-and dare to think out of the box in the scripts. The first one who does this will be rewarded with High Ratings and Acclaim...Oh yeah, ALIAS exists already. Well, there&#39;s always room for One More!
There are those comix purists who will complain that BoP violates &quot;continuity&quot;. If the truth be known, that which constitutes &quot;continuity&quot; is in the eye of the beholder (At last count, there are over five -- and counting --different Batman &quot;continuities&quot; [Movie Batman, &quot;Batman: The Animated Series&quot;, &quot;Batman Beyond&quot;, &quot;Justice League&quot;, &quot;The Dark Knight&quot;, etc.] ). At last count, Superman has over EIGHT different continuities (radio show, TV shows [&quot;Superboy&quot;, &quot;Smallville&quot;, etc.], and countless cartoon incarnations -- in addition to the comics). This is to say nothing of the pre- and post-&quot;Crisis&quot; versions of each of these characters.<br/><br/>There are so many different versions of Batman and Superman and different eras that trying to please each and every comic fan out there is a nightmare and an impossible task for a screenwriter. There are some people who want to see this version and some who want to see this era and if the writers mix them up then all hell breaks loose in Comix Fandom. To attempt to satisfy the whims of each individual fan is to ask for trouble.<br/><br/>While the critics are marking off their checklists and tabulating how well BoP adheres to its &quot;source material&quot;, they&#39;re missing out on a fun show peopled with some quirky and interesting characters (The Huntress holds the singular honor of being TV&#39;s first superhero to see a therapist on a regular basis!).<br/><br/>&quot;Birds of Prey&quot; is best enjoyed when judged on its own merits. In my opinion, it&#39;s a fun show that deserves a chance to come out from under the shadow of its comic book origins.

BOP is best appreciated as an &quot;Elseworlds&quot; story; it exists in a continuity all its own -- apart from the comics, films, etc. (i.e., in this continuity, Joker is alive.)<br/><br/>The show draws from several sources: the comics, the films, and &quot;Batman: The Animated Series&quot; (cf., Harley Quinn and the voice of Mark Hamill as the Joker.) Judging from the costume that is featured in the opening credits, we&#39;re assuming that the producers are basing their Catwoman upon the one featured in the 1992 film, &quot;Batman Returns&quot; (In the movie, Selina Kyle absorbs the essences of the cats -- nine lives, ability to always land on one&#39;s feet, etc. -- which revive her after Shreck pushes her off the building.) &quot;Birds of Prey&quot; is not about either Batman or Batgirl. The show is about Huntress, Dinah, and Oracle (who used to be Batgirl.) The title of the show -- &quot;Birds of Prey&quot; -- pretty much says it all.<br/><br/>It is stated in the show that Batman disappeared after the Joker killed Selina. Bruce Wayne left the city and is in an unknown location, but he is still alive. In the comics, that was what led Helena Wayne to become the Huntress. In more recent years, however, the Huntress character was revamped as a different person altogther, and has no family ties to either Batman or Catwoman. Blame the network for that one. According to executive producer Hans Tobeason, WB had &quot;issues&quot; with Oracle and her chair (what&#39;s more, they tried to freeze her out of the show altogether by limiting her screentime.) a5c7b9f00b

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