BioShock 2 Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

BioShock 2 Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4


BioShock 2 Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4

In 1968, the first successfully-bonded Big Daddy is reawakened to save his Little Sister from the clutches of Rapture's new leader, Sofia Lamb.
To say that this game is similar to the first one and that it lacks the presence and awe of the previous title is to disservice the game since it is obviously very different in terms of tone and the story is more personal than the previous installment. The story takes place 10 years after the first one well after Ryan is dead and his citizens are tired of his philosophy of the self who they easily sway into the opposite view of Lamb which is one of unity sacrificing the self like communism and the protagonist is a previous outsider of Rapture who got turned into a Big Daddy and his mission is to unite with his little sister who turns out to be Lamb's daughter. The idea of a unionized family of Splicers changes the game-play to a more challenging aspect since every single Splicer teams up against you instead of the every one for himself from the first game. The game-play itself is faster paced from the upgradeable plasmids, faster hacking and dual weapon and plasmid combination. I like the fact that the villains Grace, Stanley, and Alex Gill are ambiguous when it comes to the scenes where Delta has every reason to kill them, especially Alex Gill, but mercy is a central theme since it will shape Eleanor's character at the end. Definitely buy this game!
This is one of the best first person shooter games I have ever played. Great story line, awesome weapons and better fighting. The enemies are more varied that the first game, including Big sisters, Rumblers, Brute splicers and more. The loading music is good, it fits in very well with the whole feel of the game, I particularly enjoyed the &quot;Inner Persephone&quot; loading music.<br/><br/>Only one problem, It is a little too short, I would have liked it to be longer.<br/><br/>The different endings are also awesome, Depending on how you play the game. I have seen them all.<br/><br/>so 10 out of 10 for Bioshock 2. Well worth it. I&#39;ve played it more than 20 times already!

1968, 8 years after the first game. a5c7b9f00b

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