Best Men Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 720p

Best Men Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 720p


Best Men Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 720p

The film opens with 4 tuxedo clad men showing up at a penitentiary to meet a friend who has just been released after three years in prison and is going straight from the jail to marry his girl friend. En route to the wedding, one of the men asks to stop by a bank to pick up some cash. As it turns out, he is a wanted bank robber who uses Shakespeare passages during his robberies and thus has become known as "Hamlet". Soon all five men are caught up in the bank and involved in the robbery as they end up in a hostage situation. The hostage negotiator shows up who turns out to be Hamlet's father. As the men are all known to those being robbed, this quirky comedy takes a left turn as their hostages all work to support the men.
I really like this movie. The actors fit the characters perfectly and the plot was unique. It would have been even more great to find out more about the characters but other than that i really enjoyed it. What was really fantastic is how all the friends were so different from each other but the fit so well. I can understand that this movie wasn't really deep, but life isn't always like that. The movie certainly took some surprising turns, well at least in the characters they were bringing into the plot. the overall feeling of the movie was really sentimental, dealing in the fact that these guys lives had been rough but they were still willing to go on, and the end really interesting if a little sad. But it just goes to show that some people don't go down without a fight.
The movie started out very promisingly and I thought that it was going to be a hilarious comedy. But it turned out to be better than that. The characters of each person have been acted out flawlessly. The setting is good.<br/><br/>I can see why some people did not like it. They expected a comedy and got a drama instead. It has a bit of comedy in it, but I guess people were expecting more. The lines recited from Shakespeare are extremely well chosen and just right for the movie. This, by the way, encouraged me to read Hamlet.<br/><br/>The role of Drew Barrymore is small, but significant. It was quite funny seeing the whole public against the FBI. The ending was quite unexpected.<br/><br/>Anyway, I think that this is a beautiful movie and should be seen with an open mind.
As a comedy, it's painfully unfunny, and as a drama, it's both silly and overcrowded with unnecessary characters and subplots. Still, Best Men has its moments.

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