BioShock Infinite Hd Full Movie Download

BioShock Infinite Hd Full Movie Download


BioShock Infinite Hd Full Movie Download

The year is 1912, deep in debt, ex-Pinkerton agent Booker DeWitt is sent to the mysterious flying city of Columbia to find and retrieve a young woman imprisoned in a tower since birth - Elizabeth and to "Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt". However, almost as soon as Booker arrives, he finds that Columbia and its people are not quite what they seem, and all too soon science, religion, morality, family and life all clash and spiral down into utter chaos, with Booker and Elizabeth as unlikely partners in the midst of all the action.
A man is sent to the flying city of Columbia to find a missing girl. However, upon arrival he discovers that the city, its people, and his objective are all not what they seem.
I had high exceptions for this wonderful game because I knew this infinite wouldn&#39;t disappoint me. Once you strap yourself and head on to Columbia prepare to get blown away by the beautiful scenery once you step foot in it. Its clearly one of the best games of 2013 by far, that it may be game of year.<br/><br/>The combat feels so different giving you a rush options on how to tackle down your enemies whether, you fight on the ground, skyline, or both to mix it up. I was surprise how violent it when Booker slams down the police&#39;s head on to the sky-hook cutting his face in half. But, the new thing it gives you are the executions you can do with the sky-hook and their so fun to watch. The girl who is named Elizabeth, is very likable that you always want to keep her safe, even though you don&#39;t have to really protect her. She is one of the best AI so far, giving you ammo,salts, health, she is the perfect one in helping you in bad situations. That&#39;s a huge bonus during battles. <br/><br/>The level designs are incredible just like how the 1st Bioshock was. Grabbing you again with insane amounts of detail and creativity throughout. Still, even though Infinite isn&#39;t scary as the first one was ,yet it still has its OMG moments.<br/><br/>Booker and Elizabeth by far have the best chemistry than any other games that&#39;s out there. Their adventures will keep you wanting to play this game. And I already beat three times because amount of detail you can miss and the style can change when playing. I have to say the ending... I have no words for it. <br/><br/>10/10
I have played many games in the past to completion and Bioshock infinite is one of the few that has completely mind fudged me with its brilliance. <br/><br/>It&#39;s character driven story mixed with its clever and well constructed writing not only creates a masterpiece of a story but emotionally attaches you to the lovable characters Elizabeth and Booker. These along with other awesome characters have amazing voice acting, dialogue and personalities - it sometimes feel as if these characters, especially Elizabeth, are real humans - The connection that grows between the player and these game characters is truly wonderful and emotional. <br/><br/>The game play is true to its predecessors in maintaining the addictive fun you experience while shooting up enemy&#39;s and using Vigor, which is the equivalent to the originals &#39;plasmids&#39;, to your advantage. Elizabeth doesn&#39;t annoy you during combat as she can take care of herself and is not a burden when you play, but is a joy to have by your side. Her gameplay mechanic of creating &#39;tears&#39; to help you take down your enemy&#39;s is implemented well in the game along with the skyline and it&#39;s melee executions and ability&#39;s, which also fit in well with the game&#39;s structure. <br/><br/>The sound effects in the game have a nice and crisp quality and the mission design plus the set pieces are just great. The atmosphere of the city of Columbia, a floating city with a old school American theme, makes this game unique and different from the other Bioshocks, which take place in the underwater city of Rapture, but it still has this familiar sense about it which is nostalgic and amazing.<br/><br/>The game does not have a multiplayer nor does it need one as it truly delivers a cinematic and breath taking experience that you alone can, in fact you must have and I urge you to buy this game, as it is no doubly my game of this year and could possibly be my game of the decade! <br/><br/>10/10 - love doesn&#39;t come close to what I feel towards this game!<br/><br/>Just to let you guys know, this is my first ever review on IMDb!! Thanks for reading :)

Vast majority of the game takes place in 1912, 48 years before the events of the original game. Due to quantum physics and time travel being involved in the story, there are also moments and elements from other years, between 1880 and 1980. They both exist within the game&#39;s universe, but since Rapture was built much later than Columbia, almost no-one in Columbia knows about Rapture. It is revealed via audio recordings that select few from Rapture looked into the future Rapture and took advantage of some things that were revealed to them in this way (mostly technology).<br/><br/>Players return to Rapture briefly within the game, but it is not important to the general storyline. No. Andrew Ryan makes no appearance in Bioshock Infinite. a5c7b9f00b

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