Bionicle 2 Legends Of Metru Nui Movie In Hindi Dubbed Download

Bionicle 2 Legends Of Metru Nui Movie In Hindi Dubbed Download


Bionicle 2: Legends Of Metru Nui Movie In Hindi Dubbed Download

Six Matoran from the city of Metru Nui are chosen by Toa Lhikan to become mighty Toa Metru. However, all is not well in the city, as Matoran are vanishing, Turaga Dume is acting strangely, and Toa Lhikan is captured by a pair of menacing Dark Hunters. Toa Vakama and his five brave companions must find their mask powers, dodge the ruthless Vahki enforcers, and try to free Toa Lhikan, whilst revealing Metru Nui's darkest secret.
When Toa Lhikan, guardian of Metru Nui, is captured by the ruthless Dark Hunters, he passes his power onto six unsuspecting Matoran, who are reluctant to accept their new destiny as the Toa Metru. However, Metru Nui's governor, Turaga Dume, is even more resistant to welcoming his domain's new heroes, and the Toa Metru are separated following a dangerous test. Now, pursued by the Dark Hunters and guided by the Great Spirit Mata Nui, the Toa will venture across the six Metrus that make up the great city to reunite. But even as they reach their goal, a series of events have already been set in motion that will have devastating consequences for all in Metru Nui...and the Great Spirit himself....
Let&#39;s face it. The first Bionicle movie was insultingly &quot;kiddy&quot;. Even toddlers watching it had to rethink if they were too old to be included inside the intended target audience. Not this sequel. Where violence occurred off-screen in the first movie, this has it right out in the open. You have projectile and physical attacks. You have kidnapping, scary moments, hopeless moments, brave moments. You have drama that&#39;s adequate enough for an adult, but not way over the head of a child. My main gripe with the movie is not even with the movie itself. It&#39;s that the character designers went WAY too far outside merely updating the toys to work as CGI objects. Their redesign of Nivawk for example resulted in a character who has no toy counterpart. So if your kid is jumping up and down for you to buy &quot;the cool, purple bat guy with blue wings&quot;, good luck. You will NOT find it in the toy store. Not looking anything like the one in the movie anyway. <br/><br/>Back on subject: Great effects, great story, well executed. Not too scary for nightmares, but not so kiddy it&#39;s embarrassing. WORTH YOUR MONEY. -JINZONINGEN 73
Watched One Of My Favorite Direct to Video Animated Films Bionicle 2:Legends Of Metru Nui amazing voice Performances from Alessandro Juilani(Battlestar Galactica) as Vakama, Tabitha St.Germain(Transformers:Energon) as Nokama also starring Brian Drummond(G.I. Joe:Ninja Battles) as Matau/Onewa, Paul Dobson(Inuyasha) as Whenua/Nidhiki , Trevor Devall(Mobile Suit Gundam) as Nuju, Gerard Plunkett(RoboCop:Alpha Commando) as Turaga Dume, Michael Dobson(Dreamcatcher) as Lhikan/Krekka and Lee Tockar(G.I. Joe:Valor Vs Venom) as Makuta The films main villain. The film is surprisingly great for being direct to Video also the characters had great Motivation and Layers despite it being 75 Minutes Great Characterization of Vakama we follow his journey with him to find his destiny also Matau provides brevity when needed and Nokama also providing the Voice of Reason Also Nathan Furst Rivals John Williams in terms of allowing the Music tell the characters story as well also Makuta proves he is no push over and is a returning Antagonists also despite being Direct to Video it doesn&#39;t shy away from pulling punches characters die and its much Darker than Mask Of Light . Amazing score by Nathan Furst(StageGhost), Screenplay By Henry Gilroy(Atlantis:Milos Return) Direction by Terry Shakespeare(Bionicle:Mask Of Light)&amp; David Molina(Goofys Fun House) Best of The Bionicle Of The Films and A Surprise for Direct To Video. 9/10

The movie never explains this, but the elemental powers of the Toa got depleted during their off-screen ventures (detailed in the books and comics), of which we only see a short montage in the movie. By the end of the film, their powers have recharged, which is why they only use them then. Makuta intended to enslave the entire Matoran population of Metru Nui into capsules. These had the effect of, over time, erasing their captives&#39; memories and deteriorating their bodies. Makuta wanted the Mask of Time to be made as it would have allowed him to speed up the time around the capsules, thereby having to wait less for them to take effect, so that he could awaken the Matoran and fool them into thinking that he was their savior. The six Toa use their elemental powers to form a crystalline cage of solid protodermis (the substance that the BIONICLE world is made of) around him. In the BIONICLE world, the combination of any six elements that don&#39;t cancel each other out can create protodermis. Nidhiki was once a Toa hero and served together with Toa Lhikan, developing a brotherly relationship with him. However Nidhiki grew power-hungry and ended up betraying his Toa fellows and joining the mercenary organization of the Dark Hunters. He was subsequently mutated by Roodaka (the villain in <a href="/title/tt0471588/">Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows (2005)</a>) into the insect-like form we see in the movie, to ensure that he would never return to being a Toa hero again. The Mask of Time doesn&#39;t allow time-travel. It can only slow down or speed up time around a given target, but its user cannot travel back in time with it. Yes. His right eye got poked out by a female Makuta named Gorast long before the events of this movie. The Brotherhood of Makuta, the evil organization that he&#39;s the leader of. This was one of the first hints in the BIONICLE storyline that there was more than one Makuta. The Morbuzakh plant, which had a great presence in the comics, novels and games leading up to the movie&#39;s story, only has a short cameo, during the Toa Metru&#39;s &quot;scavenger hunt&quot; montage when its vines are seen holding Vakama prisoner. The act itself isn&#39;t shown nor explained, as it happened many years before this movie. He had released a virus that over time shut Mata Nui down, and waited until it had taken effect (which happens during the movie) to reveal his evil intentions to the world. The Makuta were originally good and served to protect the Matoran, as well as to preserve nature&#39;s balance by bioengineering wild life. They had crushed conflicts several times before turning corrupt, but had kept their intentions secret. That&#39;s why everyone is surprised to see that Makuta is behind the Matoran&#39;s disappearance. The play-field the Toa have to go through is called the &quot;sea of protodermis&quot;, later we find out that the actual sea surrounding the island is made of liquid protodermis, and at the end the Toa trap the villain inside crystalline protodermis.<br/><br/>Protodermis is a (probably artificial) substance that everything in the Matoran Universe is made out of, so it&#39;s basically synonymous with &quot;matter&quot; for the characters. It can be liquid, metal, wood, crystal or even flesh; not that the movies ever explain what it is. However the waters in the previous movie were made of actual water, since it took place on an island outside of the Matoran Universe. Heroes: Vakama, Nokama, Matau, Whenua, Onewa, Nuju (as Matoran, Toa and Turaga), Toa Lhikan (later turns into a Turaga), Turaga Dume (appears comatose)<br/><br/>Villains: Nidhiki, Krekka, Makuta Teridax (also masquerading as Turaga Dume).<br/><br/>Others: the Vahki types Rozakh and Zadakh, Nivawk, Kikanalo beasts, and considering the movie takes place mostly in his brain, Mata Nui.<br/><br/>Cameos: Kongu, Jaller, Takua, Hahli, the Morbuzakh plant, the mutated Ussal crab, the Dweller in the Deep, along with thousands of random background Matoran and many random Rahi animals Turaga Dume is seen talking to a shadowy mirror in which the eyes of the evil Makuta appear. Later it&#39;s revealed that Dume is in fact Makuta himself, wearing the disguise of the real Turaga Dume. So was he talking to himself in the scene? If so, why did &quot;Makuta&quot; talk in a different voice?<br/><br/>The scene is actually never explained. Makuta has a fondness for self-monologuing, but it&#39;s unclear why he would project his eyes into the mirror and have a discussion with Dume, who is really himself. The scene is likely the result of the film&#39;s haphazard production. He&#39;s referring to the Toa Mangai team, the predecessors of Vakama and his Toa Metru team. Lhikan is the last of the Toa Mangai. The others were each assigned dangerous tasks by the city&#39;s leader from which they never returned -- in reality, it was Makuta who gave them those assignments, in order to get rid of them. 7cb1d79195

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