Best Blowjob Techniques

Best Blowjob Techniques


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Confession: I love giving a partner a good blow job.
I know some women hate performing oral sex on a guy, and I get it—having someone's junk thrusting inside your mouth (and ugh, the annoying head push!) isn't everyone's idea of fun. But to me, there's nothing more empowering and exciting than to have full control of over a penis—and by effect, the man attached to it.
"Men love blow jobs because the act feels like sex, but it's a very different experience—they get to relax and receive and just enjoy what's happening in front of them," says Vanessa Marin, a certified sex therapist in L.A. (who makes me feel a lot less anti-feminist, I must say).
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"The visual element of watching their penis slip in and out of a mouth gets a lot of guys going."
"The visual element of watching their penis slip in and out of a mouth gets a lot of guys going," she adds. Not to mention, unlike a hand job or even penetrative sex, men can't replicate the sensation of a blow job on their own (obviously). Your mouth is wet and warm, like a vagina (or a lubed-up hand), but your lips and tongue are living, roving, irreplaceable works of art.
But like with any sex act, enjoying the experience yourself (which, if you're going to do it, you absolutely should) typically comes from having some level of confidence in yourself—and that comes from knowing what you're doing.
So here's how to give the best blow job he'll ever have (I swear)—and making it more pleasurable for yourself in the process:
By far the number one rule for giving good head is acting like you want to be giving head.
"The biggest complaint I hear from male clients about blow jobs has nothing to do with technique and everything to do with their partner's enthusiasm about it," Marin says. "Men will have a great time if they know their partner is enjoying it." (Aww.)
That's not to say you should pretend you like doing something in the bedroom if you straight-up don't. (On that vein, never do something you're not comfortable with a sexual partner.) But if you're going to consider going down a guy—which, if you're reading this article, it seems that you are—the best thing you can bring to the BJ party is a good attitude.
A few ways to show your enthusiasm:
A blow job might count as oral sex, but that doesn't mean your mouth has to do all the work. "I like to think of the mouth as providing wetness and your hands as providing tightness," says Marin.
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If your jaw starts to feel sore or tired a few minutes into the job, you're likely suctioning too hard with your mouth. So shift some of the work to your hands, counting on them for pressure.
Here's your basic stroke once you've warmed up a bit:
If he's well-endowed (go, girl), you can keep your mouth in one place and move your wet hand up and down separately.
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Then from there, you can mix up your hand technique a bit. Try the Wrist Twist: With your mouth on his penis (this is still oral sex), rotate your firm wrist in clockwise circles as you move your hand up and down.
Bring your other hand into the game once you've gotten your bearings. The best placement? Use it to cup and gently squeeze his balls.
During one of the first blow jobs I ever gave (to a guy I'd been dating for five months, so we were super comfortable with each other), my partner told me to spit on him. It freaked me out for a sec—I remember wondering if spitting was some weird fetish—but then realized he just liked it extra wet.
While every man is definitely different and has his own personal preferences, I've found that most agree that a good blow job requires a lot of saliva. You don't want to go overboard to the point that your hand is slipping all over the place, but try to do some **sexy** spitting (read: make it subtle) whenever his penis starts to feel a little dry.
On that note, keep a glass of water nearby to prevent dry mouth—you'll need it.
When you're blowing him, your tongue provides the warmth, texture, and wetness that he can't get elsewhere.
To maximize its sensation, Marin suggests keeping your tongue soft in your mouth when you're moving up and down (the majority of your blow job), then using the tip of your tongue to trace the head and frenulum—the underside where the penis head (if circumcised) meets the shaft.
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Those two areas, especially the frenulum, are packed with nerve endings, so he'll go crazy.
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You can also use the flat side of your tongue to lick from the bottom of his shaft to the very tip and down again, or throw in a few tongue flicks. These are more like little garnishes to sprinkle in—and tbh, a little porn-esque, so call on your inner kink.
At some point during my writing career in women's magazines, I picked up a tip from a sexpert (I wish I could remember who!) that has become my trusty signature move. (I almost hate sharing it, but in the name of better blow jobs for all...)
As you suck on him, try to keep your lips in a slightly fish-face position—pretend you're about to say "purple." The word naturally contorts your lips into the perfect head-giving pout: They're slightly curled and pillowy, which makes them feel wetter and creates ideal suction.
Deep throating—where you take his member so far into your mouth, it's in your throat—is definitely an advanced skill. For two words: gag reflex.
Some women's gag reflex is more easily activated than others, but if you're able to train it—I did by practicing on, no joke, frozen ice pops—you can surprise (and by that, I mean SHOCK) your partner with moments of deep throating.
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Not only does deep throating feel amazing to them (your throat is obviously tighter than their mouth), but guys also love seeing their entire length somehow fit inside your mouth. (Back to that visual thing that Marin talked about.)
A word of caution: Ease into this, and only when you can breathe well through your nose. No penis is worth choking over.
Not all guys like to have their backside touched at all. But some all-caps love it.
If you're into the idea, Marin suggests asking your partner if he likes having a finger in or around his butt, or if he's ever had anyone try. You'll be able to gauge if he's down to experiment, really wants it, or is hands-down against it. (No judgment either way.)
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If you're both game, move a finger or two toward his perineum (or "taint")—the area between his scrotum and anus—and go from there. The prostate lies right under the perineum and is known to be the "male G-spot."
"The holy trifecta of oral sex is mouth on head, hand on shaft, hand on balls," says Marin. "The holy quad would bring the butt into it."
So there you have it—all the tips you need to give a really, REALLY good blow job. Go try them on your partner and wear your invisible crown with pride. You earned it.
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6 OMG Blow Job Techniques To Give Him The Best Blow Job Of His Life
Men go absolutely weak in the knees for you after a great blowjob. Perhaps you know how to perform oral sex enthusiastically, which is great. But let me ask you — how long has it been since you've thought about your blowjob techniques?
If you keep defaulting to the same routine and tricks every time you go down on him, it might be time to revisit some some tips on how to give a good blowjob (or even the best blowjob ever).
Perhaps the techniques and positions you're currently relying on worked great at first, but trust me, 'predictable' is the last word a man (or woman) wants to use when describing his sex life.
Well, you're in luck! Today, I am going to teach you the techniques that will help you give your man the most enjoyable oral sex he has ever received ... and how to get him to return the favor.
I am constantly surprised to hear people say men don't enjoy foreplay as much as women do. This is simply untrue.
Men may never actually tell you that they like foreplay, but your guy will have much more powerful and enjoyable orgasms if you engage in foreplay with him before actually giving him a blowjob. The same is true for penetrative sex.
Thankfully, foreplay is pretty easy. In fact, your man probably enjoys most of the same things that you enjoy during foreplay.
Think about how you kiss him. Don't just give him a peck on the cheek, pay some attention to the rest of his body, too. Not just his neck and cheeks, but try kissing him all over his stomach and back, as well.
You'll even find that kissing his legs as you gradually make your way up makes for a hot prelude before you get down to using my other blowjob techniques.
Once he's warmed up, your man will now feel extra eager to start receiving oral sex from you, which is exactly what you wanted. This next blowjob technique is the perfect way to transition into giving him an actual blowjob.
Start by taking his trousers/briefs off so everything is easier to access. Gently hold the base of his penis in your hand and then use your tongue to slowly lick it from the base right to the tip.
You can try licking from the tip down to the base of his penis too, but often you'll find that technique to be a little awkward.
Rather than just constantly licking straight from the bottom to the top, try a few variations of this technique: Try moving your tongue from side-to-side as you make your way from the base to the tip. You'll also find that your man loves it when you pay most of your attention to the head of his penis.
You'll find that the two techniques I've just described will mostly help you level up the foreplay part. Now it's time to actually start giving him a proper blow job.
One of the major mistakes that women constantly make is using the same old boring oral sex techniques over and over on their man. Instead, use a little variation.
The main blowjob technique that gets over-used is called the "In and Out." This is when you simply take his penis in and out of your mouth with your lips wrapped around his shaft.
The thing is that most guys love this if you use it in combination with other techniques like these:
Some women think that using their hands during oral sex is cheating. This is pretty ludicrous, as it's not cheating at all. In fact, your man will greatly appreciate it.
The easiest way to use your hands when giving him a blowjob is to grab his shaft and slowly massage it up and down like you would when giving him regular hand job. When you combine this with using the "Twirl And Swirl" technique at the same time, you have a recipe for one happy guy.
But that's not all you can do with your hands. Another great blowjob technique is to use your hands to massage your man's testicles while taking him in your mouth at the same time.
The first four techniques will give you a great start to giving your man more enjoyable oral sex, but don't just stop there. Why not learn some more advanced techniques?
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In particular, deepthroat blowjobs feels incredible to your man. But I'm not going to lie, it takes a bit of practice to get it right without it feeling horrible for you.
The key is to consistently practice on something like a peeled banana or even a dildo until if feels relatively easy to do.
Also, rather than telling your man in advance that you're going to try giving him deep throat, a better way is to just surprise him with it. Trust me when I say — he'll be pleasantly surprised.
When you use all of these techniques I just shared, your man will have an incredibly enjoyable orgasm.
When he eventually orgasms, he'll experience many things that you also experience when you orgasm. For example, his penis will become incredibly sensitive to touch, just like your clitoris does as you're about to have a clitoral orgasm.
So when your man starts to orgasm, make sure you don't apply too much pressure to his penis.
Instead, reduce the speed of whatever you are doing and make all movements with your tongue, mouth and hands much softer.
Bonus tip: If you decide to swallow and you don't like the taste, have him try flavor masque strips or pineapple juice to improve your blowjob experience.
Sean Jameson is a sex expert and founder of the Bad Girl's Bible website, where you can learn advanced techniques to improve your sex life and how to give a great blowjob. 
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