


Бельгия — маленькая европейская страна, находящаяся между Нидерландами с севера, Германией на востоке, Францией и Люксембургом на юге и западе, от Великобритании ее отделяет узкая полоса Северного моря. Здесь находится центр пересечения политических и финансовых интересов, а также столица всего Евросоюза — Брюссель.  Бельгия — прекрасное место для путешествия с целью совершить экскурс в историю Европы.

Столица: Брюссель Площадь: 30 км 2 Население: 11 чел. Однако жителям других городов имеет смысл воспользоваться множеством стыковочных рейсов. Оба пути проходят через французский Лилль. Все фотографии. Брюссельский столичный регион. Частью Фландрии является Фламандский регион Бельгии. Это еще один прекрасный город-музей, где сосредоточена основная церковная жизнь Бельгии. Обязательно стоит посетить знаменитый Антверпенский зоопарк , который считается старейшим зоопарком Бельгии, территория которого занимает примерно 10, 5 гектаров. Гент всегда славился изготовлением своего бекона. Конкурс сопровождается веселым массовым гулянием. Монах Румолд, ставший впоследствии святым, основал здесь первый монастырь. Красочный карнавал , длящийся четыре дня подряд, проходит ежегодно перед Великим постом. Все достопримечательности Бельгии. Более детально с Бельгией вам помогут ознакомиться русские частные гиды. На проекте Эксперты. Ру зарегистрировано 22 русских гидов и компаний в Бельгии. Все гиды и компании Бельгия знаменита своими пюреобразными супами, которые часто заправляются местными сырами. После сытного обеда бельгийцы предпочитают черный густой кофе. Каждый регион страны имеет свои, характерные именно для него, сорта пива. Бельгийское кружево пользовалось большой популярностью, все царствующие дворы предпочитали украшать свои одеяния тонкими воздушными кружевами. Малинские кружева пользовались особой популярностью. Популярностью из-за своего удобного расположения пользуются конгресс-отели. Поистине роскошное проживание предлагают бельгийские шато. При полном или частичном использовании материалов сайта прямая индексируемая гиперссылка на www. Я здесь был. Все туристы Так же на нашем сайте зарегистрировано 75 человек , проживающих в Бельгии. Европа Бельгия Belgium. Ещё о стране. За просроченные шенгенские визы штрафов не будет. Около 75 млн рабочих мест в туризме могут исчезнуть. ЕС закрывает внешние границы на 30 дней. Бельгия ввела общенациональный карантин. Запуск миссии на Марс перенесён на год из-за коронавируса. Все новости. Шоппинг в Брюсселе. Транспорт Брюсселя. Виза в Бельгию. Рассказы и отзывы о Бельгии. Шесть бельгийских дней, десять крошек без больших городов. Гент, Турне, Намюр. Пивной рай! Китайцы выиграли при Ватерлоо. Все рассказы. Время перелета: из Москвы — от 3 часов 40 мин. Текущее время в Брюсселе: Добираться в Бельгию логичнее всего через Брюссель. Поиск авиабилетов в Бельгию. Поиск автомобиля в прокат. Мы сравниваем все доступные варианты перелётов по вашему запросу, а потом направляем вас для покупки на официальные сайты авиакомпаний и агентств. Стоимость авиабилета, которую вы видите на Aviasales — финальная. Мы убрали все скрытые услуги и галочки. Мы знаем, где купить авиабилеты дешево. Билеты на самолет в стран мира. Поиск и сравнение цен на авиабилеты среди агентств и авиакомпаний. Rent a car. Поиск по прокатной компании по всему миру 40 пунктов выдачи Простая отмена или изменение вашего бронирования. Отзывы по месяцам Январь Фотографии Бельгии. Валлонский регион Административное деление Бельгии на большом рисунке показаны провинции, на маленьком — регионы. Брюссельская ратуша. Брюссельский собор Святых Михаила и Гудулы. Королевский дворец. Интересные места в Бельгии Достопримечательности. Достопримечательности 41 Храмы, соборы, мечети 7 Площади 2 Фонтаны 1 Замки, дворцы 5. Музеи Парки развлечений 3 Фестивали, праздники, шоу 4. Зоопарки 1. ЖД вокзалы 4 Аэропорты 5. Рынки 1. Частные гиды в Бельгии Более детально с Бельгией вам помогут ознакомиться русские частные гиды. Ирина Герман 5 экскурсий. Ирина Дынова 3 экскурсии. Татьяна Морозова 7 экскурсий. Феликс 13 экскурсий. Игорь Голдберг 50 экскурсий. Валюта — Евро. Нашли неточность? Сообщите нам. О проекте Что такое Туристер. Январь Февраль Март. Апрель Май Июнь. Июль Август Сентябрь. Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь. Январь 15 Февраль 8 Март Апрель 31 Май 34 Июнь Июль 19 Август 22 Сентябрь Октябрь 24 Ноябрь 33 Декабрь

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Culturally, Belgium is a heterogeneous country straddling the border between the Romance and Germanic language families of western Europe.  AntwerpOverview of Antwerp. Contunico © ZDF Enterprises GmbH, Mainz See all videos for this article.

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Бельгия – государство в Северо-Западной Европе площадью 30 км². На севере она граничит с Нидерландами, на востоке — с Германией и Люксембургом, на юге и юго-западе — с Францией, на северо-западе омывается Северным морем.  Основные моменты. В Бельгии в прямом смысле есть на что посмотреть и чем восхититься, ну а экономической стабильности этого крошечного государства остается лишь серьезно завидовать.

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It is bordered by the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, France to the southwest, and the North Sea to the northwest. Legally, Belgium is a sovereign state and a federal constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Its institutional organization is complex and is structured on both regional and linguistic grounds. It is divided into three highly autonomous regions : \\\[10\\\] the Flemish Region in the north, Wallonia in the south, and the Brussels-Capital Region. Brussels is the smallest and most densely populated region, as well as the richest region in terms of GDP per capita. Belgium is home to two main linguistic groups or communities : the Dutch-speaking Flemish Community , which constitutes about 60 percent of the population, and the French-speaking Community , which comprises about 40 percent of all Belgians. A small German-speaking Community , numbering around one percent, exists in the East Cantons. Historically, Belgium is part of an area known as the Low Countries , a somewhat larger region than the current Benelux group of states that also included parts of northern France and western Germany. Between the 16th and early 19th centuries, Belgium served as the battleground between many European powers, earning the moniker the 'Battlefield of Europe', \\\[13\\\] a reputation strengthened by both world wars. The country emerged in following the Belgian Revolution when it seceded from the Netherlands. Belgium participated in the Industrial Revolution \\\[14\\\] \\\[15\\\] and, during the course of the 20th century, possessed a number of colonies in Africa. This continuing antagonism has led to several far-reaching reforms , resulting in a transition from a unitary to a federal arrangement during the period from to Despite the reforms, tensions between the groups have remained, if not increased; there is significant separatism particularly among the Flemish ; controversial language laws exist such as the municipalities with language facilities ; \\\[17\\\] and the formation of a coalition government took 18 months following the June federal election , a world record. Belgium is one of the six founding countries of the European Union and its capital, Brussels, hosts the official seats of the European Commission , the Council of the European Union , and the European Council , as well as one of two seats of the European Parliament the other being Strasbourg. Belgium is a developed country , with an advanced high-income economy. It has very high standards of living , quality of life , \\\[20\\\] healthcare , \\\[21\\\] education , \\\[22\\\] and is categorized as 'very high' in the Human Development Index. The Belgae were the inhabitants of the northernmost part of Gaul , which was significantly bigger than modern Belgium. Caesar used the word ' Belgium ' once, to refer to their region. Gallia Belgica , as it was more commonly called, became a Roman province as a result of his conquests. Areas closer to the Rhine frontier, including the eastern part of modern Belgium, eventually became part of the province of Germania Inferior , which interacted with Germanic tribes outside the empire. At the time when central government collapsed in the Western Roman Empire , the region of Belgium was inhabited by a mix of Frankish tribes and a more Romanized population. During the 5th century the area came under the rule of the Merovingian kings, who had already seized power in what is northern France. A gradual shift of power during the 8th century led the kingdom of the Franks to evolve into the Carolingian Empire. The Treaty of Verdun in divided the Carolingian empire into three kingdoms, whose borders had a lasting impact on medieval political boundaries. Most of modern Belgium was in the Middle Kingdom , later known as Lotharingia. Only the coastal county of Flanders became part of West Francia , the predecessor of France. In in the Treaty of Meersen , modern Belgium lands all became part of the western kingdom, and in in the Treaty of Ribemont , Lotharingia came under the lasting control of the Holy Roman Emperor , but the lordships along the 'March' frontier between the two great kingdoms maintained important connections. Many of these fiefdoms were united in the Burgundian Netherlands of the 14th and 15th centuries. The latter were ruled successively by the Spanish Spanish Netherlands and the Austrian Habsburgs Austrian Netherlands and comprised most of modern Belgium. The reunification of the Low Countries as the United Kingdom of the Netherlands occurred at the dissolution of the First French Empire in , after the abdication of Napoleon. In , the Belgian Revolution led to the separation of the Southern Provinces from the Netherlands and to the establishment of a Catholic and bourgeois, officially French-speaking and neutral, independent Belgium under a provisional government and a national congress. The main political parties of the 19th century were the Catholic Party and the Liberal Party , with the Belgian Labour Party emerging towards the end of the 19th century. French was originally the single official language adopted by the nobility and the bourgeoisie. It progressively lost its overall importance as Dutch became recognized as well. This recognition became official in and in the parliament accepted a Dutch version of the Constitution. In , this outcry led the Belgian state to assume responsibility for the government of the colony, henceforth called the Belgian Congo. The opening months of the war were known as the Rape of Belgium due to German excesses. Belgium assumed control of the German colonies of Ruanda-Urundi modern-day Rwanda and Burundi during the war, and in the League of Nations mandated them to Belgium. In the aftermath of the First World War, Belgium annexed the Prussian districts of Eupen and Malmedy in , thereby causing the presence of a German-speaking minority. German forces again invaded the country in May , and 40, Belgians, over half of them Jews, were killed during the subsequent occupation and The Holocaust. From September to February the Allies liberated Belgium. The latter has now become the European Union, for which Belgium hosts major administrations and institutions, including the European Commission , the Council of the European Union and the extraordinary and committee sessions of the European Parliament. Belgium has three main geographical regions; the coastal plain in the northwest and the central plateau both belong to the Anglo-Belgian Basin, and the Ardennes uplands in the southeast to the Hercynian orogenic belt. The coastal plain consists mainly of sand dunes and polders. Further inland lies a smooth, slowly rising landscape irrigated by numerous waterways, with fertile valleys and the northeastern sandy plain of the Campine Kempen. The thickly forested hills and plateaus of the Ardennes are more rugged and rocky with caves and small gorges. However, due to consistent efforts by the various levels of government in Belgium, the state of the environment in Belgium is gradually improving. This led to Belgium being ranked as one of the top 10 countries 9 out of in terms of environmental protection trends, and to Belgium being ranked in as the 24th country out of for environmental protection. In particular, the Flemish region of Belgium has the highest waste diversion rate in Europe. Almost 75 percent of the residential waste produced there is reused, recycled, or composted. The territory of Belgium is divided into three Regions, two of which, the Flemish Region and Walloon Region , are in turn subdivided into provinces ; the third Region, the Brussels Capital Region , is neither a province nor a part of a province. Belgium is a constitutional , popular monarchy and a federal parliamentary democracy. The bicameral federal parliament is composed of a Senate and a Chamber of Representatives. The former is made up of 50 senators appointed by the parliaments of the communities and regions and 10 co-opted senators. Belgium has compulsory voting and thus maintains one of the highest rates of voter turnout in the world. The King currently Philippe is the head of state , though with limited prerogatives. He appoints ministers, including a Prime Minister, that have the confidence of the Chamber of Representatives to form the federal government. The Council of Ministers is composed of no more than fifteen members. With the possible exception of the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers is composed of an equal number of Dutch-speaking members and French-speaking members. The Court of Cassation is the court of last resort, with the courts of appeal one level below. A string of Christian Democrat coalition governments from was broken in after the first dioxin crisis , a major food contamination scandal. The government led by Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt from to achieved a balanced budget, some tax reforms , a labor-market reform, scheduled nuclear phase-out and instigated legislation allowing more stringent war crime and more lenient soft drug usage prosecution. Restrictions on withholding euthanasia were reduced and same-sex marriage legalized. The government promoted active diplomacy in Africa \\\[62\\\] and opposed the invasion of Iraq. For more than a year, the country experienced a political crisis. On that day a new government , led by Flemish Christian Democrat Yves Leterme , the actual winner of the federal elections of June , was sworn in by the king. On 15 July Leterme announced the resignation of the cabinet to the king, as no progress in constitutional reforms had been made. A few hours later, the new government under Prime Minister Yves Leterme was sworn in. On 22 April , Leterme again offered the resignation of his cabinet to the king \\\[72\\\] after one of the coalition partners, the OpenVLD , withdrew from the government, and on 26 April King Albert officially accepted the resignation. By 30 March this set a new world record for the elapsed time without an official government, previously held by war-torn Iraq. The federal election coinciding with the regional elections resulted in a further electoral gain for the Flemish nationalist N-VA, although the incumbent coalition composed of Flemish and French-speaking Social Democrats, Liberals, and Christian Democrats maintains a solid majority in Parliament and in all electoral constituencies. It is the first time N-VA is part of the federal cabinet, while the French-speaking side is represented only by the MR, which achieved a minority of the public votes in Wallonia. Following a usage which can be traced back to the Burgundian and Habsburg courts, \\\[76\\\] in the 19th century it was necessary to speak French to belong to the governing upper class, and those who could only speak Dutch were effectively second-class citizens. While the people in Southern Belgium spoke French or dialects of French, and most Brusselers adopted French as their first language, the Flemings refused to do so and succeeded progressively in making Dutch an equal language in the education system. The constitutional language areas determine the official languages in their municipalities, as well as the geographical limits of the empowered institutions for specific matters. The overlapping boundaries of the Regions and Communities have created two notable peculiarities: the territory of the Brussels-Capital Region which came into existence nearly a decade after the other regions is included in both the Flemish and French Communities, and the territory of the German-speaking Community lies wholly within the Walloon Region. Conflicts about jurisdiction between the bodies are resolved by the Constitutional Court of Belgium. The structure is intended as a compromise to allow different cultures to live together peacefully. It controls substantial parts of public health, home affairs and foreign affairs. Extensions to personal matters less directly connected with language comprise health policy curative and preventive medicine and assistance to individuals protection of youth, social welfare, aid to families, immigrant assistance services, and so on. Regions have authority in fields that can be broadly associated with their territory. These include economy, employment, agriculture, water policy, housing, public works, energy, transport, the environment, town and country planning, nature conservation, credit and foreign trade. They supervise the provinces, municipalities and intercommunal utility companies. In several fields, the different levels each have their own say on specifics. With education, for instance, the autonomy of the Communities neither includes decisions about the compulsory aspect nor allows for setting minimum requirements for awarding qualifications, which remain federal matters. Because of its location at the crossroads of Western Europe , Belgium has historically been the route of invading armies from its larger neighbors. With virtually defenseless borders, Belgium has traditionally sought to avoid domination by the more powerful nations which surround it through a policy of mediation. The Belgians have been strong advocates of European integration. The Belgian Armed Forces have about 47, active troops. The operational commands of the four components are subordinate to the Staff Department for Operations and Training of the Ministry of Defense , which is headed by the Assistant Chief of Staff Operations and Training , and to the Chief of Defense. The effects of the Second World War made collective security a priority for Belgian foreign policy. This mission was the first in a long line of UN missions which the Belgians supported. Its main exports are machinery and equipment, chemicals, finished diamonds, metals and metal products, and foodstuffs. The Belgian economy is heavily service-oriented and shows a dual nature: a dynamic Flemish economy and a Walloon economy that lags behind. Since , through the Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union , Belgium and Luxembourg have been a single trade market with customs and currency union. Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution , in the early 19th century. The and oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced a serious decline. As of \\\[update\\\] , the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to Unemployment rates of 8. By October , this had grown to 8. Belgium switched to the euro in , with the first sets of euro coins being minted in This means they required about eight times as much biocapacity as Belgium contains. As a result, Belgium was running a biocapacity deficit of 5. Belgium experiences some of the most congested traffic in Europe. In , commuters to the cities of Brussels and Antwerp spent respectively 65 and 64 hours a year in traffic jams. There is a large economic gap between Flanders and Wallonia. Since then, Flanders has been prosperous, among the wealthiest regions in Europe, whereas Wallonia has been languishing. As of , the unemployment rate of Wallonia is over double that of Flanders. The divide has played a key part in the tensions between the Flemish and Walloons in addition to the already-existing language divide. Pro-independence movements have gained high popularity in Flanders as a consequence. The 16th century Early Modern flourishing of Western Europe included cartographer Gerardus Mercator , anatomist Andreas Vesalius , herbalist Rembert Dodoens \\\[\\\] \\\[\\\] \\\[\\\] \\\[\\\] and mathematician Simon Stevin among the most influential scientists. Bakelite was developed in — by Leo Baekeland. In , he started a series of conferences, the Solvay Conferences on Physics and Chemistry, which have had a deep impact on the evolution of quantum physics and chemistry. As of 1 November , the total population of Belgium according to its population register was 11,, The most densily populated province is Antwerp , the least densily populated province is Luxembourg. As of January , the Flemish Region had a population of 6,, Wallonia had a population of 3,, The Brussels Capital Region has 1,, inhabitants In the average total fertility rate TFR across Belgium was 1. The prevalent foreign nationals were Italian , , French , , Dutch , , Moroccan 80, , Portuguese 43, , Spanish 42, , Turkish 39, and German 37, Of these, , 6. Since the modification of the Belgian nationality law in more than 1. The largest group of immigrants and their descendants in Belgium are Moroccans. Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French and German. A number of non-official minority languages are spoken as well. French-speaking Belgians are often referred to as Walloons, although the French speakers in Brussels are not Walloons. The total number of native Dutch speakers is estimated to be about 6. Roughly 23, more German speakers live in municipalities near the official Community. Both Belgian Dutch and Belgian French have minor differences in vocabulary and semantic nuances from the varieties spoken respectively in the Netherlands and France. Many Flemish people still speak dialects of Dutch in their local environment. Walloon , considered either as a dialect of French or a distinct Romance language , \\\[\\\] \\\[\\\] is now only understood and spoken occasionally, mostly by elderly people. Walloon is divided into four dialects, which along with those of Picard , \\\[\\\] are rarely used in public life and have largely been replaced by French. According to the Eurobarometer , Protestants comprised 2. Non-religious people comprised A further 5. Symbolically and materially, the Roman Catholic Church remains in a favorable position. In the early s, there were approximately 42, Jews in Belgium. The Jewish Community of Antwerp numbering some 18, is one of the largest in Europe, and one of the last places in the world where Yiddish is the primary language of a large Jewish community mirroring certain Orthodox and Hasidic communities in New York, New Jersey, and Israel. In addition, most Jewish children in Antwerp receive a Jewish education. This is particularly the case in eastern Wallonia and areas along the French border. The largest group of immigrants in Belgium are Moroccans, with , people. The Turks are the third largest group, and the second largest Muslim ethnic group, numbering , The Belgians enjoy good health. According to estimates, the average life expectancy is Death in Belgium is mainly due to heart and vascular disorders, neoplasms , disorders of the respiratory system and unnatural causes of death accidents, suicide. Non-natural causes of death and cancer are the most common causes of death for females up to age 24 and males up to age Healthcare in Belgium is financed through both social security contributions and taxation. Health insurance is compulsory. Health care is delivered by a mixed public and private system of independent medical practitioners and public, university and semi-private hospitals. Health care service are payable by the patient and reimbursed later by health insurance institutions, but for ineligible categories of patients and services so-called 3rd party payment systems exist. For the first time in Belgian history, the first child was euthanized following the 2-year mark of the removal of the euthanization age restrictions. The child had been euthanized due to an incurable disease that was inflicted upon the child. Although there may have been some support for the euthanization there is a possibility of controversy due to the issue revolving around the subject of assisted suicide. Education is compulsory from 6 to 18 years of age for Belgians. Mirroring the dual structure of the 19th-century Belgian political landscape, characterized by the Liberal and the Catholic parties , the educational system is segregated within a secular and a religious segment. The secular branch of schooling is controlled by the communities, the provinces, or the municipalities, while religious, mainly Catholic branch education, is organized by religious authorities, although subsidized and supervised by the communities. Nowadays, to a certain extent, cultural life is concentrated within each language Community, and a variety of barriers have made a shared cultural sphere less pronounced. Contributions to painting and architecture have been especially rich. The Mosan art , the Early Netherlandish , \\\[\\\] the Flemish Renaissance and Baroque painting \\\[\\\] and major examples of Romanesque , Gothic , Renaissance and Baroque architecture \\\[\\\] are milestones in the history of art. The avant-garde CoBrA movement appeared in the s, while the sculptor Panamarenko remains a remarkable figure in contemporary art. Belgian contributions to architecture also continued into the 19th and 20th centuries, including the work of Victor Horta and Henry van de Velde , who were major initiators of the Art Nouveau style. The vocal music of the Franco-Flemish School developed in the southern part of the Low Countries and was an important contribution to Renaissance culture. Contemporary popular music in Belgium is also of repute. Jazz musician Toots Thielemans and singer Jacques Brel have achieved global fame. Nowadays, singer Stromae has been a musical revelation in Europe and beyond, having great success. In the heavy metal scene, bands like Machiavel , Channel Zero and Enthroned have a worldwide fan-base. The poet and playwright Maurice Maeterlinck won the Nobel Prize in literature in Jacobs and Willy Vandersteen brought the Belgian cartoon strip industry a worldwide fame. Belgian cinema has brought a number of mainly Flemish novels to life on-screen. Originated in and revived in the s, the Gentse Feesten have become a modern tradition. Many highly ranked Belgian restaurants can be found in the most influential restaurant guides, such as the Michelin Guide. Contrary to their name, french fries are claimed to have originated in Belgium, although their exact place of origin is uncertain. The national dishes are ' steak and fries with salad', and ' mussels with fries '. Since the s, sports clubs and federations are organized separately within each language community. Belgians hold the most Tour de France victories of any country except France. Philippe Gilbert is the world champion. Another modern well-known Belgian cyclist is Tom Boonen. With five victories in the Tour de France and numerous other cycling records, Belgian cyclist Eddy Merckx is regarded as one of the greatest cyclists of all time. Belgium hosted the European Football Championships , and co-hosted the European Championships with the Netherlands. The Summer Olympics were held in Antwerp. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Country in Western Europe. For place in the U. This article is about the country in Europe. For other uses, see Belgium disambiguation. Coat of arms. The Brussels region is the de facto capital, but the City of Brussels municipality is the de jure capital. Main article: History of Belgium. Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third. Of all these, the Belgae are the strongest Main article: Geography of Belgium. East Flanders. Walloon Brabant. West Flanders. Main article: Provinces of Belgium. Main articles: Politics of Belgium and Belgian federal government. Philippe King of the Belgians since Main article: Communities, regions and language areas of Belgium. Main article: Foreign relations of Belgium. Main article: Belgian Armed Forces. Main article: Economy of Belgium. Further information: Science and technology in Brussels , Science and technology in Flanders , and Science and technology in Wallonia. Main article: Demographics of Belgium. This section needs to be updated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. June Main article: Languages of Belgium. Estimated distribution of primary languages in Belgium Dutch. Main article: Religion in Belgium. Main article: Healthcare in Belgium. Main article: Education in Belgium. Main article: Culture of Belgium. Further information: Folklore of Belgium. Main article: Belgian cuisine. Main article: Sport in Belgium. Belgium portal. In fact, there are only six such bodies because the Flemish Region merged into the Flemish Community. This single Flemish body thus exercises powers about Community matters in the bilingual area of Brussels-Capital and in the Dutch language area, while about Regional matters only in Flanders. Archived from the original on 27 August Retrieved 15 July For a web source on this topic, see e. Retrieved on 7 June European Commission. Archived from the original on 15 October The World Factbook. Archived from the original on 7 February Retrieved 19 December Retrieved 29 February International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 1 October Archived from the original on 20 March Retrieved 20 October Brussels, Belgium: Belgian House of Representatives. May Archived PDF from the original on 10 August Retrieved 10 September Benchmark Books. Archived from the original on 9 June Retrieved 18 June Archived from the original on 2 October Retrieved 21 June Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 31 October The capital of Belgium, Brussels, is an enclave within Flanders. Archived from the original PDF on 26 June Archived from the original PDF on 31 October Brussels is a kind of enclave within Flanders—it has no direct link with Wallonia. Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico , book 8, chapter Rezension zu Review of Cook, Bernard: Belgium. A History in German. FH-Zeitung journal of the Fachhochschule. Retrieved 24 May War Poets Collection. Archived from the original on 11 May Archived from the original on 9 August Cockpit of Europe, Belgium, as the scene of so many battles between the Powers of Europe. International models of peace and reconciliation—Diversity and civil society'. Archived from the original on 13 May Retrieved 12 August EUbusiness, Richmond, UK. Archived from the original on 7 October The Age of Imperialism Section 2. World History II. 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De nieuwe gedachten die Dodoens erin neerlegde, werden de bouwstenen voor de botanici en medici van latere generaties. This masterpiece was, after the Bible, the most translated book in that time. It continued to be republished for more than a century and for more than two centuries it was the mostly used referential about herbs. It is a work with world fame and great scientific value. The new thoughts written down by Dodoens, became the building bricks for botanists and physicians of later generations. Retrieved 11 May American Journal of Nephrology. The importance of A. Archived from the original on 6 July Retrieved 7 June The Fair Face of Flanders. Lannoo Uitgeverij. Lance Day; Ian McNeil eds. Biographical Dictionary of the History of Technology. Science History Publications. American Museum of Natural History. 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Belgian Revolution and the Independence of Belgium — Sovereign states and dependencies of Europe. States with limited recognition. Faroe Islands 1 autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark. Svalbard unincorporated area subject to the Svalbard Treaty. Member states of the European Union. United Kingdom Brexit relations. Future enlargement of the European Union. Council of Europe. Czechoslovakia — Saar assoc. Multinational Enterprises Testing of Chemicals. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Dutch Language Union. Belgium Flanders Netherlands Suriname. Indonesia South Africa. Benelux countries. La Francophonie. List of current sovereign monarchs List of current constituent monarchs. Eswatini Lesotho Morocco. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read View source View history. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag Coat of arms. Dutch French German. Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy \\\[2\\\]. Federal Parliament. Chamber of Representatives. Flemish Brabant. Brussels Capital Region. Antwerp Ghent. City of Brussels. Outline Index Book Category Portal. Denmark Faroe Islands 1 autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark. Africa Eswatini Lesotho Morocco.

Бельгия. Чаще всего туристы не рассматривают Бельгию в качестве основной точки туристического путешествия. Как правило, в бельгийском аэропорту делают пересадку и отправляются по маршруту Бенилюкса, куда входят Бельгия, Нидерланды и Люксембург.  Бельгия – конституционная парламентская монархия, на сегодняшний день правящий монарх – Филипп I, однако, фактически страной управляет премьер-министр – с года должность занимает Шарль Мишель.

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Бельгия - самая подробная информация о стране с фото. Достопримечательности, города Бельгии, климат, география, население и культура.  Бельгия - самая подробная информация о стране с фото. Достопримечательности, города Бельгии, климат, география, население и культура. Бельгия (нидерл. België, фр. Belgique, нем. Belgien). Бельгия - небольшое государство в Северо-Западной Европе. Официальное название - Королевство Бельгия.

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Бельгия на карте мира - схематической или спутниковой. Поиск на карте по адресу или названию населённого пункта.

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Бельгийские земли от Вестфальского мира до образования самостоятельного бельгийского государства в Бельгия в – Бельгия после 1-й мировой войны.  В. Горбачёв (Вооружённые силы), А. Н. Прокинова (Здравоохранение), В. И. Линдер (Спорт), Д. В. Соколова (Средства массовой информации), С. Н. Лебедев (Музыка), Д. Виллингер (Театр), В. В. Миняев (Кино)Авторы: Е. В. Баранчиков (Общие сведения), Л. А. Аксёнова (Хозяйство), А. Н. Пилипенко (Государственный строй), М.

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